Please Comment Today Against the Destruction of 40% of Wyoming’s Wild Horse Herds
The Bureau of Land Management is developing a new Resource Management Plan in Wyoming and has an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for proposed changes to the management of four wild horse herds in Wyoming: Adobe Town, Salt Wells Creek, Great Divide Basin and White Mountain. The BLM’s proposed actions in their “Preferred Alternative” would zero out the Great Divide Basin Herd, zero out the Salt Wells Creek Herd and the White Mountain Herd and cut the Adobe Town Appropriate Management Level by half. Comments are due on this plan by April 30.
Salt Wells Creek, Great Divide Basin, Adobe Town and White Mountain encompass 2,811,401acres, 70 percent of which is federally managed public land and 30% is mostly private lands with some state owned lands.
At issue here is the Checkerboard – a mix of public and private lands 20 miles wide that was set up in the 1870s, when the government was selling private land plots to raise money for the railroad. The private land, about 891,807 acres, is owned by Occidental, the parent company of Anadarko, and the Rock Springs Grazing Association, an association of 24 families. The Rock Springs Grazing Association has been working very hard over the last 8 years to get all of the horses removed from the Checkerboard area even though it is not all private land – it is a mix of private and public land. They have been involved in 4 lawsuits regarding the status of wild horses on federally protected public lands and this proposal is the latest, most sweeping and devastating attempt to have all the wild horses removed. RSGA and the BLM have been attempting to manage the Checkerboard as if it were all private land but it is not, and that is illegal.
I have been observing and photographing wild horses in these four HMAs for the past 16 years. All four herds are distinct, and the horses have different characteristics. They all deserve to be preserved. When 80% of Americans want to see wild horses managed humanely on our public lands, 24 families who only want to have livestock on our public lands should not be able to dictate their fate.
The White Mountain Herd boasts the “Wild Horse Loop Tour” which is an important feature to locals and to tourist alike. The road is a good one and there is interpretive signage. It is very easy to see wild horses if you drive this route. Tourism is a major source of income for the State of Wyoming, and tourists come to see wild horses in Wyoming. This is one of the easiest areas to see and photograph them and if the White Mountain Herd is zeroed out that opportunity would no longer exist.
This “Preferred Alternative” would mean that 4000 wild horses would be removed from the four Herd Management Areas, which is 40% of all the wild horses in Wyoming. The AML for Adobe Town would be 259 – 536 horses, and the BLM could use spaying of mares, gelding of stallions, skewing of sex ratios, helicopter roundups and other methods to keep the population in check, despite the grave danger and inhumane suffering that spaying of wild mares presents and the possible huge impacts to the wild behaviors of the horses that would be subjected to by all of these methods. Sterilizing this herd means instead of an immediate zeroing out, it will be a slow destruction – no more foals and as the horses age they will die out slowly.
I suggest that in your comments you select Alternative A which will manage wild horses in their respective 4 herds at the current Appropriate Management Levels (AMLs) for each herd with a total AML 1481-2065 and use the proven and humane birth control method of PZP to manage the populations of each of these herds if necessary.
Another suggestion would be to require land swaps from the private land holders so that public lands on the Checkerboard could be consolidated. Then wild horses could be relegated to the public lands areas of the four Herd Management Areas, leaving them wild and free and in their homes with enough room on the public lands where they belong.
I also suggest that you request that the BLM must reduce livestock grazing within these four Herd Management Areas. BLM has a statutory mandate to protect wild horses while livestock grazing is a privilege which is permitted at the discretion of the Department of the interior. Livestock grazing does not need to be allowed in order to fit the BLM’s guidelines of “multiple use.” It would be far more cost effective to remove the livestock from public lands since the BLM loses money on the grazing leases, than it would to remove and warehouse the 4000 wild horses it plans to roundup. The BLM’s program of warehousing wild horses is completely unsustainable and the effects on the wild horses are devastating. During the last Checkerboard roundup of 2017 hundreds of wild horses died within the months following the roundup in holding facilities. The very unsustainability of this broken program is heading toward a future where destroying the over 45,000 wild horses in holding may become inevitable.
