Ep #33: The Online Corral
May 27, 2024
Ep #34: Wild Curly Horses
June 10, 2024By Carol J. Walker

I know people are asking for solutions and how can we stop this roundup. The Scoping and Environmental Assessment for the North Lander Complex roundup came out in 2022. At that time, when no advocacy organizations decided to move forward with a lawsuit to stop it, it pretty much was inevitable. It was going to be just a matter of when the money would become available and when there would be room in holding facilities to house the captured horses. Well, unfortunately for the wild horses, those things all came together in 2024. The roundup is scheduled to start July 1.
They have the contractor scheduled (likely Sampson or Cattoor), enough room in the holding facilities, likely the private facility in Wheatland and the BLM corrals in Rock Springs and saying that you have a way to stop the whole thing at less than a month out is just deliberately misleading people.
However, if you do read the Environmental Assessment which is here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/public_projects/2014081/200509103/20053434/250059617/EA_Lander%20gather_publish01202022.pdf
it does NOT say that 2800 wild horses will be removed this year. What I thought until this afternoon was, “actually that’s an impossibility as there are not even that many adult horses in the Complex.” I had received a copy of the infrared count done in August 2023 and at that time there were 2198 adults and 395 foals in the Complex. Foals do not count toward the number to be removed. The reason for this discrepancy between what they estimated and what the count showed is most likely due to the high number of wild horses that died during the extremely harsh winter of 2022-2023 which I and others have been telling people about ever since. Infrared is a much more accurate, and expensive, method of counting wild horses than the ridiculous statistical double count estimates used in the past. I am glad Wyoming is finally using this new, more accurate method.
This Environmental Assessment is not a one shot plan – no, it is a 10 year plan which the BLM is now trying to use to get around NEPA in all the herds – they ask for public comment and present their plans and range health assessment (if they did it – which they did not show here) only one time instead of each time they take action. It is wrong to do these 10 year plans, it is a violation of NEPA but until this gets challenged over and over in the courts it will keep happening.
The Appropriate Management Level for The entire Complex, 337,000 acres total, consists of 4 herds: Conant Creek, Dishpan Butte, Muskrat Basin and Rock Creek. The Appropriate Management Level is 320-536 wild horses. When they wrote the EA they assumed that there would be 2875 wild horses total, which is clearly over AML.
The proposed 10 year plan for the Roundups is:
Up to 95% or more of stallions returned would be gelded.
Use IUDs on mares that are not pregnant and GonaCon on all of the mares including those with IUDs, that are returned.
Implement a 60%-40% male-female sex ratio. (The normal ratio in the wild is 50%-50%).
On pages 10-11 of the Environmental Assessment they state that they will take 60-70% of the
horses this first gather. But now that’s out the window.
I emailed yesterday regarding the numbers of the horses to be removed given the census numbers from August and was horrified to receive this response from the BLM this afternoon:
“The Complex’s total population is currently estimated to be 3,035. This is based on the August 2023 IR census results plus the estimated 2024 post-foaling population. For this initial gather of the 10-year plan, we’re focusing on reducing populations down to AML, so the target number for removal is approx. 2,715. Population control measures will be minimal during this initial gather because numbers are so high it’s unlikely we’ll gather enough horses to treat and release many, if any. If we’re able to trap horses beyond the 2,715 removal number, we could then implement population control measures that could include gelding, IUDs and GonaCon.” When I asked if foals were counted in this population estimate I was told yes, 19% increase in population post-foaling. Did I mention they are not supposed to count foals? That we won a lawsuit on that? I was a plaintiff on a lawsuit brought by AWHC on this very matter in the Checkerboard Herds in Wyoming – and we won. They are NOT supposed to count foals yet here they are making determinations about how many horses to remove based on this estimated count that includes foals in the total number of wild horses in the Complex.
It makes sense to me that they will try to remove as many horses as possible during this first roundup in case they cannot get more funds any time soon to go in again for a second removal. They don’t actually care about fertility and population control. They just want to remove as many horses as possible. Is this the way they should proceed? No, not at all. In fact, it says in the EA that regarding the first gather, “It is anticipated that the initial gather would result in a post gather population of close to 1000 animals with approximately 60-70% having some form of fertility control
treatment.” And then before the second gather they are supposed to do a new population count, and assess how the population control methods are working.
Now, is this right? No. Are the horses starving to death on the range? No absolutely not. They are remarkable healthy, there is plenty of forage and water. There was no Range Health Analysis included proving degradation caused by wild horses on the range as there is supposed to be in the BLM’s own Handbook in order to justify a roundup – not just being over Appropriate Management Level. Are the horses better off here in their homes, with their families, than in holding facilities joining the already over 64,000 wild horses being housed and fed at great taxpayer expense? Absolutely yes. Should someone have brought a lawsuit to stop this in 2022? Again, yes. Virtually completely sterilizing the herd by using gelding on the stallions and IUDs and GonaCon on the mares is a recipe for extermination. Is there a better way to manage wild horses? Yes.
