Wild Horses: Claro comes home at last to join Mica and Cremosso
September 3, 2011Wild Horses: Please Sign Petition to Protect Wild Horses and Burros
September 29, 2011This alert is from the Cloud Foundation. Please pass this along and get comments in today.
Tentative Panel Stacked Against Wild Horses
Dear Friends of our Wild Horses and Burros;
The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is accepting comments on their provisional committee members. The study will be reviewing the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Program. However, the current provisional committee makeup is vastly unbalanced.
An NAS committee is supposed to be balanced and free of conflicts of interest, as mandated by federal law. But the current committee members chosen for this study do not represent this impartiality. Some of the committee members have strong ties with largely anti-wild horse organizations, such as the Nevada Cattleman’s Association and the Wildlife Society.
The future of America’s wild horses and burros may rest in the hands of this NAS study. The scope of the study itself is expected to take two years to complete and is to include information on total populations, genetic diversity, annual growth rates, population control, immunocontraception, appropriate management level (AML) establishments or adjustments, and managing a portion of a population as non-reproducing.
I encourage everyone to make their own comments (which are only being accepted electronically here) on these tentatively selected committee members. Below are some talking points you can make in your comments.
You can submit your comments here no later than September 26th.
Here are some talking points you can include when you write your own comments (please use your own words):There is no one on the provisional committee who is well versed in the behavior and social structure of wild horses, which is a must for understanding the consequences of BLM management techniques.
- One member of the committee, Dr. David Thain, has clear ties with Nevada Cattleman’s Association – a clear conflict of interest.
- Two provisional committee members are tied to the Wildlife Society, an organization that has staunchly opposed wild horses.
- Some members of the committee are supportive of the drug GonaCon, a contraceptive drug that has raised serious health/side-effect concerns if used on wild horses.
- There is no one on the provisional committee who recognizes the scientific evidence that supports wild horses as a returned native species.
- The distinct lack of balance of the provisional committee needs to be rectified before the NAS conducts this review, otherwise millions of tax dollars will be wasted and the wild horse and burro populations will suffer.
Wild horses and burros again need your help. It is my sincere hope that you will take a few minutes to comment on the lack of fairness currently awarded to these national icons.
Happy Trails!
In regard to the management and sugestion of bringing in the NSA, as a “mediator”( for lack of a better word, We need strong, responsible , UNBIASED and wild horse behaviorists to better serve this position.Wild horses are far different than those of the domestic type, and need to be monitored approriately.Managed and treated with humanity and respect.I do not feel the NSA is qualified for this posiion.
Sincerely, tatiana roveda
In regard to the management and sugestion of bringing in the NSA, as a “mediator”( for lack of a better word, We need strong, responsible , UNBIASED and wild horse behaviorists to better serve this position.Wild horses are far different than those of the domestic type, and need to be monitored approriately.Managed and treated with humanity and respect.I do not feel the NSA is qualified for this posiion.
Nancy DeWitt
The provisional committee should be made up of members who understand behavior and social structure of wild horses, They should have read both sides of the issues at hand and have in consideration the welfare of the animals in question. They should be able to make decisions with full knowledge of scientific research that has been already conducted or should update the information. When individuals are appointed into this committee to making important decisions. They should be qualified and ready to answer questions and explain reasons for actions. They should have the facts that recognizes the scientific evidence that supports wild horses as a returned native species. There should be NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Please reevaluate who holds these positions and makes these decisions. There is money and lives of many wild horses at risk.
This is pretty simple. Leave God’s creatures alone. Leave them where He intended them to be. Leave the conflicts of interest out of the matter. Let no man put down what the Lord has created. He created Wild Horses and Wild Burros for a reason – let’s not second guess this miracle.
Why is it that it is SO difficult to have people involved trying to help these horses that are NOT really against them? For an animal under protection by federal law it certainly seems so conflicting all that they are going through!