The BLM never considers the fate of the wild horses it rounds up and removes in its planning process. But I do. Removing wild horses from our public lands has an impact on the taxpaying citizens of the United States who lose an opportunity to observe, photography, study and enjoy these wild horses where they belong, in their homes, with their families, managed humanely and sustainably.

Please request that the BLM select Alternative A. Use your own words. If you sign onto a comment form instead of commenting yourself, 2000 comments just get read as 1. It only takes a few minutes to get onto the BLM site and submit comments online. Your comments will make a difference. Thank you for caring about our wild horses.
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It’s simple DO NOT DESTROY ANY OF THE WILD MUSTANG HERDS ! Been through advocating for this for so long. Why can’t this be decided on without always flaming up again ? STOP THIS NOW
Instead of destroying these magnificent horses as a solution why don’t you put some real thoughts and ingenuity into a humane solution. How a person or anyone else treats these living symbols of the West is a symbol of that persons character.
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Let the mustangs remain the Wild Spirit of the West! Keep your grubby paws off of THEIR grazing grounds!
All wild horses should left alone they are part of the wild west of America leaving the cattleman and oil greedy people take this country over is a huge mistake destroying thg he horses is taking history away the cattle do more environmental damage then the horses do
Please just leave all these American icons in peace. Why must these cruel helicopter roundups continue, except for greed? They were here way before the cattle and sheep industry.
Rounding these animals up and then keeping them penned up in the middle of nowhere without protection from the elements is wrong!
Cattle do more damage than horse’s do.
Please keep these magnificent animals as they naturally are!! They are beautiful & have every right to be left alone!!
It’s simple DO NOT DESTROY ANY OF THE WILD MUSTANG HERDS ! Been through advocating for this for so long. Why can’t this be decided on without always flaming up again ? STOP THIS NOW
Wild and free that is how they were born to be!!! We as humans need to stop playing God. We have NO RIGHT TO TAKE THEIR LIVES AND FREEDOM!!!! HUMANS NEED TO SET THE EXAMPLE OF RESPECTING ALL LIFE BORN NATURAL AND FREE LIKE US.
Stop destroying these beautiful herds. This is where they belong. There’s plenty of acreage for these horses to roam. There ALWAYS a better and humane solution to control the situation. Stop killing!
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It is a Tragedy what you are trying to do to these Magnificent American ICONS!!! BLM, It is your job and duty, BY LAW, to follow and to Leave these Wild Horses and Burros, safe, on OUR PUBLIC LANDS! Stop killing and Start Managing, for All Americans! STOP THE ABUSE AND INSANITY!! Leave the 5 Wild Horse Herds ALONE, Leave ALL OF THE WILD HORSE HERDS ALONE!!! Let them LIVE WILD AND FREE!!! I can’t count the petitions I’ve signed, the phone calls that I’ve made…… it seems to fall on Deaf Ears!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!
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Please stop these terrible roundups that are harming our beautiful, wild, majestic horses from the Great DivideBasin, Adobe Town and Salt Wells Creek area which has the Unique genetics of the curlies. These are one of the rarest horses of the world.
These roundups are inhumane and are destroying the lives and families of our beloved horses.
Please consider the consequences this is having.
I love these horses they are so beautiful. They are harming anyone or anything they just want to be free. There ancestors pulled wagons and stage coaches and they had George Washington and cowboys on there backs. So let these mustangs be free stop harming them.
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Instead of destroying these National treasures which helped develop the west bring awareness and the people of this nation will come and see these wild horses. Change your thinking to assets of the west instead of burden and you will have more tourism to see these beautiful horses .
Please leave these horses alone! Let them stay!
Protect and save the Mustang! God bless them and help them! In Jesus name!
No change.
Please leave the Mustangs alone. They deserve their freedom. There has to be a better solution.
Instead of destroying these magnificent horses as a solution why don’t you put some real thoughts and ingenuity into a humane solution. How a person or anyone else treats these living symbols of the West is a symbol of that persons character.
Once lost …never regained
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Bless you, Carol, for all you do for our wild horses! I went to the document and commented. Let’s hope and pray all this effort will make some difference!