Can we stop this roundup with less than a month out and all the lawmakers in WY being in favor of wild horse removals?
Let’s tell the truth here: No. Not without a lawsuit. Should there be a lawsuit? Yes. We won before. There should be a lawsuit.
Of course it is helpful to contact your Senators and Representatives and tell them you are against this roundup, against all the scheduled roundups of 10,000 more wild horses for this year, and that the BLM needs to take a different path for wild horse management than chasing and terrorizing them with helicopters and then warehousing them in holding facilities. But that’s not going to stop this roundup. I could tell you to sign a petition and that might
make you feel better. But I really do not believe it will make any difference at all.

So what can you do to help?
If you can possibly go to observe during the roundup, please do. The estimated dates are currently July 1- some time early August. You can sign up with the BLM Public Affairs person Sarah Beckwith: email: sbeckwith@blm.gov to be put on the notification list. She will email out the start date as well as times and places to meet each day of the roundup. Meeting places can be different from day to day, but somewhere roughly around Riverton or Lander, WY.
Why is observing the roundup important? Because if members of the public are there, the contractors and BLM staff take more care with how they handle the horses. With how they conduct themselves. And they can and often do respond to feedback. If you are clear eyed and calm, and pay attention, you can find out important information about what is happening, and usually at the end of the day you will have an opportunity to see the horses brought in and see their condition, find out about injuries and deaths, find out about orphaned foals, and other problems. And on the woo-woo side of things, being there for the horses, to be their voice, to be their champion and being there for them makes a difference. I contend that they can feel your energy, and you can help them.
We may not be able to stop this roundup. But being a voice for these horses, and continuing to speak out about the need for BLM to play by their own rules and to stop helicopter roundups for once and for all does make a difference.
What can I do to help? I will travel there to help.
In the post you will see an email address to sign up to be notified if you want to go an observe during the roundup.
Stop these roundups they are trouble. Horses are treated poorly. Some are injured. These horses have the right to live where they were born. They have emotions and feels just like us.
These roundups and any other round up Must be stopped! Not only are they inhumane they are abusive and absurd…Babies are left to die, many are injured during these roundups because of the inhumane way these are done! The horses are unnecessarily frightened and Traumatized beyond belief… Family’s are torn apart and they are forever changed. The humans do not seem to care if the horses or their babies are injured or killed. They just care about doing it as quickly as they can…
Holding facilities are unnecessary if they just let these beauties be where God intended….Wild and Free!
This Beautiful Iconic horse which was once spoken so fondly of and is now so close to Extinction, all due to Humans and Greed!
I fear the Incredible Mustang horse will sooner than later be only a memory and or the name of a car …
Please add me to the list when roundups will be. This is a tragedy for these beautiful horses.
You need to send an email to Sarah Beckwith, her email is in the post.
Please stop and not fade out the wild horses
please stop these rounds up
Stop these roundups
Horses are being killed. They have a right to live on the land they were born on.
Stop it now. !! Wild horses
This round up is so wrong. There are so many ways to save the wild horses besides putting them in corrals to await death. The wild horses look great on the range and need to be left alone. Expecially the few that remain. BLM means Bad Land Management !!
This MUST stop. The helicopters are so cruel!!! We must take this to the top and agree on a humane way to stop the fertility of mares. And in a way that does NOT disturb the herd and it’s families or cause stress and harm to any horse.
So this really isn’t a controlled round up. It sounds more of an extermination.
I agree it seem like systematic elimination over a long period of time throughout the US.
I strongly believe the cruel and inhumane helicopter roundups of the wild horses need to be stopped permanently. It causes the wild horses to go into a panic and causing serious injuries to the wild horses. The wild horses are being chased by helicopters, separated from their families and end up losing their freedom they used to have on the public lands.
I’m interested in knowing what has happened to put the wild horses in dan ger of starvation in the first place???
Plus “terrorizing the horses with helicopters and warehousing them” makes me sick at Heart! This is completely against their nature ! Breaking their spirit as well as heart 🙁
They are not in danger of starvation.
Stop this!! This is cruel to destroy America’s wild horse herds and a shameful inhumane disgrace to our entire country!!
