Wild Horses: A Reunion at Sand Wash Basin
October 27, 2012
Wild Horses: Please Comment for the Adobe Town and Salt Wells Herds Today
December 7, 2012Wild Horses: Only the Complete Destruction of Red Desert Herds Will Do
The BLM has targeted the Adobe Town and Salt Wells Creek Herds for complete destruction this coming summer.
A Scoping Document has been published for the Adobe Town and Salt Wells Creek Herds. Although the Adobe Town Herd is, even according to BLM estimates, NOT over AML, they still are planning to round up and remove possibly all of the horses in both Adobe Town and Salt Wells Creek in the summer of 2013:
“The most recent population surveys were conducted May 15-18, 2012. Approximately 433 wild
horses were located in the Adobe Town HMA and approximately 572 wild horses were found
within the Salt Wells Creek HMA. The wild horse population in the Salt Wells Creek HMA
exceeds the appropriate management level (AML) of 251-365 wild horses. The wild horse
population in the Adobe Town HMA does not currently exceed the AML of 610-800 wild
horses. Land owners have requested the removal of wild horses from private lands within the HMA
boundaries. Wild horses that are on private lands or checkerboard lands within the Rock Springs
Field Office portion of the HMA would be gathered and removed.”
In these two herd areas, there is a “checkerboard” of public and private land, dating back to when the railroad went through, and in the 80s, an agreement was made between the BLM, the Rock Springs Grazing Association, which represented most of the private land owners, and wild horse advocates that set a number of wild horses for each herd area that would be allowed to use the checkerboard lands so that public and private plots would not have to be individually fenced. Last year, the Rock Springs Grazing Association decided that they wanted all wild horses removed not only from all private lands but also from all public lands as well, since they consider public lands that they lease to be “their” lands anyway. They sued the BLM demanding that all wild horses be removed from the 4 largest herd areas in Wyoming, over 2 million acres. Wild Horse advocates have intervened in this ongoing lawsuit to protect the interests of the wild horses.
Here is information about the lawsuit and the intervention:
But that has not satisfied the Rock Springs Grazing Association. They want all the wild horses removed NOW and probably are hoping that forcing the BLM to do a roundup and removal in these two herd areas of as many horses as possible before there has been any resolution in the lawsuit will make any findings by the court moot.
What can you do to help keep wild horses on the 1.5 million acres of Adobe Town and Salt Wells Creek?
1. Write to the BLM commenting on the Scoping document by December 7:
Please submit your comments to:
Jay D’Ewart, Wild Horse and Burro Specialist
BLM Rock Springs Field Office
280 Highway 191 North
Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901
Fax: (307) 352-0329
Electronic comments must be sent to the following email address to be considered:
(Please include “ATSW Scoping Comment” in the subject line.)
2. Forward this information to others so they can act as well.
3. Donate to the two legal funds supporting the intervention into this lawsuit to represent the interests of wild horses.
The Cloud Foundation:
The American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign:
- Please act to prevent these two herds from becoming just a memory
Blog Post From Straight From the Horse’s Heart:
Action Alert from the Cloud Foundation, includes points to cover in your email or letter:
Action Alert from American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign:
(you can use their online method to comment)
I have spent my entire life around horses, some of registered lines and some of the beautiful mustangs that roamed free in Arizona state! In that time, I learned more from the wild herds than i did from our domesticated horses we all choose to care more about! What is the problem with these guys running free and living in the one place that they have found safety and call home. Not every horse is meant to be road, captured, or handled for that matter! It is not a bad thing to have them roaming the state lands since they along with other wildlife help maintain the grass and help prevent worse wildfires. Yes they can eat alot, however so can the elk that cross my feilds every day, and the deer that are consistantly getting into my barn and eating my hay and grain. These guys are just looking for food, and the love they recieve from their herd mates. If the numbers of them are to high then adopt more out, at a lower adoption fee, or allow people to catch them humanely themselves so the government doesnt have to use more resources, since thats what it seems to be about…the government getting money! They are living, breathing creatures that feel just like any other, and now they want to just kill them! Just remember what our country was founded on and those horses ansestor’s carried the weight and burdens of the men and women whom founded this land. This is disgusting, and i am very much against it! Let them be, and continue to be apart of America’s great wonders!