Thank you Deb!
Why is it necessary to murder this herd? I think unless they are destroying farmland or natural habitat for something else they should stay. I don’t see any problems with them staying where they are? Move them instead of murdering them so much better of an idea than murdering the herd!
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Please leave our Wild Horses alone
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Our Wild Horses are National Treasures that should be cared for tenderly instead of destroyed like so many treasures that we can never get back.
Please don’t destroy these families. Let them live free.
Stop this!
Please leave beautiful icons alone. They go back way b4 you people were alive. They need to stay free. Those are family to one another. You will be destroying them. How would you like it if your family was ripped away from you?
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Please look into using the safe alternative to destroying and putting our world horses through cruel and inhumane roundups that indeed injure and kill some horses. Running these horses to extreme lengths until exhaustion is horrible. Then cramming them into trailers and hauling them to unsafe places to keep them without shelter and possibly getting diseases from over crowded areas. Some are yes destin for slaughter at some point . So sad to see there freedom and family bands forever gone . Please do what is right and have a heart . Let them stay free.
Lorie Schoen
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Please stop this slaughter.
There will never be a day when people want wild horses removed from their homes – horses are loving bonded families and the idea that capturing penning and getting them a home is beyond insane thinking – leave them alone / leave them happy – and you make the public happy – they deserve their freedom
These wild horses belong here. Please don’t harm. Just remember you work for us not private companies not the president. The horses are indigenous to this country and our history. Leave alone.
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PLEASE LEAVE TJE WILD HORSE’S THERE. MY REASON’S. They are Natural Firefighters by eating the vegetation that fuels the fire’s. This is at no cost to the Public. Their hooves are not CLOVEN like the cow’s . So Less Destruction to the land. They are Protected .
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If you take destroying beautiful animals out of the picture and work at finding a way to save them future generations can say “thank you” for saving them so I can see and enjoy them. Once they are gone you can not bring them back running free . Give them life not death and let the future enjoy them.
Comment on the BLMs web page in the comments section. Most effective. Use facts: Wyoming is the least populated state in the US. There is 64,000+ acres of public lands in WY. It is the 10th largest state. Perfect state for wild horses in the people to horse to public lands ratio. Everyone needs to act for these voiceless animals who will lose their freedom & lives if we do nothing. The ranchers are the loudest. Let’s be LOUDER!
There are many millions of acres of public lands in Wy.
Please save the horses !
I looked over alternate A, and agree it’s a better start to maintaining and preserving our wild horses, who are a national treasure. For those who come to visit from the more condensed areas of our nation to see what beautiful wild life we have. Enjoy, and celebrate.
Please leave the wild horses free!! They take care if the land, take care of themselves. cattle over eat the grass lands. BML is supposed to take of American land and the history, by destroying the blood line of wild horses and giving in to the ranchers just show’s that the ranchers money means more to you then doing the right thing by leaving the wild horses free.
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Please leave the wild horses along. They belong there and been there for how long now .it’s not right you are rounding the up and doing what you ate saling and some are getting hurt and some are going to the to be slaughtered that’s not right. You are taken to many of the wild horses from all over . It’s got to stop
This needs to stop the inhumane,cruel tactics leave the horses alone
Please leave the horses along I have 21 horses and know what it takes to care for them ,if the Ranchers will keep horses safe and stop round ups stop shipping horses for slaughter the price of cattle will go up . Cattle do not belong on public land feed lot them and yes I also raise cattle
save the wild horses
Stop the killing of our wild horses. God is watching and you will be held accountable for your complicity. Free grazing for beef lobbyists is another a reason to sell your soul to the devil.
The horses are part of the West’s history and heritage. They deserve to be here a d to be left alone. Cattle are less and less important now, and deserve no grazing privileges.
Don’t do it!! It was their land first!!
This action needs to be stopped now and forever. The greed of the ranchers is unfathomable. There is enough land for their cows, why do they have to destroy these beautiful horses and their land? The BLM is just doing what the ranchers want. Stop it.
We want our children and our grandchildren to be able to see these beautiful horses.
We will keep advocating until you, The BLM stops this awful activity of rounding up these innocent beautiful horses.
