Adobe Town family band
The Bureau of Land Management has released an Environmental Assessment for the roundup and removal of wild horses from Adobe Town and Salt Wells Creek in the Red Desert of Wyoming. Comments are due by June 10, 2013.
Here is the link to the Environmental Assessment online:

Adobe Town family pursued by bachelor stallions
The BLM is determined to follow though on their planned removal of wild horses in Adobe Town and Salt Wells Creek despite the need for cutbacks in every other area of government. Somehow they were able to obtain $6 million dollars for helicopter roundups a month ago for these and other roundups days before the Consent Decree of 2013 was signed by the judge. More information on the case can be found here: http://wildhorsepreservation.org/media/federal-court-grants-wild-horse-groups%E2%80%99-request-intervene-grazing-association-lawsuit-aiming-0
In this Environmental Assessment, the BLM wants to remove 85% of the wild horses in Salt Wells Creek, an area of over 1 million acres.

Several families grazing in Adobe Town near sunset
Some specific items that I object to in this Environmental Assessment:
1. The numbers that the BLM is basing their need for roundup and removal on were obtained in May 2012. Their projections are a fairy tale at best. They should have conducted a direct count in May 2013 so that their numbers have even a remote chance of being accurate. They have projected population growth based on a very high 20% growth rate, with no accounting for any mortality, and also they are counting the projected foals of 2013 in order to arrive at their conclusion that Adobe Town is over low AML, which is 610 horses. A roundup should not be scheduled unless the herd is over AML, not low AML, and the numbers should not include the current year’s foal crop.

Two wild stallions in Adobe Town
3. The range conditions have changed significantly since 2012. There has been a winter and spring including enough moisture that wild horse removal should not be considered a “necessity” and an “emergency.”

Salt Wells Creek family band
4. A statement in the EA that concerns me very much is this:
“All wild horses on private lands and on the checkerboard lands within the ATSW Complex would be removed in accordance with the 2013 Consent Decree.”
Does this mean in addition to the 85% of wild horses that will be removed from Salt Wells Creek? Does this mean that all horses in Salt Wells Creek on the checkerboard lands will be removed? Much of Salt Wells Creek is in the checkerboard area, and if horses “move freely” between Adobe Town and Salt Wells Creek, then they can move just as freely on and off the checkerboard. How will this be interpreted? How can they prove that a particular horse is in one area or another given that wild horses move frequently?

Adobe Town bachelor stallion
5. I have no objection to the use of fertility control, and I applaud the decision to utilize 2 year PZP rather than the more extreme methods proposed in the Consent Decree of sterilization to manage these herds. But fertility control should have been utilized many years before it was first used in these two areas. The goal of the BLM should be to use fertility control to maintain their population goals rather than helicopter roundups and removals.

In 3 days this month, I saw 3x as many cattle as horses in Adobe Town and Salt Wells Creek
6. One issue that always get shunted off to “outside the scope” of this document is livestock use and the need to reduce it. This spring I witnessed herds of sheep moving through Adobe Town just as the grass was starting to come up, a critical time as anyone with any knowledge of range management knows, and this is very destructive to the range. Then a month later, when the range has not had any chance to recover, there are cattle grazing in these same areas. It does not require a degree in range science to see how destructive to the range this is, and yet somehow only the wild horses are deemed capable of providing negative impacts on the range. Reduce the livestock use, and all of the animal using the range will benefit.

A mare and her newborn foal in Adobe Town
7. Although in the comments this was dismissed as “outside the scope” of this document, a real concern is what will happen to these horses that are removed from their homes? With holding facilities at capacity it makes absolutely no sense to remove any of these horses from the range this year. The “emergency” created by livestock lessors who desire no wild horses on the checkerboard area has led to decisions that are extremely expensive to the tax payer and to the wild horses who will be deprived of their homes, families and freedom. I believe that there should be an “Alternative D” – treat the mares with fertility control, and do not remove any horses from the range.

A bachelor stallion in Adobe Town
In the absence of an “Alternative D”, I select Alternative C, No Action Alternative, No removal.
This is until the BLM gets an accurate and current population count that does not include the current year’s foals and takes into account the current range conditions.
Please submit your comments by 4:30pm on June 10, 2013.
Using your own words is always best.
