Wild Horses: BLM Proposes Testing Dangerous Infertility Drug on WY Wild Horses
August 5, 2012
Wild Horses: Join the “Stop the Stampedes” Campaign
August 23, 2012Wild Horses: Mica Wears a Saddle for the First Time
Last week, Rich Scott came over to work with me and my mustangs, and trim their feet.
Rich started with Cremosso.
It had been a few months since I had caught the boys, so they had fun running around a bit first.
Then it was Claro’s turn for a trim – Mica had to keep him company as he walked toward the pen.
Then it was Mica’s turn. He is always very easy to catch because he is so interested in everything going on, he just wants to participate.
This time, after trimming Mica’s feet, Rich decides to introduce Mica to a saddle for the first time. This is in preparation for the time next year when Mica will be started under saddle.
Rich pulls out the pad, shakes it, and puts it on Mica’s back, and Mica is a bit surprised at first, but then relaxes. He isn’t sneaky or careful about it, but just puts it right on there. The goal with training Mica is not to have to do everything softly and gently so he doesn’t spook, but to get him so that he can tolerate it if I make mistakes or don’t do things exactly right.
Next, Rich puts his western saddle on Mica. At first, Mica seems to think he cannot move with that thing on his back, but with some encouragement from Rich he starts moving more and more confidently.
Next, because this saddle does not have a back cinch, Rich decides to simulate a back cinch by putting a rope around Mica in approximately where it would lie so he gets used to something around him there. He bucks a couple of times, then settles down. After this, a light English dressage saddle will be a piece of cake!
Pretty quickly, Mica gets used to the rope as just one more thing, nothing to be concerned about. Rich moves him in both directions with the rope on.
Once Rich unsaddles and releases Mica, he goes to greet the boys – no doubt to tell them all about it.
Thanks for sharing Carol!
What a wonderful post. Thank you.
Oh, Carol, they are growing up!!! What a ‘big boy’ Mica was. Have Cremosso and Claro been started under saddle yet? Love the update, thank you!
your mustangs look very happy I also have 2 adopted mustangs 2 and 3 yrs old filly kachina and gelding Comanche from BLM in palomino valley Nevada ive started them both myself i wonder if u have seen my posts on their progress? would like to share them too. im riding kachina on the trail which she loves and soon on to Comanche.
they are amazing horses and now that im on The Mustang Foundation trainers list it would be nice to get to know more people who are interested in the future of these great horses.
thanks Francesca wood
Great series of pictures of the boys and Mica’s adventure. I will tell Sax all about how well his friend is doing. I’m sure he will be very proud of Mica!!
Thanks for sharing,
Wonderful pictures. Love those Adobe Town horses, maybe because I have one. Rode her this morning and am always so pleased with how connected to me she is.
Carol, I so Enjoy your posts on~your~Incredible~Boys~¤ You & they –give me *Hope*! (on an 0therwise |dark day| )
so, thanx! They are splendidly Magnificent, (& so are You)! SMILES show so clearly in their Eyes ;D
Lovely Photos of Beautiful Horses. Thank You For Sharing:)
Way to go Mica! Can’t wait to see when you’ll be riding him. All of your boys look great!