You mustn’t kill more animals. It appears to be protecting ranchers. People are up in arms with the meat industry. So, what if you rid the plains of these magnificent creatures, and the meat industry goes under? All for naught. Either way, the decision makers here are horrible humans and do not represent my intent for BLM land as a US citizen and a Veteran.
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LEAVE OUR WILD HORSES ALONE. THEY’RE AN AMERICAN ICON. They deserve to live wild and free and run just like they always have. They belong to us the people to the land . ALL LIVES MATTER, ….. YES ESPECIALLY THEIRS.
Let them free as they should be. Leave them be. They belong in the wild. They are part of the landscape.
We should work with nature not against it.
Please leave these beautiful majestic beauties alone! They’re are magnificent, beautiful creatures that were put here by our Father The Creator Of The Universe. Millions more f people enjoy them. They are beauty and should not be killed. Leave them Let them enjoy their life on this planet as God intended. Untouched. Such beautiful creatures are to be spared and enjoyed. Please stop. Thank you. .
21 minutes ago
Ok so they spent about the same amount of money protecting them they want to spend MORE on slaughtering them? Are you serious? Haha just leave them alone..shoulda just caught them and gelded the stallions. Instead you’d rather destroy another species of animal that has had to struggle without human contact to stay alive , as it is..horses usually need us to care for them for many reasons . so I’d love to give these ignorant f****s my true opinion but I’d be wrong for doing so…hence the reason why I’m going to just leave it at that . And I hope everyone is ok and corona free (should spend the money on working on a cure for corvid-19)
Stop the destruction of our wild herds.
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To destroy wild horses which are American icons is unconscionable. Cows can eat anywhere. Keep them off public lands long inhabited by the wild horses.
Stop this from happening.
Many thanks, Carol. Will share and comment.
Thank you Barbara!
The wild horses of America Are jewels in our crown…no one, not government nor cattle rancher , has the God given authority to remove them..,even worse, to send them to their death. I oppose these plans to steal from the earth it’s magnificent assets.
Please rethink this decision, please show mercy and kindness to these horses.
Respectfully, Nannette Minnoch
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Wild horses belong to the American people. They are our legacy. They seem to be in dire trouble era after era. They belong to us. Stop molesting our wild horses. Rest assured I will be posting my comment in this matter, as well as others concerning wild horses everywhere!!!
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Do the job you are getting paid for by taxpayers. Protect the wild horses and leave them alone. They don’t belong to you they belong to the American people
Leave the horses alone. There is enough land for cattle and horses. Just leave them alone and feed your greedy BLM mouth on something else.
OMG.. haven’t you sent enough of AMERICA’S ICONIC WILD HORSE’S to be BRUTALLY BUTCHERED..some which there heritage could have been traced backs hundreds and hundreds year long before us .. leave them alone
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U need to stop this destruction of wild horses- they r iconic of the Wild West and need to be protected. U need to rework your entire ideas of the wild horse herds. We want them left alone and protected- we r watching you!!!!!!!
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Disgusting malignant human greed. Leave the beauty of nature and wildlife. They are not for sociopath gameplayers to destroy. Mankind will make earth a cesspool of waste and suffering if we don’t put them in their place.
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Let us save them
I do not understand why the government cannot listen to facts, 1) having the horses and burros on the range slows the spread of CWD. Fact not hearsay. 2) Having the horses and burros on the range helps keep the risk of wild fires down, Again fact not hearsay. Oh! Wait! I know why they won’t listen, horses and burros don’t have millions of dollars to pass under the tables to the powers that be like the cattlemen and sheep men do.
Please leave our wild horses alone! They were here long before you decided to let cattle ranchers and others use their land. This country has much more important things to deal with now so stop wasting the taxpayers money on stupid things. These horses are our legacy, it is the cattle that need to go!
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The wild mustangs are as representative American icons as the bald eagle. BLM should turn their sites on using them as tourist attractions instead of selling them per pound. Stop working with cattle lobbist and promote your resources.
Leave the wild horses alone.
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Keep horses wild and free!
