Wild Horses Need Your Help Urgently on Take Action Tuesday
March 19, 2018The BLM Releases Plan for Extinction of Wild Horses and Burros to Congress
April 27, 2018The Lives of More Than 45,000 Wild Horses Are Still at Risk as Congress Waits for the Bureau of Land Management’s Plan
The Lives of More Than 45,000 Wild Horses are Still at Risk as Congress Waits for BLM’s Plan by Carol J. Walker
I want to personally thank all of you who called, emailed, faxed, wrote and met with your Senators and Representatives on behalf of our wild horses and burros before the Spending Bill was passed last week.Congress did maintain protections for wild horses and burros BUT they demanded that the Bureau of Land Management, who is tasked with managing and protecting wild horse and burros on our public lands submit a “comprehensive plan and any corresponding legislative proposals” within 30 days.
Why is this a reason for concern? Because the very language of the directive to the BLM points at drastic measure. “the failure to address these problems is irresponsible and will result in irreparable damage to the landscape and the welfare of the animals protected.”
This leaves the door wide open for the BLM to recommend killing (this is NOT “euthanasia”) the 45,000 wild horses and burros in holding as well as the 45,000 still on our public lands who are deemed “excess”and allowing the BLM to to remove protections from wild horses and burros that are in captivity and transfer them to federal, state, and local agencies, send them overseas and put them in “partnerships” that are not in their best interests. All of these alternatives will expose them to possibly being shipped to slaughter.
Wild Horses and Burros need to be humanely managed on the range, while wild and free on our public lands. Destroying them to pander to the Cattleman’s Association is not the solution. We are concerned that once the report is delivered to Congress before the end of April that the BLM could start killing and transferring wild horses and burros very quickly.
Please continue to follow our alerts and posts and requests for action during this very crucial time.
To find out more about Wild Horse Freedom Federation and our work to keep wild horses and burros wild and free on our public lands visit
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BLM and our Government lie!! All they care about is money!!
U.S. Citizens are well aware of BLM’s true intentions. Their time is running out. Voters are organizing at the moment, and change is rapidly approaching.
Leave our horses and burros alone. They deserve to be free and cared for by our government.
The captured horses and burros need to be returned to the wild and protected!!!!!!
Agreed. The wild horses and burros in holding need to be returned to the 26 million acres that has been taken from them and allowed to live out there lives in feeedom.
Wild horses and burros absolutly need help to keep ther freedom in sanctuary and protected naturals lands and it is a DUTY for human beings they must be allowed to live where they are born.