Ep #38: Two Unforgettable Wild Stallions
August 19, 2024
Ep #39: The Consequences of a Roundup: The White Mountain Herd
September 2, 2024By Carol Walker

The White Mountain Roundup concluded on August 19, 2024. The BLM did the minimum in complying with NEPA, reusing the Environmental Assessment that was used for the roundup in 2022, using an outdated population count that was done in November 2022 before the horrific, killing winter of 2022-2023 when so many horses died. All the horses that came out of the winter were very thin in May, mares aborted their foals, and the foaling rate was not the 20% the BLM projected in 2023 or even 2024. I don’t think it is a coincidence that in the past, the Rock Springs Grazing Association had paid for every population count in the Checkerboard herds and had had an Association member in the plane, and now when I asked why the BLM did not do a new count before the roundup they pleaded lack of money and when I asked if they were going to do a count after the roundup to make sure they had not taken the herd below the low AML of 205 the Wild Horse Lead told me maybe in a year. The Rock Springs Grazing Association has a vested interest in not getting an accurate count since they want as many wild horses removed from the Herd Management Area as possible. Of course they don’t want a count afterward that might force the BLM to release some horses.

The first day of the roundup we had a very good view of the horses coming into the trap. They started in the furthest point south in Wild Horse Canyon in the Checkerboard area of the Herd Management Area. The Checkerboard is an area 20 miles wide with an alternating pattern of private and public lands that was set up in the 1870s to provide funds for the railroad construction. Rock Springs Grazing Association members own most of the private land and have grazing leases on most of the public land in the 4 Herd Management Areas in the Checkerboard. Last year the BLM revised its Resource Management Plan for the herds in the Checkerboard, zeroing out Great Divide Basin and Salt Wells Creek and half of Adobe Town – and RSGA agreed to continue to allow wild horses in the Checkerboard parts of White Mountain. Well, when I went to the Oral Argument for our case to stop the zeroing out of those herds, RSGA’s attorney Constance Brooks said that in May 2023 RSGA revoked consent to have wild horses in White Mountain and the BLM would be revising the Resource Management Plan in January 2025 to reflect that – i.e. turn the Herd Management Area into a Herd Area managed for zero wild horses. So that is why I am calling this a Pre-Zero Out Roundup.

There were no injuries the first day, but a mare who had been seen with an injury to her knee the day before was brought in and put in the “euthanasia pen.” We were able to see the other horses that had been brought in at Temporary Holding today.

The helicopter brought in virtually every horse and wild horse family in this area, and when they went to the second trapsite on Blue Rim the next day, they took most of the rest. We were initially put on a hill quite far from the trap but the helicopter pilot did not like where we were so we were moved to an area with an excellent, unparalleled view of the trap – right next to BLM employees from the State Office on a field trip. I have not had a view like this in 15 years. This is how it should always be. The horses were sweaty, many had been run for a long time. There was a teeny tiny foal who got separated from its mother but a wrangler got close and let the foal snuggle up to him while he led him to a separate pen where he would not get trampled by other horses.

We were allowed to visit the horses in the Temporary Holding Facility that was on public land in the northern part of the HMA after waiting 4 hours. The foals had all “mothered up” found their mothers after being trailered separately for safety. I was told by the Wild Horse Lead that a buckskin stallion had started rearing up as though testing the panels in Temporary Holding for height. Then, he leaped out of the pen, snorted at BLM staff and contractors, and took off.

Day 3 we were moved to another trap just a couple of miles from Temporary Holding in the northern part of the Herd Management Area. Its like 2 separate herds who almost never mix – the southern herd gets the most human viewers, includes the tourist “Loop Tour” area and the horses are mostly used to people. The colors are predominantly bay and sorrel. The northern herd has pintos, roans, roan pintos, buckskins, palominos, appaloosas – a veritable palette of colors. Both parts of the herd have the rare curly horses that only exits in one other herd in WY and a handful in NV. There were families that escaped, and two palomino stallions who refused to go along with pressure from the helicopter.

Our view of the trap was non-existent, we were able to see the horses running into the lead up to the trap only. The trap was a mile away. The last three days were at this bad observation site. We had one colorful family run around behind us. We had a foal get separated from his family who were moving fast, and the helicopter turned the family to catch up to the foal. There were families that escaped, and two palomino stallions who refused to go along with pressure from the helicopter.

Waiting a mile from Temporary Holding for our opportunity to see the horses there, I was startled to see what I first assumed was a palomino mare and foal moving in front of our vehicles. As I got out and got my camera, we saw that these were two young colts, a yearling or two year old, and a colt foal. They had clearly gotten separated from their family in the roundup, and were staying together for company. Families are destroyed in this devastating roundup.

