Wild Horses: The BLM Must Not Be Allowed to Destroy Wild Herds for Eco-Sanctuary
September 12, 2012
Wild Horses: Mica’s First Ride
October 17, 2012Wild Horses In Estes Park, Colorado this week! Talk and Art Show
“An Evening With Cloud and Other Wild Horses”
Thursday October 11, 2012, 6:30-8:00 pm
Estes Park Resort (formerly Lake Shore Lodge)
1701 Big Thompson Ave in Estes Park
Ginger Kathrens, Emmy Award-winning film-maker and Executive Director of The Cloud Foundation,
will give a presentation.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about her life with the young
wild palomino colt she named Cloud, the Pryor Wild Horse Herd, and her fight to
protect our American wild horses.
Free-will Donations accepted to benefit the Cloud Foundation
New! Mica and other mustangs will be available for a meet and greet in front of the resort starting at 5:30pm before the talk.
Art Show at the Cultural Arts Council of Estes Park
423 W. Elkhorn Ave., Estes Park, Colorado
• October 12 – November 11, “Wild Horses – Wild Lands”, Features 2 and 3 dimensional art works reflecting the majesty and beauty of America’s wild
horses. Learn about the Cloud Foundation, dedicated to the preservation of wild horses on our public lands, and the protection of Cloud’s herd in the
Arrowhead Mountains of Montana. Opening Reception: 10/12/12 5 to 8 PM. Public Invited. Free.
horses. Learn about the Cloud Foundation, dedicated to the preservation of wild horses on our public lands, and the protection of Cloud’s herd in the
Arrowhead Mountains of Montana. Opening Reception: 10/12/12 5 to 8 PM. Public Invited. Free.