You can mail them to this address:
Jay D’Ewart
Wild Horse and Burro Specialist
280 Highway 191 North
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Or comment by email to this address:
Please include ATSW Public Comment in the subject line of the email

A mare and stallion in Salt Wells Creek
What can you do to help, beyond submitting your comments? Donate to the two legal funds that are fighting to keep wild horses in Wyoming’s Red Desert:
The American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign:
The Cloud Foundation:

Wild horses run across a vast landscape in Adobe Town
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we the American, people, tax payers, want our American horses free on public land and do not want them removed so wealthy cattle owners can use that land to graxe cattelmat the expense of our horses. The BLM has created horrifying situations for these American icons so please let them be free and part of our American Heritage.
Stop spending our money to remove our horses The wild horses belong to us all NOT just you The only reason you are rounding them up is to line your pockets with blood money from the slaughter buyers
Thank you I couldn’t have said it better!! The horses are dying dt roundups the American people need to stand together and oppose this The horse herds are getting so small they are bound to inbreed if we don’t do something
I will keep on writing and emailing as long as it takes to get these horses some safety in their own range–what the blm is doing to our horses is a damn crime, but money does talk and “bullshit” walks, as in the bigtime ranchers and their big time lobbyists —-and the stupid cows.
I find this very troubling. You mention the BLM spending 6mm dollars of tax payer money in helocopter rides to determine the necessity of the herd removal. How many dollars are they going to spend in care for these animals once rounded up? I believe in letting the wild horses run free. They were here LONG before our domesticated cattle and sheep. If we need to manage the land, let’s start by managing the amount of cattle and sheep competing for grazing rights. What’s next – our elk?
James…your question as to how many dollars they spend…How much does a bullet to the brain cost, they will slaughter these gorgeous creatures without blinking an eye…just as they did the buffalo and the native americans…watch out for we might be next.
Reference comment #4. based upon these question, will there be another attempt to stop the round up based upon ambiguous statement of the final judgement or the plan for round up? Seems to me, it is the total number of Wild Horses that is the issue of the final decision, not necessarily where they roamed and should the total number be at the Low Alt, then round up is not required…. Am I understanding this correctly? I want to write a letter and use much of your comments but also want to be sure I understand so that I don’t write something that could be construed as supporting round-up. I sure don’t believe $6M tax payer’s money should be used for round-up, when there are so many sick Wild Horses in holding pens that need care. $6M could do alot to provide watering whole in the checkerboard area that is not private land and create an environment that would cause the Wild Horse to not spend time on the private land. and the use of PDZ is another option that the $6M could be applied to fund. Round up and housing is just not cost effective.
There is ambiguity here Nancy. Much of Salt Wells Creek is in the checkerboard lands, alternating private and public lands, and the checkerboard area is not fenced off from the area of only public land – so they question becomes, will the BLM stretch this “removal from private lands” to removal from all checkerboard and adjoining lands, meaning that there should be no horses at all in Salt Wells Creek? And how do you prove that a horse is on only private lands or public lands when they move constantly? They are proposing to use birth control PZP.
For God’s sake leave them alone. You already have more wild horses in captivity than you know what to do with. What ever happened to “We the People.”? We the people don’t want these horses removed and sent to holding pens or slaughter.
Leave these beautiful animals alone,they don’t deserve such treatmenet. Spend the money on looking after the country from terrorists and such like …
Wild horses as American as our land, Let them run free, stop spending the taxpayers to remove our horses. Free all the horses have in holding pens, there free, let them remain that way… Stop the Greed, STOP SPENDING OUR MONEY
I hate these roundups…I understand herd culls as in the over population of deer and elk…why in Gods name are we allowing a whole herd to be wiped out…one with any brain can guess, but as everything else in this good ole USA…we have no say…stand up people!! I am sure this comment won’t be posted either..so much for free speech!
Shame on you for for spending our money trying to getr rid of one of the great things we have in America, our wild horses.
Shame on you for for spending our money trying to getr rid of one of the great things we have in America, our wild horses.
blm needs to be stopped- it is NOT doing the right thing for the Mustangs but for the ranchers and big business. for years they’ve been getting away with murder- but WE the American people know what’s going on and it needs to be STOPPED!!!! NOW!!!!! gov’t should not be above the law that they are supposed to enforce- and roundups using helicopters is ABUSE!!!!!!!!!
I believe our current Godforsaken Government needs to go…..plain and simple. Nothing will change until we get them out of the picture, out of office. They were set up to work for us and look at us now…. We allow them to control us. It’s time to stop sitting by while they waste our money!
Count me as one who is AGAINST the BLM on this.
