Wild Horses: One Year Later the Adobe Town Appaloosas are Thriving at Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary
February 24, 2016Carol Walker Presenting on Wild Horses and Horse Photography at Rocky Mountain Horse Expo This Weekend
March 7, 2016
A wild horse family in McCullough Peaks
Carol Walker, Director of Field Documentation for Wild Horse Freedom Federation and award-winning photographer and author will be on Voices Carry For Animals with host Debbie Dahmer on Blog Talk Radio Tuesday March 1.
Carol will be speaking about her experiences with wild horses over the past 12 years. Her new book Galloping to Freedom chronicles the journey of several families of wild horses rounded up in Wyoming by the BLM and finally reunited at Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary.
Carol is dedicated to keeping our wild horses wild and free on our public lands, and she will speak about the challenges currently facing them, such as the BLM’s plans to sterilize wild mares using cruel and dangerous spaying techniques in holding facilities and in the field. She will also discuss the BLM’s plans (via the new 2017 budget proposal) to send wild horses to state and local agencies in order to funnel them into the slaughter pipeline.
***Join Us*** ((LIVE)) Marti Oakley TS Radio ” Voices Carry for Animals # 79″ on Blog Talk Radio (Internet)
Listen here:
Tuesday- March 1st, 2016 at 5:00 pm PST … 600 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST … 8:00 pm EST
Hosted By Debbie Dahmer
Guest will be: Carol Walker- Wild Horse Freedom Federation- Director of Field Documentation
“Putting People between Wild Equines and Extinction.”
Call In # (917) 388-4520 and listen by phone and press 1 to speak…Please Spread the word!! Thank You!~~
1 Comment
Please write to every advisory board member with our concerns. They need to be held accountable to PROTECT the wild herds.
Wild Horse and Burro Advocacy
Ms. June Sewing
Executive Director
National Mustang Association
P.O. Box 1367
Cedar City, Utah 84720
Term expires: 03/30/2018
Public Interest
Ms. Jennifer Sall
1745 Hillcrest Dr.
Lander, Wyoming 82520
Term expires: 03/30/2018
Public Interest
Mr. Fred T. Woehl, Jr.
2151 Watkins Road
Harrison, Arkansas 72601
Term expires: 04/03/2017
Wild Horse and Burro Research
Dr. Sue M. McDonnell, Ph. D.
1814 Lenape Unionville Road
West Chester, Pennsylvania 19382
Humane Advocacy
Mr. Timothy J. Harvey
56 Beebe River Road
Campton, New Hampshire 03223
Term expires: 03/11/2016
Livestock Management
Mr. John Falen
Whole Ranch Road
P.O. Box 132
Orovada, Nevada 89425
Term expires: 03/11/2016
Natural Resources Management
Dr. Robert E. Cope, DVM
1606 Main Street
Salmon, Idaho 83467
Term expires: 04/03/2017
Wildlife Management
Mr. Rick E. Danvir
4251 Donegal
Casper, Wyoming 82609
Term expires: 03/11/2016
Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Julie Weikel, DVM
32994 S Harney Lake Ln.
Princeton, Oregon 97721
Term expires: 03/30/2018