On Day 4, the first group had two tiny probably week old foals in the group. One of the foals kept getting left further and further behind, we were all rooting for him to catch up, but finally a wrangler on foot came out as well as a wrangler on horseback and they very slowly encouraged him to finally move into the trap.

In the hardest fought battle of this roundup so far, two families of 20 horses got driven to where we could see them. A tiny buckskin foal fell back and was out of sight of his family. But he kept moving in their direction. The whole group kept turning away from the trap and kept getting driven back over and over again. They were getting more and more tired. The pilot pushed the group toward the foal and he jumped back in behind. It took about 30 excruciating minutes before they were finally pushed into the trap.

I have to say that the pilot and he contractors did a good job preserving the safety of the horses as they captured them. I am not at all saying that I agree what was done. First of all, there should not be helicopter roundups in July or August because it is still foaling season. I saw at least 7 foals that were a week old. They should never be run for miles chased by a helicopter. There were no injuries or deaths caused by the roundup, however there were 11 deaths. These were wild horses put down for pre-existing conditions. One mare I know of was spotted with a knee injury the day before the roundup and she is the only one that I have a photo of. It is up to the BLM Wild Horse Lead to determine which horses to euthanize. He consults with a vet on at least some of these. However there are no photos and I did not see these horse before they were put down. A club foot in my opinion should not be a death sentence but it is a condition in the BLM guidelines that can merit it. You can see a description of all the horses put down here: https://www.blm.gov/programs/wild-horse-and-burro/herd-management/gathers-and-removals/wyoming-high-desert-do-rock

On Day 5 the roundup continued with 50 more horses to go including the very last families from the southern part of the range. There was no Temporary Holding Tour because they were shipping the capture horses right away to the corrals at Rock Springs. When I arrived there, it was a horrifying site. Almost every single wild horse in the White Mountain Herd were there. There were stallions calling out for mares, mares calling out for foals, and as the feed truck brought hay, the horses running away from the truck. In the mare/foal pen there were foals lying flat on their sides, exhausted. All those beautiful wild horses, now in pens, facing an uncertain fate, having lost their freedom and their families forever. The range looks better than I have seen it in years. There is no range degradation harming the land due to the horses. The horses are not harming the sage grouse and their habitat. People come from all over to do tours of the wild horses on the Wild Horse Loop. They will be disappointed. They are gone. For what? It is so RSGA can have their way, and eradicate wild horses from the Checkerboard so their cattle and sheep can get every last blade of grass, undisturbed by the presence of wild horses? I went back early the next morning to the corrals, and the cries of the horses continued. It was so hard to see them there.

I contacted the corrals to talk to the staff member in charge of adoptions. He said they would let the horses settle down for about 2 weeks, and then begin processing them. This includes putting each one in the chutes to get a neckband and freeze brand, take blood for a Coggins test, and vaccinations. The stallions will be gelded later, and their recovery time is at least two weeks after being gelded if it goes well. He expected all the processing to be done by mid-Septemeber or later. I asked if there would be any in person adoptions and he said yes, and in the Online Corral as well. The mares would be offered first, then the stallions later. I asked if any would be shipped out somewhere else right away and he said maybe later. I will be letting people as soon as I hear of any scheduled adoptions.

What can be done? White Mountain is not yet slated to be zeroed out, but this roundup came very close. The two herds Great Divide Basin and Salt Wells Creek and half of Adobe Town are however, and since we lost our lawsuit to prevent this, those herds could be put on the roundup schedule at any time after October 1. But we have appealed and the case is going to the 10th Circuit Court. You can help by spreading the word, talking to your Senators and Representatives, and by donating to the Legal Fund at American Wild Horse Conservation: https://americanwildhorse.org/donate