I have run out of words to describe the practices of the DOI. Whether it is the BLM or Department of Forestry. They disregard the law and the will of the American people. How many petitions, emails to congress, begging this agency to stop will it take for this country, our wild herds, our natural resources need to be destroyed before greed, corruption, cruelty, and lack of empathy and compassion ends. With the struggles in American so many face how do people sleep at night knowing tax payees money is being used to destroy the country we love and all that we hold precious. I find myself asking God to please please intercede because the totally lack of ethics and regard for our country is out of control and the world we leave for future generations isn’t a pretty one. So what do we do? How do we stop these atrocities? How do we get people to recognize the impact of their actions? How?????? Beyond understanding why. heartbroken 🙁
The governments will never stop at spending our money to get rid of something that had already cost nothing. I bet the situation would be different if it was a big oil industry wishing to be removed. This world is not about compassion and saving anything for the future. It is about rape pillage and destroy, just so that someone can get a little bit richer. It has always been and always will. It will not end until the world is gone. This discussion is futile. The fat get fatter and the rich get richer. Ugly people and an Ugly world.
Leave these horse alone and let them be free! People are greedy and dont know how to appreciate what these great animals have dont for us! They helped build this country! Its more theirs then ours. We make them do the dirty work and we sit aside and dispose of them when we are done! Ranchers have more than enough land for cattle. Its sad that in the future we may have to tell our children about the “legend” of the wild horse because they wont exist anymore. Stop killing these horses and leave them alone. They are not hurting people, or killing things. They simply want to run free! We the people wont stop until you stop!!!
Many of the above were more prolific, but we are all saying the same thing: STOP KILLING OUR HERITAGE! THEY ARE OUR HORSES AND OUR LAND AND WE KEEP SPEAKING OUT — BUT NOONE LISTENS!!! STOP! STOP!!! STOP!!!!!!!!! IN GOD’S NAME, STOP IT!!!
As we have seen in the past, most of the cattle ranchers and their lobbyist pay big money to make sure they get what they want when they kick and scream like spoiled brats. Lord, bring back corporal punishment for spoiled people who take from this country and never even try to give back. Most of these cattle ranchers have had leases passed down from generation to generation; and the new public lands opened up to cattle ranchers and sheep herders did not allow for lands to be opened or horses to migrate or to be moved to equal amounts of grazing and water spaces. Now, we will see the next things such as fracking. I believe the last time I went to the BLM site, it wasn’t about anything like land management, it was about installing oil rigging, and such things as future projects. I do know that they are planning on keeping Canada’s corproation (BP) in business by spreading those pipelines; and fracking companies are trying to get as much in as possible. If they take on fracking, they will find that the chemicals that are injected into the ground to make the explosive charges also causes water table damage (poisoned water) and can cause earth quakes (as it did here in the state that I live in, south of where I live, in Arkansas). Next they will try to squeeze by selling off the public lands to cattle ranchers without much public notification, as little as necessary. These cattle ranchers and sheep herders do not own the land, they lease the land. But, the lease is so close to ownership, that BLM retains a very small percentage of ownership, leaving the control of the wild horse population to the lease owner so that they can do as they please to the wild horses and burros. It is not documented how many times any harm has come to these wild horses and burros, they can not even do an accurate count of the herds. As to the way they determine the removal, they have a software program, made up by some person at a university that could care less about the welfare and the habitat of the wild horses, and this software counts foals and also counts the mating habits of each stallion as if each time they mate (I think the idea was 20 times/day or something ridiculous like that) the mare will foal. As we all know, some of these mares will never foal because no matter how many pzp shots you give a mare, it only takes that one time to permanently sterilize her. If they even gauged the mares to be a certain age and then sterilized them, it would be something that would at least, be thought worthy. If they determined that some of the stallions were old and needed to be casterated, they could do that with a little understanding – that they understood about herd management and actual word of “land management”. Holistic herd management and land management has never been used by BLM under this DOI Secretary. This DOI Secretary is from the places where it would not be unheard of to be serving horse meat and needless to say, it is why she was appointed DOI. I can still write letters and make calls. I am like many others, looking for that particular combination that makes things work. I know that Declan Gregg, Children 4 Horses, are the hugest champions of the horses. I know that if we fight and try to figure this maze out (and we do not have lobbyists!) then Declan Gregg and all the children with Children 4 Horses and other children will be able to stop worrying about the horses and find something else wonderful to do, like be a child for a change, instead of addressing congress and the media about what adults are doing to destroy whats left of their heritage in the horses.
Jennie B. made some good points. Brought to mind the methodical way the government works. The U.S.history as it pertains to the American Indian is reflected by the “wild and free” horses. Indians were conseidered to be wild and free savages, the fauna of the earth, needing to be civilized or exterminated.
