Now is your last chance to comment on the Scoping Document for the proposed destruction of the Adobe Town and Salt Wells Creek Herds in the Red Desert in Wyoming. Please get your comments in by Friday December 7 at 4:30pm Mountain Time.
Less than three years after the removal of over 2200 horses from these two herds, the BLM is planning to round up and remove possibly all of the horses from these two herd areas due to pressure from the Rock Springs Grazing Association.
Here is a link to the scoping document:
You can comment two ways – the best way is to write your own letter in your own words, and the Cloud Foundation has some terrific suggestions of what to cover in your comments here:
You can fax, mail or email comments:
Send to:
Jay D’Ewart, Wild Horse & Burro Specialist
BLM Rock Springs Field Office
280 Highway 191 North
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Fax: (307) 352-0329
and you can also use the online form provided by the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign:
Thank you for taking the time to help protect two of the largest remaining wild horse herds in the country. Your efforts DO make a difference!
Please leave our horses alone…
Please leave these horses alone……………….
Dear Sir:
I have just watched a documentary on the BLM’s handling of wild horses. I am totally shocked as to how inept you people are. They are just as much a part of wild life as any other creature. If we can protect the snail darter fish or a rare bird why not them. Leave the horses alone. They have a right not to be placed in slaughter houses, sold for food to some fancy eatery overseas. There is to much greed on the part of the special interest that grease the hands of the upper level people. God help you for destroying these beautiful creatures. God put them here and you and all of the BLM people will answer for what you are doing to these beautiful animals.
Totally agree Georgia !! If you could see what the BLM are doing it would break your heart ! At Wild Horse Education.Org, a lady Laura Leigh is fighting with court wins against the BLM, photos, videos, front line documentation, what’s happening at each round up she attends, which is most of them ! The photos and videos the BLM lie to get out off, but the courts are seeing the truth. Great information and truth. Got to fight for all the mustangs and burros, together, we will stop this cruelty and slaughter of magnificent animals. Save the Adobe and Salt Wells Herds, spread the word, people must take a stand, everyones voice matters. Together we can do it !
It takes action. Be sure eveyone on FB and Twitter sees what is happeneing.
God will get them for what they do.
We have so many other pressing problems, I do not understand why this is being done. It saddens me. Our landscape is changing every day…I understand that. But what I dont understand is if there is people willing to help these herds why not except that help?Sometimes in life we all need some help. I’m afraid we will no longer see any wild grazing animals. I myself would like someday to see these magnificient animals free roaming in these states.When I think of Wyoming I think of Cowboys and horses together..roaming the hills and valleys of which they both grown.There has to be other alternatives! This is one more animal in which my grandchildern will not get to see ROAM FREE.
Leave these beautiful wild creatures alone. The world is definitely large enough for us all!
I don’t understand how such a glorious animal, that is supposed to be protected, has become so dispensable!!! They were here before the grazers, so leave them be!!!
Please allow these dear animals to live and find some way other then murdering them , move them to a better spot where they are not a problem to you ! What is the reason for harming these wonderful animals ANYWAY ! Horse have always been one of Gods Wonders ! Thank-you ! Sincerely Judy Paul
Leave these majestic horses alone. This is where they belong. They contribute so much that is truly positive to life on Earth and to the general quality of life. Here is my rebuttal to a Reno Gazette Journal piece today:
Craig Downer’s rebuttal to lopsided article in today’s (12/9/12) Reno Gazette Journal:
This treatment of the wild horse situation is much too narrow and therefore misleads people reading it. In fact, the wild horses are being over-removed and their population numbers are at dangerously low levels. It is very remiss that the relative proportion of the numbers of wild horses vis-a-vis livestock on
the public lands, particularly on the same public lands that are legal wild horse areas were not given. This would have given the public a much truer and fairer picture of what is happening. I am a wildlife ecologist and spent over 4 years writing a book that was published earlier this year. It is entitled The Wild Horse Conspiracy and is a well-rounded description of what is going on with the wild horses and also burros. These are being treated with the most extreme forms of dishonesty and dishonorable and actually illegal motivations. I thoroughly expose these in my book, yet my book is primarily a positive book about the wild horses and burros. It presents proofs as to why they should be considered as native species in North America, and how, as a different type of ungulate herbivore with a post-gastric, rather than a ruminant digestive system, these equids (members of the horse family) greatly and positively contribute to restoring the ecosystem through building its soils, dispersing the seeds of a great variety of its plants, etc. There has been a real conspiracy to discredit and eliminate these wonderful presences from the West. We should allow these species to refill their ancient and long-standing ancestral niches, niches that are largely empty today and whose refilling greatly restores the health and exuberance of the life community, enhancing its biodiversity and lending a beautiful grace to the land. This is a quality of life issue. It is not all about materialistic greed and blind tradition. Please read my book if you are at all interested in knowing the greater story about the wild horses.
So sad to be sure! In our area, here in the Virginia Range, NV, the Dept. of Agriculture is in charge of our Wild Horses. They are picking up whole herds on a weekly basis and sending them to livestock auctions where slaughter house buyers are waiting with pockets full of money to buy, ship, and sell the horses to Canadian and Mexican slaughter houses to provide Table Food of our precious Horses! We think this is Awful! Until we can rangle this away from the NDoA, and give it to the American Wild Horses Protection Advocates, this will continue to happen! We don’t necessarily need new laws to protect the horses as much as seeing that the laws are abided by!
If everyone writes or email’s the Governors Office, we might get through to the correct authorities.
These horses play a huge role in the ecosysytem that they live in, therefore it is important to save them and keep them on the land. They do not only serve a significant importance in the nvironment but also they serve as a symbol of what america is supposed to give people. They represent Freedom, hope, courage, inspiration, determination and relentless will to live. They represent the things we all wish to have in our lives, they give us hope. We see their courage and gain from it, learn from it. If all people were like horses, we would all have a true understanding of ourselves and those around us.
Please allow the American Wild Horse Advocates to be in charge of the Virginia Range Wild Horses again! The Nevada Dept. of Agriculture has made a stinking mess of the horse management and say they don’t even want to do it anymore! For God’s sake please don’t let this senseless system in operation at this time continue! It’s not the horse’s fault these people can’t get their *#%} together!
It is past Dec 7 so is it too late to write a letter? What is the latest on this?
It’s obvious this is about greed. These horses are being pushed out and slaughtered for cows that too will be slaughtered for Big Macs. I’m vegan because eating meat is not necessary and does a lot of damage in so many ways. May God Bless and protect these precious horses!
Dear Ashley, it is too late to write a letter for the Scoping Document but we are now waiting for the Environmental Assessment to be released – we will have 30 days to comment on that once it comes out and I will be posting about that.
Please have someone else in charge of these horses.Bless all the horses