Action Alert: North Lander Complex Wild Horse Herds Need Your Help to Prevent Sterilization and Massive Removal
April 27, 2021Red Desert Complex Wild Horses and the Range Report
July 6, 2021Wild Horses Belong to the American People

I was invited to go on the Tucker Carlson show last night to talk about wild horses and the Adoption Incentive Program last night.
Here is the interview of Carol Walker on the Tucker Carlson show plus the link to the New York Times Article that started this: Carol Walker on Tucker Carlson Show
I was delighted to have the opportunity to let people know what is happening the the Bureau of Land Management’s broken adoption program. The American public deserves to know that wild horses are being cruelly abused, scapegoated for public lands destruction, and that their program is squandering millions of dollars of taxpayer money each year. Our wild horses belong to us, the American people. We deserve to have a say in how they are managed, and they should be managed humanely on our public lands where they belong. There are proven birth control methods that work to keep populations in check. Wild horses should never be rounded up with helicopters, separated from their families and their freedom, and warehoused in feed lots or purchased by greedy individuals who want to make money off of their misery.
If you are now asking “what can I do to help?” Here are five things.
- Get the word out.
- Call or write President Biden:
- Call or write the Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland:
- Contact your Senators:
- Contact your Representatives:
Right now Congress is working on the Appropriations Bill for 2022 that will set the budget and agenda for the Bureau of Land Management going into fiscal year 2022 which begins October 1, 2021 so it is critical to contact them now.
Tell them that you want wild horses managed humanely where they live on our public lands. You oppose helicopter roundups. Tell them to use proven birth control methods not cruel and dangerous sterilization or experimental methods. Discontinue the Adoption Incentive Program and make it easier for members of the public who will provide good homes to see and adopt the wild horses that are currently in holding facilities. Stop the roundups of over 10,000 wild horses scheduled to begin in July and work with members of the public to forge a new direction for our wild horses and burros.
Thank you for being a voice for them. They have never needed you more.
Previous related posts:
Leave the wild horses alone! Stop the BLM helicopter roundups. It’s the horses land not cattle and sheep. Let them live wild and free!
Thank you for bringing this to America’s attention. I have taken all the actions posted and have shared with friends and family. This was almost unbearable to watch.
Thank you!
The wild horses need to be cherished And managed on their land. This horse Holocaust needs to end! They need respected and cherished not treated like trash. I pray for them . I have visited the area of the Onaqui and retired never to be the same person. The heal, they bring beauty and wisdom. Pleas stop the barbaric round ups of these beautiful souls!
Leave Wild Horses ???? alone Stop BLM roundups it’s there land ????????????????
Leave our horses and burros alone!!
The wild horses belong to the American People. These horrific helicopter roundups need to stop. They are cruel and barbaric to the horses.
The cattle and sheep ranchers do not own these PUBLIC lands and should not be just given free reign.
leave our wild horses and burros ALONE!!
Leave our wild horses and burros alone!! Let the penned ones go!!
These wild horses and burros need to be free! Stop these horrific roundups by BLM ! These horses and burros are icons of the west ! It’s all about greed between BLM and the cattlemen and it is wrong!
It is very simple, leave the wild horses & Burrows alone!! They are meant to be there roaming wild. Stop the round ups now & let the beauty of our nation be free. Simple.
What really burns me is the BLM is calling or labling our wild horses as ferel. They are not ferel. These horses and burros need their status reversed back to wild horses and borros, not rouge livestock. They deserve our protection, not abuse and inhumane treatment.
Read Carol’s list of things to do to HELP – commenting here is not one of them. The more people that do as she suggests and GET THE WORD OUT – the better. Letters, emails, phone calls to your representatives, Senators, Sec of DOI – THATS what will actually make a difference.
The BLM is responsible for the destruction of OUR wild horses and burros. What type of person agrees to a helicopter rounding up these innocent animals. Chasing them for miles separating them from their families , removing them from the land they were born on and throwing them into fiilthy holding pens with no protection from the elements. What type? – Then selling them to whoever – their fate is doomed they end up being slaughtered – have you ever watched a horse being slaughtered? The cruelty is horrendous. These animals do not deserve the horrendous cruelty killing them, ending their lives – this is the BLM’s management scheme.
The money the BLM receives is taxpayers money – American taxpayers. It is time the American taxpayer had a say on the welfare of these majestic animals – it is time for the American taxpayer to manage what the BLM isn’t – Managing! Public land does not belong to the BLM Public land belongs to the American people the taxpayer!- don’t you think they should have a say on management?
It’s imperative this so called “Path Forward” be stopped because it is a wipeout plan and twists the true purpose of the WFHBA. They must be restored to viable population levels and to viable habitats and the ranchers much be checked and learn how to share!
Yes, it was great to have a voice and I so love your documentation of the herds. Wonderful photography and in the field observations. Not to mention how you have shown the US we do indeed have wild wanted cherished horses. I can not wait for scientists without livestock bias to study all the rare herds we still have that have not been subjected to mans removal nor birth interferrance. We have many herds we could study. For instance the Heber FS. No removals except by nature and no birth control for over 20 years, yet the herd stabalized at max. level for 10+ years now. (even sharing with to many livestock). anyway, much more discussion needs to happen on all levels. This is a good start.
Wild Horses ???? & Burros ???? our Americas’ treasure. They allowed us to go West. They’re being villanized by special interests groups. Who want to eradicate them from their natural habitate. They’re beneficial to other wildlife; during droughts by finding water. We need to stand up to their Lobbyists in Congress. And be their voice. Please call your Congress man/woman & Sec Deb Haaland . And fight for the very survival of the cruelty being inflicted by separating them from their herds. They are a Family.
Shared over multiple platforms!
The Bureau of Land Management exists to maximize the size of privately owned cow herds on taxpayer land while minimizing the expense passed on to the cow’s owner. It’s a government agency designed to funnel profits to individual cow owners by converting resources paid for by the public into privately held bank accounts.
Instead of taxpayers paying $50 million a year to warehouse horses in corrals until they die of old age, why not just donate that amount yearly to the cow owners and let them buy their own land?
Done! Thanks for making this so easy to do—and for all that you are doing for our wild ones!
WE NEED A MASSIVE MOVEMENT OF PPL TO START TWEETING! GO UP AGAINST ASPCA AS THEY ARE WORKING HAND IN HAND WITH BLM TO SLAUGHTER THESE ANIMALS- DOOO NOOOT STOOOP UNTIL ASPCA GIVES IN! @PETALPINKPOODLE I have gone OFF on ASPCA when I found out they were working with them! You don’t have to leave your house or your pc to help these beautiful tortured animals! GET OUT YOUR PHONES, IPADS, MACS, PCS and go to town on ASPCA- the more pressure they get publicly the more they are apt to make excuses and address it until their argument falls apart and they are forced to show the world what they are doing.
Thank you for standing up for wild horses and burros.
You came across really well, including when you were “interrupted” you stopped, I really like that politeness and it comes across so very well. I can see it’s genuine, too.