They had to get rid of the buffalo to make way for the iron horse (the rail road). Now they have to get rid of the horses to make way for the dirty needle of the pipelines to be enjected into our sacred mother, the earth.
The U.S. practice of greed/capitalism is the primary motive behind massive destruction but I guess some americans won’t wake up until it hits them in their own pocket book.
In the mean time people with heart and unshackled minds have got to come together, stand up and speak OUT!
Those wild horses are part of my American Heritage and I don’t want my wild horses destroyed. Also who allotted that $6,000,000 handout? I am a tax payer and I have a right to know to whom and who gave my tax money for this project. We the people should have voting rights concerning our wild horses and their care. Evidently whoever is in charge likes to give our tax payer money to the wind. There is enough land for the horses with the cattle and sheep. Time to settle this once and for all time.
Joan, totally agree with your statements.
I am heart broke every time this comes up. The government goes on and on about the money they receive from the ranchers, really !! ? What about the money WE the people pay in taxes ? Doesn’t that account for something ? Couldn’t the 6 million they just happened to have found to do the round up be used somewhere else for something WAY more important, like the Social Security fund ? Now how much will it cost to keep these horse in corrals and be fed ? This is really upsetting me big time. WE the people are NOT being heard about several issues concerning OUR land. WHAT right does the government have to disregard our feelings towards this ? I think it’s time to CUL the friggen ranchers and politicians.
Leave these horses alone please they’re there to be free and roam that is their land not yours
you are wrong. BLM, you are wrong. why is it hard for you to act in an honest manner and a spiritual way? god made here, god made us here. we are all spiritual beings here. would that it be a garden for horses as well as men. ours is holy land, and we love our home. the horse feels no differently. the spirit of the horse has done no wrong towards you BLM. the BLM is unjustified for its misrepresentation of things that belong to the land, the land god made here for us all. those horses belong to god, not BLM. we all should be thankful everyday more and more so, for such a treasure of not only national significance, but of international importance, as well. BLM = dishonest (and crooked)
Part of my letter to Jay D’Ewart, I believe Bill Taliaferro is either current Director of Rock Springs Grazing Assn or past Director, but still on the Board (amongst many):
To have any type of credibility in your reports, you need to include and address livestock grazing. You don’t just ‘manage’ the wild horses but the land that is utilized by lessees. Live observation reports that sheep were grazing en masse on new range this past spring and a month later, cattle were observed grazing on range that had no chance to recover from the sheep. What type of ‘range management’ is this? And yet, somehow, only wild horses are deemed capable of providing negative impact on the range. When I read that RSGA (2007) ‘Today, the grazing association has about 50,000 to 70,000 sheep and about 5,000 cattle using its deeded and leased lands. That’s compared to 200,000 to 300,000 sheep when the grazing association was first formed.’ and (2013) ‘Bill Taliaferro, owner of Green River Livestock, is the largest sheep rancher in Sweetwater County. “Lamb is a popular meat with the consuming public, so we are concentrating on our reproductive levels so we can produce 3,500 or 3,600 lambs out of every 2,500 ewes,” Taliaferro says. “We used to run 225,000 sheep every winter, but now we’re down to 50,000.’ Against how many wild horses? 2,010?? 2,894??? And we haven’t even tallied the cattle grazed on this land.
Reduce the livestock use and all of the animals using the range will benefit.
Please leave these beautiful creatures God created alone, to live in peace out west.
I as a native taxpaying American,should I along with other American’s who pay our taxes,should 100 percent not pay for the SO BLM DO ROUNDUPS , TAKE OUR AMERICAN HORSES OFF THERE LAND , PUT them IN HOLDING PENS FOR ADOPTION OR FOR KILL BUYERS TO BUY THEM FOR SLAUGHTER.I won’t pay for your terrorism on our horses! I think y’all should be fired, prosecuted for your cold blood murder that you put on those free roaming horses.My question to the BLM , how can you live with your terroristic acts?
Our land is also their land. Sensible measures to keep the West with its character, its lure for tourists and natives alike!
That 6 million $ for rounding up should be used to feed and care for the horses or help them somehow. Please LISTEN to the taxpayers !! There is room for the horses…STOP this nonsense NOW !! Make room for the horses !!
Our tax payer dollars should not be used to let cattle & sheep ranchers graze their herds on our public land in order to get rich. We are well aware that the BLM is trying to claim there is not enough water and food supply for the Wild Horses, but we are not stupid and we know this is false information. Get the Cattle and Sheep ranchers off the public land that was set aside for our beautiful Wild Horses to live on. What you are doing to these wonderful icons of our heritage and history is sickening and wrong! I, as a tax payer, as not okay with the BLM using my tax dollars for the profit of some. Let the wild horses be freed from the short and long term holding facilities and put them back in the wild where they belong! The BLM will see to it that our Wild Horses will become extinct if they are not stopped from rounding up, or as they prefer to tag it “gathering” the Wild Horses.
