Wild Horses: BLM Helicopter Pilot’s Conduct ruled as “Inhumane” at Triple B Roundup Hearing
August 31, 2011
Wild Horses: Claro comes home at last to join Mica and Cremosso
September 3, 2011Wild Horses: Comments Needed for a Management Plan for Wild Horses in Northern Wyoming
Take Action: Submit Comments on Plan That Will Affect Mustangs in Northern Wyoming for Next 20 Years
Our Chance to Weigh in for the Wild Horses of McCullough Peaks & Fifteenmile HMAs is Now!

The U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is revising a decades-old land plan that will set wild horse management policy in the McCullough Peaks and Fifteenmile Herd Management Areas (HMAs) for the next 20 years. The area affected by the Bighorn Basin Resource Management Plan Revision also includes five Herd Areas where wild horses were found in 1971 when the Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act was passed, but which the BLM has subsequently “zeroed out” for wild horse use.
This is the stage in plan development in which the BLM will set forage and water allocations and make land use decisions on which Authorized Management Levels (AMLs) for wild horses are based. It is critcally important that we flood the public record with comments from citizens who want to see the AMLs for wild horses increased in these areas and wild horses restored to those “zeroed out” Herd Areas where only private livestock are now allowed to graze. Please take easy action below to submit your comments today! The deadline is September 7, so please do not delay!
The BLM is determined to get rid of wild horses one way or another. There is plenty of room for cattle and horses. The AML’s for wild horses should be increased and not decreased.
Quit rounding up the horses…AND if you do any rounding up, do it on horseback
with real cowboys…leave these horses where they are. BLM commits cruelty after cruelty and kills these horses without a second thought. Anyone else would be
What ever happened to the BLM protecting the Wild Mustangs !!! over the years you have done very little to help them … and everthing to eliminate them from the public lands that they roam … STOP … rounding them up and desimating these herds … STOP pleasing the cattle industry by getting rid of mustangs … let them live naturally and let nature take it’s course … AML’s need to understand that there is not to many Mustangs on this land … DO NOT … decrease the number of Mustangs that will be allowed to excist on this land … There is room for all to live peacefully …