Wild Horses: Comments Due June 20 on Great Divide Basin Roundup – will it be another sterilized herd?
June 18, 2011
Wild Horses: Cremosso Comes Home to Mica
July 19, 2011The BLM finally released their Modified Decision Record for the White Mountain and Little Colorado Herds. There will be no spaying of mares, but only 177 gelded stallions will be returned, divided between both areas. The plan is to keep “minimally reproducing herds.”
Here is the Press Release from the BLM:
At the Statewide Hearing for the Wyoming roundups planned this summer which happened last night, BLM representatives made it clear that although they will not be spaying mares in these two herds, the spaying of mares option will not go away for future roundups of other Wyoming herds. In other words, they are throwing a bone this time, but their real plan is to sterilize all of the Wyoming herds, and include spaying of mares along with castration of stallions as the method.
This is serious. This is the plan for the future for all wild horse herds. We must stop it, or there will be no herds of wild horses left very soon – just geldings.
Please contact your Senators and Congressmen.
The American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign has posted a link where you can send a letter to the President to protest this new and horrific BLM policy:
I find it incredible that Corporate ranchers that have a record of animal abuse in their own industry can find the time to leach off of the tax payers by using federal land and placing pressure on weak minded ignorant politicians like Wallace and Lummis to due their bidding. Example: Calling the BLM to fly in and precede in killing off natural predditors like wolf’s that are proven to keep the ecosystem in check; by taking out the weak and the sick. That’s there job in life. The BLM has not business shooting wolfs on behalf of cattle ranchers.
To the delight of the Cattle industry/corporate ranches That they have that much political pull to endorse the most inhumane thing to another species(wild Mustangs) that was on the land first and is under federal protection since 1971. To violently roundup, torment than confine them to a very small space to later do surgery on them is cruel and inhumane. BLM’s HITLER!
To sterilize and entire herd and decimate the 2/3 population just to make a quick buck; which begs the question who’s pockets are getting padded for this recent event that is about to unfold like a nightmare. Farm subsidies should stop to this industry if they have that much power than they should do fine with out it.
Salazar being a former rancher is clearly swayed and is conflicted. The lack of oversight in his former occupation as a rancher and all who follow him still ring true in every venture to severely reduce every band across the west including WY to almost nothing on behalf of corporate beef Ranches at Tax payer expense mind you.
When at what point do you say enough to ranchers and agency’s that fold to their bidding?
My questions to the Obama administration, Are you really paying attention to the Waste and corruption at the expense for a little rise in campaign points?
Is is a normal practice to ignore the requests of the tax paying citizens who pay your salary by the way; to continue on this line of disrespect?
Just think of what your doing before you answer any of these questions.
Thank You
Elizabeth A. Morgan
For the BLM to do this properly/humanely, they need to NOT geld the existing fathers/stallions, for it will upset the balance of the band. They need to humanely geld select foals.
The democracy in action letter (and any letter) could also be cc’d to the entire Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board, early and often!
I am posting this everywhere today. July 8th deadline for nominations for Utah RAC.