What is wrong with these government officials, lawyers and judges?? Why on earth would money be wasted on destroying the natural beauty and natural inhabitants of our land?? Leave these animals ALONE. Here is an easy way to save 6 billion dollars. This is absolutely deplorable. The problem is not any animal, or too many of any animal, other than too many people and too many politicians. Stop destroying wildlife. Have respect for nature…
hell no , you do not just kill because of human greed , how about you take a pay cut and do what is right instead
We taxpayers don’t want our money used for law breaking in-humane abuse, laming for life by running for miles over sharp rocky ground, shedding hooves,, sorrow of foals being run to death and separated from their mothers, mares in foal being run too hard & long & ABORTING, being penned up & packed together mares, foals & STALLIONS, then trucked to beef corporation’s feedlots, then SNEAKED out & sold to KILL BUYERS, all this is provable FACT- Then denying accuses to us citizens to view, to take pictures, to video, the round-ups & the penned up for years, wild horses. You don’t MICRO-CHIP them ! Why? So that the real count cant be traced! Your MONEY making blood train SCHEME is “NOT” MANAGEMENT it is a blood money making scheme,ILLEGALLY signed in without due process by “BUSH” & continues to go on & on at 83 MILLION ayear of Americans tax money. Change this to real management ! SHAME ON THE BLM! Wild Horses & Burros are proven to KEEP the ranges at there best , that’s a fact! read , the book Wild Horse Conspiracy
Why is it always about the almighty dollar? when are humans going to earn the right to be CALLED a human? I see nothing humane about this! These animals were here long before you. They are not hurting anyone, using resources that you need (even though you lie and say they are), are living peacefully. Why can’t humans leave animals alone? Is it not enough that we pollute the air, rape the land, poison it with chemicals, test on animals for useless products – now you want to take away the small bit of land some wild animals have left. Looks like these beautiful animals will go the way of all the other animals that are becoming extinct. Carry on like this and there will be nothing left on this earth. In killing these you are helping to kill the planet.
Every steer should be removed from OUR lands before OUR horses are. We the people know what is going on. It’s our government that looks like complete fools. Making up numbers, telling lies, who are you trying to fool, because it’s not us. You list about 30 horses on your website that are up for adoption when you are holding over 50,000. Maybe it makes too much sense to either adopt them out or release them, before rounding up more. I was told you didn’t have time to list the horses, by your office. Instead of using the 6 million on helicoptors, I would suggest hiring someone that can teach you time management. Lords knows no one could teach a branch of the government compassion.
perhaps the money would be better spent in counting herd numbers and delivery of hay if absolutely necessary. If there is a over abundance of animals, is it horse or cattle and if so, move the cattle…. the horses were there first…. but of course, they don’t pay any money into your bureacratic pockets.
They have no right to do this.
Let it be known, that I, as well as many others are opposed to the Wyoming horse removal plan. Don’t try to tell me that the land cannot support them or anything else. We all know it is about profit and money.. Always has been, always will be…if you truly are doing your job to care for these beautiful animals you will find solutions and you will protect the lives of these fine creatures. May we all run with wild horses someday. Please understand that there has to be a better way. Get cattle off our public lands instead…
Somehow they were able to obtain $6 million dollars for helicopter roundups plus the cost of housing them, that would feed a lot of horses on the range where they could be free. what a wast of money, but then that’s what our Government is known for, please leave them free because its the right thing to do. roundups with helicopters is animal abuse, if a person treated animals like this they would be arrested, why is it not against the law if the Government does this?
Shame on the BLM. WE the taxpayers demand that you leave these beautiful animals alone. They are part of our heritage. To send these beautiful animals to slaughter is unconscionable. They belong on the land they were born on. The inhumane roundup is disgusting. You people only care about power and you blood money. You work for us, the American people. Stop this madness and listen to us.