With these first roundup’s being our hottest month’s,what will the honest impact on all rounded up ? With them saying the horse’s an all are tearing up the land,How many hundred’s of year’s have these Mustang,Burro’s ECT been roaming.The land would not be there for them to roam let alone mine and oil drilling? Just question’s I have for you.You are there.And know all these state’s.Please ask for another signing to.All whom have signed will want to again.The last print on everything.Black an White letter’s on their desk’s,they can not deny taking into the whole process.Thank You Carol and all involved in this.Nevada almost look’s as though house’s are more important to the West the Heritage an History and what these,Family Band’s bring.Again Thank You.I will be contacting State official’s and as High up the ladder I can possibly go.
The comment link to BML is closed I just tried it.
The comment link to BML is closed I just tried it.
Yes I know. I am not asking people to comment. The comment period was in 2022.
Is there a plan to file a lawsuit to prevent extinction in WY? This isn’t management under the FRWH&B Act of 1971. Could any horses become part of the Wild Horse Fire Brigade/SO-CAL research project for fire prevention with relocation instead of warehousing? Thought “Gelding and IUD” are TX A&M research, is this being used and monitored by veterinary researchers?BLM Holding can’t geld McCullough Peak stallions for adoption, how can they handle 2800 animals for vet care?
Please stop the roundups by helicopter and why can’t BLM either let nature takes its course. It’s a disgrace! I don’t want my tax money to pay for getting horses killed. 😒 What the hell is this world coming too?
Please stop the round ups little ones are with there moms and some are pregnant that would be devastating please
Stop and leave these houses alone, they deserve to live a life. Not for your interests 😭😭😭😭😡😡😡😡😡
PLEASE!! No more roundups, no more unnatural deaths, no more separation of mares and foals!!!
Leave the horses and burros to live their lives in the wild in peace!!!
Theses horses& burro’s are our heratige
The Wild West would not be the same without them.
Stop these round ups u are killing our national treasure.
Leave them alone.
I’ve sent an email to Ms Beckwith to be put on the notification list. I will be out of town until 7/7/2024, but can be at the roundups after that.
I’m willing to sound stupid for suggesting this but the horses need high profile, media savvy support from people like Kevin Costner , Tommy Lee Jones, Robert Duvall, Sam Elliott-all have been around horses and hopefully have respect for them unlike the BLM. who have sold their soul to lobbyists. The horses need lobbyists. Could you possibly reach out to the actors management team to see if they would be willing to help the horses . The public needs to heard the real facts, not the distorted narrative that the BLM puts out, so anyone with media contacts would also be great. BLM ignores petitions just like they did with McCullough Peak horses.
If you have contact information for actors and other high profile people whom you think would be helpful by all means please do reach out to them!
Why can’t FORD MUSTANG be a spokesperson person for the Horses? This company has been using them for their iconic car for years… Perhaps they need to step up and Give back to the MUSTANG…put their $$ where their mouth is…If it weren’t for the Majestic MUSTANG… there would Not be a Ford Mustang car, ELECTRIC SUV..
Will the governor help or stand with us and help the wild mustang
No – the governor is firmly on the side of the ranchers.
Can a lawsuit at this late date given the information you shared prevent or delay this roundup? If yes, are any of the advocacy groups considering filing?
Yes and not sure. We shall see.
Please stop rounding up these beautiful, kind horses. They have families they need to be with caring and loving each other. These horses need to live wild and die naturally the way God intended. The BLM have all lost their souls
Seems plans changed but not in the best interest of the mustangs. Thinking that an emergency injunction to halt this roundup could be a possibility. Based on BLM changing their original plans
You have to actually have a lawsuit with a likelihood of success before you can get a preliminary injunction.
Reading this, it’s very informative. Thank you. Today I called three senators and two House of Representatives in Ohio where I live. Regards to #haltthehelicopters, the safe act of 2023 to be in the slaughter of horses, and also regarding the Ejao act bill, HR 6021 in regards to donkeys. It’s sickening to know what the BLM gets away with decimating and trying to cause an end to the life of wild horses. Thank you for all you do and keeping people informed.
Let’s all go to the complex and stand together in front of the gate, to prevent them from putting the horses in there. Enough talk. Let’s take action!
What BLM doesn’t publicize is that about 25,000 cows/sheep have grazing permits in L Lander Complex, subsidized by American taxpayers and costing $1/month for each animal!! So what is causing “degradation to forage” that BLM claims? Is it the 2700 or so wild horses or the livestock?? As usual, wild horses are scapegoated for this! And returning 40 wild horses to the range out of 2700?? Decimation of that herd. BLM is out of control and apparently accountable to no one.
It’s June28th today and Monday the removal begins. It’s sickening. We have to organize a powerful lobbying base against the greedy ranchers and our corrupt government.
A lawsuit should have been filed.
Kristy Milman
This is so sad they’re being rounded up and being led to holding pins for years. Why? Is this where our taxpayer dollars are going because the ranchers don’t want the horses on the land. They are supposed to be protected under our constitution .