White Mountain Wild Horse Roundup – Precursor to Zeroing the Herd Out
August 23, 2024
Ep #40: Consequences of the Path Forward for Wild Horses – Interview with Debbie Coffey
September 16, 2024
Have you ever wondered what the consequences of a wild horse roundup and removal might be? In this episode, I explain why I call The Bureau of Land Management’s White Mountain Herd roundup “a pre-zero roundup,” and how The Rock Springs Grazing Association’s influence in limiting wild horse populations, and the subsequent lack of transparency regarding post-roundup counts, are significant concerns.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) reused an outdated assessment and failed to conduct a new count despite severe winter conditions that reduced horse numbers. The roundup, which involved the use of helicopters, resulted in significant stress for the horses.
Listen in today as I cover how the recent White Mountain Roundup starkly highlights the urgent need for action to protect our wild horses. To safeguard the future of wild horses and prevent further herd reductions, it is crucial to spread awareness, and this episode tells you where to start.
Subscribe to my blog to get more information on how you can help America’s wild horses.
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- Why the White Mountain Roundup was flawed from the beginning.
- Why Rock Springs Grazing Association has a vested interest in avoiding a wild horse population count.
- How this roundup is affecting the genetic viability of the remaining wild horses.
- Why a zero horse population will impact tourism and deprive thousands from witnessing wild horses being free.
- What RSGA and BLM are really planning.
- How your help is urgently needed and can benefit the horses that remain wild.
Listen to the Full Episode:
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- Subscribe to my blog to get more information on how you can help America’s wild horses.
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- Living Images by Carol Walker
- Wild Hoofbeats Blog
- Wild Hoofbeats: America’s Vanishing Wild Horses by Carol Walker
- Donate to the AWHC: American Wild Horse Conservation
- See photos of the roundup here
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This is so sickening and heartbreaking. We must stop this corruption. This is the horse’s land where they need to be kept wild and free. Only monsters could do such a thing and their punishment lies on the other side. They will answer to God Almighty for their evil, greedy deeds.
It’s heartbreaking and really tragic. But I will never, really never understand why the BLM get through with the animal abuse, not counting the horses …. The BLM doesn’t follow their own rules !!!! Why they can’t be hold accountable for what they do ? They have to be sued and then they have to release the horses. Regardless of wether they have a freeze brand, are gelded, are vaccinated for birth control… It’s certain that the horses will have their best life at the range, in the wild !!! The suffering from the horses in the holding facilities is heartbreaking. And I hope that tourist will never go looking for wild horses in the holding facilities. It’s like visiting the Zoo. There is so much land, I’m thinking wild horses and cattle’s could live their together and the horses will never disturb or get to close to. And even if, what could happen? My heart is absolutely broken for these wonderful wild horses. I’m from Germany and probably visit the US next year again. I loved to see wild horses. I think I’m to late 💔
I am an owner of a Mustang captured from this area on November 15,2007. He was shipped to 2 year old then and I adopted him as a 5 year old. He was hauled to the third adoption I attended in Asheville, N.C. Tango, my boy was a “Third Striker” meaning he would be a goner as I was advised by those in the know. I was not in search for another horse, but he captured my heart because I knew the horrific ongoing eradication of Wild Horses was the agenda of ranchers and “my” crooked government in bed with ranchers who wanted the horses and burros grazing land.
Tango is still with me and everyday he reminds me how evil mankind is and the horrific means they will utilize to twist the realty in order to satisfy the meat and mining industry.
The roundups do not make sense because the cost to taxpayers as well as the helpless Wild equines doesn’t justify the actions of a bribed and corrupt government.
I am beyond outraged, yet this insanity and Wild Mustang Holocaust continues.
I thought at one time my government was fair and just, I’m a 76 year old educated in Montana woman who is calling Bullshit on my governments treatment of our nations symbol of freedom.