Please put an end to these inhumane roundups! The wild horses are a part of our natural history, please do not destroy what is left, Save them for future generations to appreciate!
you people are unreal,if any thing belongs on that land is the wild horses,they belong there to roam free don,t we have a law saying we can,t touch thoses horses,they deserve to be there more then any humans,which i couldn,t call you humans more like greedy bastards.those horses were on that land along time before any humans.that land is theirs.get with it,would you like someone to come along and tell you that you had to die because someone else wants your land,hey don,t that sound like what my relatives went through,they were on their land until the white man came and if they did move you killed them woman baby children and old people now your not satisfied now you want to kill our horses to.big men,i,d be so proud of some thing like you people,ya right.well we not going to let you do this do you hear us (idle no more) we will not stand for it even if we have to make a human chain around the horses.so NO! NO! NO! NO! DON,T TOUCH THOSE HORSES!!!DO YOU HEAR US ?
I feel strongly opposed to any more roundups and especially when the numbers are so very extremely unbalanced in favor of the cattle and sheep already. And castrating and spaying wild horses?! I thought this was not allowed to happen. I hope that all that oppose these actions proposed by BLM send personal emails or letters to BLM and share this with tons of others and encourage them to take action. Only a large response will cause them to
Reconsider !
Leave the horses alone. They lived wild long before we “managed” them. They are living creatures, not some things to be managed.
Leave them alone they where here before us and it want harm a thing to le them be wild and free like they are supposed to be.
Thanks everyone who has commented here, and please do remember to submit your comments to the BLM by 4pm on June 10:
You can mail them to this address:
Jay D’Ewart
Wild Horse and Burro Specialist
280 Highway 191 North
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Or comment by email to this address:
Please include ATSW Public Comment in the subject line of the email
BLM, you commissioned a $1.5 million dollar, two-year study by the National Academy of Science, and the NAS says STOP THE ROUNDUPS!!! According to your recently-retired, 30-year BLM Wild Horse and Natural Resource Specialist, Bob Edwards, who appeared on the Today Show, there is no justifiable reason for the BLM to remove any Wild Horses and Burros from our public range lands! Edwards told the world that there IS enough forage for our Wild Horses, that our horses have not received a fair shake, that our horses have never been given their proper place on the Western landscape, and that the solution is for BLM to remove more of the cattle! We all know you’re removing the horses because the Welfare Ranchers want all the forage and water for their private livestock. Enough is enough! The cat is out of the bag! No more roundups! STOP IT!!!
The other commentators have said many intelligent and reasonable facts and solutions. Enough said. It’s so common sense to not round these horses up and change anything. It’s an abomination to do so!
We are losing so many things that represent this great country. Many of the things that this country was built on, have, or are in the process of trying to be taken away. Our Government is making this great country a laughing stock of the world. How can we take away these beautiful animals that were here way before us and our money hungry wants? We used these horses to build our country. There is nothing like the ultimate symbol of someone riding on top of a horse with an American flag to honor the USA.
Please leave these wild horses where they are. This is their domain and has been so for hundreds of years, they are bothering no one. The govt. roundups are cruel and inhumane, not to mention unnecessary, they only take up a small portion of land and they are the last of our American heritage. They are a beauty to behold. So please STOP, and leave them alone.
I have no idea why you can not leave our wonderful wild horses alone and to round them up in such an inhumane way is wrong. I am sure there is a better place to out our tax dollars,oh thats right Oklahoma would be a better place to help those people get on their feet quit being so selfish and leave the land alone you do not need it. Quit letting the government waste our money on harming one of Americas beloved animal it should be on our flags along with the Eagle they are both great and represent freedom and power and put a protection order on our horses. I wish I had the money and resources I would get some of my family and friends and move there to care for them. I would need help as I have a back injury but I would make sure they were loved rather than killed.
you filthy,greedy pigs will not be satisfied until every last wild horse is rounded and slaughtered for human consumption just like the cattle that erode the land that are put onto that land as soon as the horses are rounded up..
What has happend to my America, I can hardly recognize it! I am so angry outraged frustrated and mad BLM, and just about ready to do anything to get you to stop torturing mameing and butchering God’s most beautiful creatures. Who in the hell gave you barbaric merderous thieves the right to run our horses down on our land and do away with them in the cruelist manner? These horses have served human kind since our early beginnings and should be treated with love kindness and respect that they so deserve for all that God and they have allowed themselves to go through while serving us! This must stop now you ingrates, It must be stopped now!
Stop this insanity! These are living, breathing, wonderous creatures. BLM how would your workers like to be rounded up, families torn apart, many hurt in the process. Stop, simply stop.
Stop the roundups now!
Yes, yes, yes! It is time to stop the brutal, virulent, and vicious ROUND UPS of our Wild Horses and Burros. This ancient Wild Horse which has been in North America for 58 million years was recently evidenced by a jaw bone as being in Nevada as recently as 12,000 years ago,further proving that the Wild Horse is not an invasive species but a returned NATIVE.