How shortsighted of these communities to not rally around these iconic, majestic horses and boost local economies w/ eco-tourism. Alien/UFO museum in Roswell generates $35 million annually for local economy. Eco-tourism is Africa’s top revenue generator.
When i was researching the laST EA from adobe Town Salt Wells, I discovered an article that refrenced the discovery of prehistoric wild horse remains in a remote area of Adobe Town..I was always hoping that this info could somehow be brought to bear in saving them
try Gerry Spence again..the great attorney from WYO..We got him alot of info about what was happening in the last adobe roundup..He would be outraged to find out they intend to wipe them out this time..he has a blog as well as a website
try Gerry Spence again..the great attorney from WYO..We got him alot of info about what was happening in the last adobe roundup..He would be outraged to find out they intend to wipe them out this time..he has a blog as well as a website
try Gerry Spence again..the great attorney from WYO..We got him alot of info about what was happening in the last adobe roundup..He would be outraged to find out they intend to wipe them out this time..he has a blog as well as a website
try Gerry Spence again..the great attorney from WYO..We got him alot of info about what was happening in the last adobe roundup..He would be outraged to find out they intend to wipe them out this time..he has a blog as well as a website
try Gerry Spence again..the great attorney from WYO..We got him alot of info about what was happening in the last adobe roundup..He would be outraged to find out they intend to wipe them out this time..he has a blog as well as a website
Sherry has kept in touch but no one has made a formal request to have his team look over the situation and give advice.
I guess the DOI/BLM are in the habit of wasting our tax dollars on contractor who knowingly abuse wild horses. What’s worse is they have more wild horses in long term holding as the public is lead to believe on valid proof than in the wild. what’s the rush of eliminating them in the wild when they have every right to be their? Corruption and conflict of interest and most of all lack of compassion towards another species. This agency’s arrogance is disturbing in a sense that it defies intelligent thought in the process of gather’s and the reason’s behind it other than a contractual obligation on the part of Sun-J and their staff. The blocking of humane observer’s is another issue that has been challenged in court and they (BLM) lost. Now the question remains: WiLL their be any accountability towards those that carry out their instructions while abusing and killing the mustangs that are supposed to be protected under the 1971 law? Will public pressure against the appropriation’s committee to cut funding to DOI/BML ever happen? Will the 50,000+ thousand return to the wild as they should? The public 1) must be informed, and educated 2) they must place intense protest against the BLM and issue a moratorium for all future gather’s until they (BLM) gets their facts straight and verified. 3) The immediate removal of Ken Salazar and charges be brought against his brother and connected kill buyer be brought up on corruption and destruction of federal/public property (Wild Mustangs and Burro’s), and wasted tax payer funds that were used to carry out this criminal act.
When all the wild horses are “removed” then the government will have the same situation they had with the buffalo, wolves, etc. The horses will then become endangered species. The environmentalists step in for owls, rodents, insects, and other creatures, why don’t they do something about this? It seems like 2 million acres of land should be enough to support a few Mustangs along with the cattle. Our tax dollars are being wasted on these roundups. Not being a rancher, I don’t know all the facts, but why should they be allowed to dictate how public land is being used?
I have owned and loved horses for 60 years. Being in the industry for so long I have seen and heard of cruel situations but I can truthfully say that none have upset me as much as reading of the roundups of our beautiful American Symbol. This has to stop. NOW!!!!!!!!
I so agree, there no different than any other valued wild animal. The roundups are cruel and unnecessary. Please hear our cry, that has to stop. Now!!!!
