Wild Horses: Mica Wears a Saddle for the First Time
August 6, 2012
Wild Horses: Mica Meets Monty
September 9, 2012The Wild Horse Freedom Federation has just launched a letter writing campaign to stop the roundups and removals of our wild horses from our public lands. R.T. and Terry Fitch will hand deliver these letters to Washington D. C. in September, and their goal is over 6000 letters.
Read about their very worthy project here, and you can fill out your letter right on their form – no paper or stamps necessary! Please pass this along.
From the Wild Horse Freedom Federation:
Dear fellow equine advocates;
Over the past several years the frustration and agitation surfacing in common everyday Americans over the rapid and unnecessary roundup and removal of federally protected wild horses and burros from their rightful public land has been growing exponentially.
Said frustration has pushed average citizens, such as ourselves, to extraordinary measures in an effort to either facilitate dialogue with the offending governmental agencies or to effect change through legal litigation in an effort to insist that the violators follow the very laws they are charged to uphold. To date, our efforts have paled in light of the intensity and volume of disputed roundups and continued mismanagement of the very equines that the Bureau of Land Management is tasked to protect.
From our personal perspective, Terry and I have had enough. Our fight through Wild Horse Freedom Federation (WHFF) is ongoing but we are turning up the volume by hand-carrying over 6,000 individual letters to the President asking him to “Stop the Stampedes” so that appropriate science and sound management techniques can be applied before our western states are devoid of America’s most treasured national icons; our wild horses and burros.
Read on here, and get the form to fill out to generate your letter:
Thankyou for such a wonderful blog and bringing awareness to this issue, I for sure will be sharing this!
How are government could allow such cruelty to are wild horses is shameful, greedy ,and spineless. This is a matter that needs your quick action with no second thoughts! SET THEM FREE!