The WH&Bs were designated to their lands by the 1971 ROAM act which clearly showed the intent of the American people at that time and that intent stands the same today. But the BLM and the Ranchers, in cahoots with the energy companies, have re-designated the ROAM lands to the cattle and sheep while begrudgingly permitting a few of the WH&Bs to remain whereas the law designates these lands to the WH&Bs and instructs the BLM to only allow some cattle and sheep to occupy those lands by controlled permission.
The Ranchers and the BLM dare to refer to the magnificent ancient legacy of the Wild Horse as pests. How dare they? And when did the hatred of all wildlife become the order of the day. Paradoxically, the BLM tries to deny that the Wild Horse is wildlife. Elk and Prong horned Antelope are considered more native by these haters.
Every time they haul out the helicopters to ROUND UP by running down the WH&Bs, they resemble the helicopters that are used to run the wolves to ground where, exhausted, the ranchers and hunters pick them off like sitting ducks. They would do that to the WH&Bs, I believe, if they could get away with it.
I have had enough. And so have we all. These illegal ROUND UPS must stop, and the use of contraceptives must not be used. Prove that the horses and not the cattle and sheep are over populated. Prove that the contraceptives are safe and will not disturb the diversity of this ancient breed.
It is time to protect our Wild Horses and to stop the BLM, the Ranchers, and the Energy Companies from destroying them.
Why destrore something as beautiful as the wild hores? they have earned the right to run Free on there home lands, they have struggled and won against the weather, the elements of this great country to be free, the land is free they live on, leave it alone, the Ranchers and escavaters can learn to live with the horses or get off, I say get the cattle and sheep off the land where the wild will have abundant water and grass, they don’t pay there fair share of money to graze there on the tax payers land
BLM it’s TIME TO STOP the horrific acts of cruelty to these magnificent horses! Who the hell are you to treat them this way! Who the hell are you to carelessly interfere with the sacred life of another living creature!! You break up families, you heartlessly kill their members and cause such pain & suffering to the horses in the name of MONEY!!!! Grow a brain and a heart because you obviously do not have any of these!!! Stop using helicopters in the roundups!! They don’t stand a chance when you use a machine against them!!! Go out there on foot and chase them….I would love to see this happen! I would be happier to know that all you idiotic BLM people get trampled to death!! LET THE HORSES BE FREE & RELEASE ALL THE ONES THAT ARE IMPRISONED IN THE BLM HOLDING PENS!!!
we the American, people, tax payers, want our American horses free on public land and do not want them removed so wealthy cattle owners can use that land to graxe cattelmat the expense of our horses. The BLM has created horrifying situations for these American icons so please let them be free and part of our American Heritage.
Why do you insist on using our tax money on keeping horses penned up in horrific conditions when they are competent enough to care for themselves on public land. The government is not satisfied enough in controlling us it has to control these beautiful animals too. I know the bottom line is money here it always is. But where does it STOP when you have destroyed all that is good in America!
Having seen these herds in the past, I feel there is no reason to commit cruel acts on these poor animals. The Red Desert is a place big enough for them and us….
No more round ups, no horse slaughter. Let them run free where they belong. “Managing” does NOT mean mistreating them, rounding them up, harassing them, separate them from their families, piling them up in holding pens. This needs to STOP NOW!
Great web site. A lot of useful information here.
I’m sending it to a few friends ans also sharing in delicious.
And certainly, thanks for your effort!
Other things need to be known to the public…ie. that the gov’t uses & hires ‘sharpshooters’/’snipers’ to take the horses, deer, elk, etc. out on a regular basis. The market for horsemeat in Japan and Europe is huge. These gov’t agencies are not ‘managing’ anything except PR to the taxpayer by concealing the truth of what they do. They are also trying to take back the lands set aside for Native American reservations because ow they discovered uranium on those lands. They are following protocol for increasing revenue, while already being over funded. The other issue that has been going on is these public lands – for many years now- have been SOLD to foreign interests- to alledegedly clear ‘debts’ owed to these countries(which the debts have NOT been actually cleared. They also hire private companies to ‘take care of’ our public lands- all the while being paid to do that job themselves, and NOT doing it. We, instead, are charged to use our own public lands. There also is a huge ‘land grab’ going on;many attempts(most successful)to put MORE lands into ‘protected’ status ie. wilderness areas and national monuments (which prohibits the public from using these lands unless a small area is allowed and we are charged to use them in only certain ways. The gov’t apparently is attempting to cluster us closer and closer together, while prohibiting us from using our own lands- and charging us at every turn.