Stand Strong and be Encouraged in knowing that this time with a conserted effort, we shall prevail for the sacred four legged and for all the wildlife species in the beautiful spaceous Red Desert region of Wyoming. I sent a rather lengthy letter to the BLM officials, and will be calling several local, state and government officials as well soon after the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
For years now these Rancher Associations have served no end to their own justification and self righteous greedful purposes, as we continually see
the destruction to the lands and forested areas…what happens when their livestock and wandering domestic pets encroach,ruin, abuse ,and harrass ??
Its time for their lame excuses of blaming wildlife and wild horses for
their lot in life that they themselves brought to the region and to society.
If they feel it cures the urge to be wielders of force in using rifles,
poisons or the shyster affects of corrupt money to stranglehold both humans
and wildlife/wild horses, then they must be very weak and very insecure! Its
what was shown in the presidential election, when the people stand up and rise
as one against the evil thats threatening our lives, and the species which have
roamed massive areas for hundreds of years…I would like to know who in the
world gave them authority? Your voices are important, from the smallest young
ones to the wise elderly, this is Our Time, and they are the minority. Lets win this fight, lets be a blessing to the wild ones! Aho!
I think its about time someone turns their attention to all those cattle. Can we start a petition to have them removed? Maybe find an enviromentalist collect evidence of all the damage the cattle are causing and threatening our remaining wildlife? I think its high time we complain about the welfare cattle and ranchers who whine till they get more land taken from the horses.How much of our tax money go toward the cattle? No one helps the farmers here in the east,we buy our own feed and hay…make them do the same. Until we do something about the cattle,we will never be able to save our wild horses. They will go the way of the buffalo.
I think it is high time to get the cattle off the public land. That land belongs to the American people as a whole not the cattle ranchers. LAEVE OUR WILD HORSES ALONE!!
With the cattle ranchers….all they are looking at is the money they can put in their pockets. That is public land and not to be controlled by the cattle ranchers. If nothing else put it up for public election among all of America. I am confident that the Mustangs would win.
I think that what they are doing is completely inexcusable, they have to real logicall explanation as to why they are removing the two herds. I don’t think the horses are doing any of the things that the BLM is saying they are. I think they are using excuses and abusing the power they have to decide the fates of these horses. The real culprits behind land destruction are the cattle that are being allowed to over graze that wyoming area. If they want to fix anything it should be the way the ranchers in that area manage and feed their cattle.
Legislate what you want done. Ask for everything needed and fight for it!
Since when is the Rock Springs Grazing Assoc. allowed to decide what happens on MY LAND? Who the hell made them the boss? I never asked them to represent me on anything to do with the public lands. I’m a tax payer. I paid for that land & WE should decide……….LEAVE THE HORSES & BURROS ALONE!
the trick here is to file a countersuit against the grazing assoc..like the wild horses, the cattle need the use of those BLM lands that are interspersed with the checkerboard lands that are private and railroad lands..If the horses are required to be removed by the grazing assoc so should the cattle not be allowed on public lands..ranchers do not have enough of that desert land to run their cattle…as I recall..because of public relations..the gas companies co-operated by taking down fences so that antelope could migrate across the privately controled land..it is time to lobby those corporations to stand for americas wild horses and gain our good will and support
ass I recall, that agreement was good thru 2012 and has to be renewed, does anyone know if BLM has gone to court to agree to renew the agreement?
If the BLM did not make a legitimate attempt to renew that agreement(which I suspect they did NOT) then they have failed to perform their duties in the public’s interest..that should be easy enough to prove to a judge..my guess they told the ranchers they would just let it expire and would remove the horses…also the chamber of commerce of WYO spent all summer running adds with video of wild horses to attract tourism to WYO..contact them also to remind them we come to WYO to take pictures and see wild horses who are still wild..we don’t drive across country to see oil wells gas lines and cattle
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