I have to say this BLM guy and the people who work for the contractor sound like complete opposites from the roundups reported on by WHE. BUT as you said Carol – this should not happen..
I’ve written & commented over and over – as obviously you and the other organizations have gone to court and done everything you could – how do we finally wake up the politicians that could actually DO something about this ungodly s**tstorm?
Unfortunately I do not have an answer right now as to what can stop it.
Yes the three contractors currently doing roundups could not be more different.
Carol, I participated in the Protest the first day of the roundup of the White Mountain herd. I was very disappointed that they did not bring them to the Rock Springs Hold Facility, instead to an off range site. Why did they do that? The BLM didn’t know we were gathering. What and When will the results be out on your law suit? I thought as long as it was still being decided horse could not be rounded up?
Jannett Heckert
Park City, Utah
They take the horses to a temporary holding facility allowing them to settle down, mares to get back with foals, count them then usually the next day they go to the Rock Springs corrals. The lawsuit will stop Salt Wells Creek, Great Divide Basin, and half of Adobe Town being zeroed out. We lost the lawsuit but have appealed and we don’t yet know when the hearing date will be.
Hi Carol, This is a copy of a letter I sent early this week to two different BLM offices. I don’t suppose it will affect anything. But it had to be said (by me.) I have read all your post for years now and follow their (the BLM) efforts. I try. It will probably get me in trouble. But they are most likely too busy for that and consider me a small bur in their saddle. Karen
“Dear BLM Director and all Relevant Staff,
I am calling on you to bring a swift and significant halt to the ’roundups’ of all wild horses and to abolish future plans to place them in your ‘holding facilities.’ Bringing a swift and an immediate halt to your current arduous and even dangerous practices is long overdue.
You have a long and tortuous history of not giving these horses adequate, necessary, and (even) safe care. These are our American horses taken from the wild. They deserve the dignity and respect given to domestic animals.
An ever-increasing number of American citizens from across this great nation are urgently concerned about preserving and protecting these magnificent equine creatures. It is time to reflect. The time is overdue to preserve and respect all free roaming horses in America.
The BLM needs to be transparent and disclose all your present and your appalling, lengthy past statistics on this matter…now. Today.
In addition, I pray for an immediate and an open investigation of your past and your present operations.
We will not tolerate being stonewalled for information and stand for the brutal and unnecessary and even hostile treatment of these animals that should be in our diligent and careful care and our protection…any longer.
I don’t own a horse, but I wish I could. I know I would not treat my beloved dog as you do these creatures. You should be ashamed of your practices, not applauded.
This is my humble opinion and is certainly not a form letter of any kind.
Mrs. Karen Powell, OTR/L
Raleigh, NC”
The only way to get politicians to favor wild horses over Rock Springs grazing association is with Monitary bribes just as The grazing Asso uses . They may even threaten , but money speaks. Rocks Springs Grazing has too much money and power to beat them and they know it. Yes the advocates out number the ranchers but the advocates do not have enough money to beat them . They buy the judges in the courts or threaten them and their families . It’s too corrupt to undo . I just don’t see any way to beat them . Do you ?
With a lawsuit.
Well written!! Words of truth!
Thank you
Isn’t there somehow to enforce and strengthen the laws that protect them?
I don’t have money but I have the heart and soul and hands, legs to write, complain ( as I have) and whatever I can do! It’s always been a crime to bribe government officials, isn’t there a court a judge that cares about our ecosystem, wildlife, future somewhere that would take the case if we could somehow infiltrate and get the evidence. I know HSUS and ASPCA have ppl that infiltrate dog fights and puppy mill…. I was and ACO for a city in Indiana and worked w them to break up
these criminal circles, they are usually even doing more than the dog fighting, trafficking , selling drugs and weapons. I’m sure these people are into even more criminal things also.
Hoping I don’t sound TOO Crazy.🥴
This is insane! We have to reach out to our politicians, as many people as possible to stop these round up’s, and taking our wild horse’s out of their environment, home’s ect.!!!, Dana M Burket, I have a great love for horses, growing up with them as a child.
The helicopter should not be used!, let the wild. Horses alone, and let them run free!!!, Dana M Burkrt
Hello Ms. Walker:
You said that the appeal has been filed, but no hearing date yet. Please keep in mind that the overturning of the “Chevron Doctrine” by SCOTUS in late June should have a major impact in BLM’s part in all of the disastrous decisions made in all of these court cases. I’m posting a few articles of discussion that have taken place in WY and an older article by the then Director of The Heartland Institute.
You may be able to re-open past cases as well. This is great news for America in all aspects of removing the unelected bureaucracy, including the decisions made against the lands that the wild horses access, the unethical roundups, etc.
Yes our attorney is very aware of this and it informed his work on the case. It is not yet making the big difference you are expecting.
Maybe the tourist should go somewhere because they don’t want to see sheep and cattle and maybe the ranchers that are behind all of this should pay more money for the use of our land. They should pay for reseeding and any other damage from their livestock. I can not stand watching these videos anymore because nothing changes. The BLM abuse the horses and nothing is done. They let you see what they want you to see. IT MAKES ME SICK.
Please Congress have consideration for the wants of your voters. We want these horses left alone.
Born free, let them be free forever.
Cattlemen share the water the land you lease is very cheap it’s the least you can do.
Roundups are WRONG.