Destroying our resources- especially wild animals- while preventing our access to what ia (WAS) ours so they can sell it off, and corral US ALL UP…well, it makes one look seriously at Rothschilds statement that it will take a major crisis incident in order for us to accept one world gov’t. Looks like these gov’t are actively on their way to paving that road for us all. These kills and ’round-ups’ have happened globally- not just here in the US. Canada 2013, Australia in 2014- and all the while these have happened right after the weather provided optimal grazing conditions for them. Colorado is doing this as I write- also had optimal grazing this year. How is 365 wild horses on 160,000 acres possibly damaging anything? That’s 438 1/3 acres PER HORSE- but they feel the need to ‘cull’ the herd AGAIN. A horse only needs 5 acres a yr. for grazing; so in Colo., they have over 87% more grazing space than required per horse.(Maybell area, Colorado). So how are they possibly damaging anything or over-running the area? Oh that’s right…there’s money to be made.
Adopting these animals is expensive(contrary to what they claim), time-consuming, and they are actually NOT making the process easy for the private individual- yet people like Tom Davis- known to be pro-slaughter- has been sold(at $10. per head, w/ BLM shipping them to him at no cost)over 1,700 wild horses- and no one can track what’s become of any of them.
The ONLY way any of these nightmare scenarios with our gov’t will cease is when WE become SELF-RELIANT AGAIN. When WE take matters into our OWN hands and embrace our own responsibility (instead of trusting and paying through the nose to have others ‘manage’ things for us). Perhaps we can then correct this sinking ship of ours, and assist the world- by example- of how to live reasonably, responsibly and ethically. If we stop feeding the leeches that are destroying our world, they will go away. As long as we keep supporting them, via tax dollars and lack of action, they will continue their diabolical deeds.
So we must ask ourselves…do we REALLY need them? CAN we do ‘business’ without the use of their dollar? Are we willing to start ‘making a living’ WITHOUT some corporation paying us a paycheck of fiat money? Are we willing to exchange skills and goods, instead? Are we ‘grown-up’ enough to handle our own affairs? Are we willing to pool our talents and resources to make sure the wild horses, the lands, etc. are taken care of appropriately- with compassion and understanding? Are we willing to give up our addiction to the goods and services now provided by the mega corporations (who are in cahoots with our gov’ts and those that desire to have us all be the slaves to a OWG)? Are we willing to educate our own children in ethical and compassionate ways while teaching them academic skills? Are we as brave as our Founding Fathers who stood up against tyranny and oppression?Are we fully committed to LIFE- enough so that we can give ourselves the chance to be fully innovative and creative?
Until we are willing to answer emphatically YES to those questions- and ACT on our own welfare and behalf….well, you SEE where it has gone, and where we are headed…
ONLY WE can change the picture.
If we stop our dependence on these over-reaching corporations, stop supporting governments that are NOT working for our best interests, and STOP using the fiat currency, we have then STOPPED this ad self-destructive cycle. First, we must be willing to replace it by using our talents, minds and skills…set ourselves up a more integrated, closely-knit way of providing for ourselves- in comfort- all the things we’d like to have, and start ridding ourselves of all we no longer wish to engage in or have. We can start with things like powering our homes, etc. with electricity generated via the electromagnetic field(free energy;the grid is already in place. Those that work in the field can still do so by showing other places how to do the same). We can start powering our cars with water(see adjustments that can be made to do so; they work). We can set up greenhouses to feed ourselves(some places are growing gardens in their medians and vacant lots;One country in Europe is able to feed their entire country with excess to sell, via greenhouses.Communities could all pitch in on building large dome greenhouses, and those who like to garden can work them in exchange for other things they may need).You get the idea- every one of us has a skill or talent that can be contributed- Maybe someone knots, or knows how to make cloth; someone else knows electronics;someone else can raise livestock and produce dairy goods; someone else can cook; someone else can work motors; someone else knows how to weld or make parts. If we do this- community by community- and we share our talents, no longer are dependent. Once we are no longer dependent, we start taking care of all the things we’ve previously allowed others to ‘mis-manage’ for us. We work out, amongst ourselves, what is the best way to deal with our resources, our wild horses, our waterways, our trades with other countries, etc. We become the sovereign nation we were initially set up to be.”No one knows how to take care of you better than you” If we don’t like what we have become as a nation/individual/community or don’t like where we are heading, let us change course. The longer we wait, hoping something will magically change, the worse things will get. We already know that.History is clear.
Definition of insanity:To keep doing the SAME thing, over and over again, hoping for a DIFFERENT result.
Let us end this debauchery and begin a new and better way for all.