Wild Horses: Two Excellent Articles on the 40th Anniversary of the 1971 Act
December 17, 2011Wild Horses: An Excellent Defense for a Returned Native Species
January 6, 2012Please act and write comments to the Bureau of Land Management by January 20th to save Cloud’s herds from another round of devastation. The Billings BLM is finally willing to accept emailed and faxed comments by 4:30 pm MST on January 20: (NEW DEADLINE!)
email: BLM_MT_Billings_FO@blm.gov fax: 406-896-5281
Mail: Jim Sparks, Field Manager
BLM Billings Field Office
5001 Southgate Drive
Billings, MT 59101
The BLM is planning to remove at least 30 young horses from the Pryor Mountains in 2012, bringing the numbers of horses in the Pryor Mountain Herd down from 150 adults, which is the minimum number necessary for genetic viability, to 120 horses, despite a high death rate last year. The BLM is not even willing to see how the horses survive the winter before making this decision which will possibly remove Cloud’s beautiful grandson Echo, and many other young horses, such as Flint’s son Jasper and Adalena, named after Congressman Raul Grijalva’s granddaughter.
Here are some points that you can include in your emails or letters, courtesy of the Cloud Foundation – but please use your own words!
From The Cloud Foundation:
- Making decisions on a 30 horse removal now could put the Pryor Wild Horse Herd in jeopary of a die-off. Natural mortality in the winter of 2011-2012 is an unknown. The number of foals to be born and survive in 2012 is also unknown.
- The population of the Pryor Wild Horse Herd is currently stable with only 150 animals one year of age or older. According to Gus Cothran, PhD, the foremost equine geneticist in the U.S., “A census population size of 150-200 is required to achieve the minimum effective population size (usually 1/4 to 1/3 of the of the total population).” Currently, the Pryor population is at this bare minimum level.
- In 2011 there was no population growth. Births equaled deaths—18 births versus 18 deaths.
- Removing 30 young horses in one year alone is risky, unnecessary and threatens the genetic viability of the herd, diminishing their ability to survive into the future.
- We urge BLM to wait and see what winter brings as far as mortality, and what the foal crop looks like in August of 2012. Late summer would be the time to assess herd growth and health as well as range health and decide on whether removals are really necessary.
- No details have been provided in this EA regarding the disposition of young horses once they are caught, other than their transport to the Britton Springs corrals at the base of the mountain. What then? Where and when would the young horses be available for adoption? These details need to be revealed to the public.
- There are no criteria cited which ensure that young horses with narrow genetic representation in the herd, unique or underrepresented colors and markings, and rigorous physical characteristics (i.e. size, health) would be retained on the range. Consideration must be given to these removal criteria to ensure that the “best” are left on the range in order for the herd to perpetuate itself into the future.
- Urge BLM to adopt the No Action Alternative.
Thank you for speaking up for Cloud’s Herd.
I have been writing, e mailing, faxing and calling. And I will NEVER stop! Keep us informed and we will share it and take action!
Shared & tweeted Carol. Thank you for all you do to spread the word and try to stop the madness. xo
Clouds Herd and all wild mustangs. Wild Horse Annie worked very hard to try and save the mustangs from extinction why can’t they be left alone today they die off naturally and don’t need to be rounded up to be put in pens that is not their style. They are abused by the BLM and it needs to stop those horses belong to the American people not the BLM and we should have a say not be ignored. We need to have those horses wild and free for generations to come for our children and their children to see and at the rate the BLM is going there won’t anymore to roam the west. Please leave them wild and free like they are supposed to be. There must be a better way to do it if the BLM can’t handle the situation then someone else needs to step up to the plate that loves and cares for animals and not abuse them. Abuse is exactly what is going on now and it must STOP!!!!!!!!
Shared, tweeted over and over…..will continue!!
May I ask just what “harm” these beautiful creatures are causing??
Is the BLM saying THEY can do a better job of management than “Nature” (or God)
Just what is the price tag for all this “management”?
Just a few questions from a city gal who loves nature & horses.
Thanks for keeping us posted, Will due as much as I can to help. I saw the story on PBS with my Grandson about Cloud and his story. I hope America wakes up. It seems the we have to destroy everything or it’s not progress.
http://www.faxzero.com for free faxes. thanks for letting us know. i will write a letter tonight. please help save cloud!
We’ve written a letter to be faxed tomorrow and will follow up with our congressman. Thank you for keeping us informed.
I have seen the show several times about Cloud and his family. It freed my Soul in a way. Why not have free roaming herds in America? It is an American tradition. The truth about the roundup is deeper than we realize. And no good can come from it.
Looks to be another bridge to nowheres here waste of tax payer dollars.With all the people out of work you people in goverment jobs are sure showing your brains here cost of fuel ect ect for something that by law is illegal there is a protection act on these animals you the BLM are abuseing these animals and should stop.
It is time for the wild horses to be left alone and let them live, to roam the hills wild and run and play this is America home of the wild horse, stop hurting them, killing them let them be.
Do you all have children would you want them to be hurt this way, put in a wire pens and uncared for? These animals belong to the people, we the people want them to be left alone to be what they are, nature is hard enough on them all by it’s self. Only the strong make it to the next season. Where is your heart?
Yes, it is time that they’ve been left alone, wild horse round ups were outlawed years ago with Wild Horse Annie, but Pres. Ford signed a bill in 1976, with the public unaware, to allow round ups and helicopters to be used, sneaky.
My father died a sudden and unexpected death when I was 12 years old. My mare Misty was the saving grace during one of the darkest times in my life. When I bought Misty from a horse trader she had been badly abused and bore deep, permanent scars. Despite the horrific treatment she suffered at the hands of a human, I slowly won her trust. Together we helped heal one another. Horses are regal, intelligent, gentle souls that deserve our dignity and respect. Americans have an obligation to preserve and protect what has been a sacred part of our heritage. Allowing the BLM to remove wild horses when the herd is at such a critical level is unthinkable. Let them run wild and free forever!
they should be able to live free in the wild
Leave the horses alone. They have a right to live in peace and freedom
Please do not slaughter this herd. The horses are a symbol of the few free creatures that are left in this country!
Money is ruining this country, it is being destroyed for greed. There are plenty of other places where wild horses do not roam where money can be made, leave our wild heritage alone!