Please do not remove these beautiful horses from the range. Let them range free. So whatever you need to keep them on the range.
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Please leave these magnificent animals alone. They bother no one and are not a threat. There is plenty of land for everyone. Please reconsider the Roy dips. Please leave them alone.
Leave these beautiful God-given animals be!!!! They’re wild animals and no one owns them and has no right oh, I mean no right I do anything to them! In the state of Wyoming, you should be supporting these animals in their natural environment!!! It’s part of the United States heritage and physically the Midwest! Humans do way more damage then any of these animals ever! All in the name of progress? Bulshit!
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Totally absurd and ridiculous! As the Elders of the Navajo have told me… what will you ride in the future.
Please spare these souls. There is plenty of space for these animals.
They are protected as well.
Tourism can bring in more revenue than cattle.
Please review the options.
Thank you from someone who truly cares about each of these majestic creatures. I have 7 horses I know how precious each soul is. Each unique and irreplaceable.
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These beautiful horses are an important part of our past. They are essentially needed to keep the ranges balanced. Their families are the most important thing to them. There are other options then removing them. Please consider a safer more humane way to control the population of wild horses.
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People really need to read the directions and go to the link and make comments. Think about how you would want to be spoken to and would you listen if someone was yelling at you? We need to be civil in our conversations.
Shari – this happens every time! It appears that there isnt all that much concern for the wild horses – only for making a comment public! If only all these people would simply READ THE DIRECTIONS & ACTUALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE rather than just “commenting”! You & I cant be the only ones !
Get rid of the cattle, leave the horses, bring back the predators and work towards a natural ecology where there is no need for human intervention. This is the way forward.
The Wild Horses belong to the people,not any states and dang sure not the BLM.BLM is only there to watch over them for “We The People Who Are The Tax Payer’s with RIGHTS” and we say NO…leave them alone.They can make it on their own the natural way and have done so before BLM came along and think they can do whatever they want with them.These horses belong to everyone and we want them left alone to live free and be left alone.They were there long before horrible BLM and other people came along.So sick of hearing this and want them left alone.That is their land and just b/c we are human’s (some are) doesn’t mean we have the right to wipe them out.Greedy cruel folks out there always messing up the world with them thinking they in the right.BLM needs to learn “live and let live”.It works!!!Remember this is cruel and inhumane treatment of them.
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Please save this horses ! I want my Grandchildren to be able to enjoy them in the wild
I feel so sad when ranchers or sheep herders feel that their livestock is more important than animals that have lived on the land far longer and have been pushed and pushed out of their natural migration areas all due to ranching.
I believe that the government also loses money on the grazing permits and the livestock does damage to the areas. Is it possible to swap land to help with the checkerboard issues?
I hope you can find a better solution to this very important issue, I believe that these beautiful horses bring in a lot of tourism to the area. Please take it seriously and know we come from a positive place and just wish this can be resolved in a respectful way. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
Sherry Ware
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Our wild horses are an important part of our national and global history. Preserving the animals that we have now in the wild is imperative to their future. Please for the future generations and health of our planet, find a solution that takes care of the few wild horses we have left. Please go down in history as a preserver of these majestic animals and not a destroyer. Connect your head with your heart. Respect the freedom and amazing gift from God that horses are, your grandchildren and all the generations to come will thank you. Be a hero, not an enslaver, or murderer. Thank you for your consideration.
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There have been some compelling comments posted here, and I hope the people who posted them have followed Carol’s directions to click on the ePlanning link so their comments can be counted WHERE they matter! I’d like to add, that if you truly want your comments to make a difference, state a reason to support your choice that isn’t based on emotions, and contains evidence or is able to cite facts to support the alternative you prefer. For instance, I personally don’t feel that any of the alternatives are acceptable, because the BLM is not managing according to alternative A! So my comment will state that the BLM is not taking advantage of the tools at their disposal, they are not following current science based protocols for managing or capturing excess horses, and most importantly, there is not enough room in appropriate short term holding facilities to accommodate the horses that would be removed, which has been the major “reason” that they have not managed according to Alternative A! There are volunteer groups willing to help with management of these herds, yet they are not involved in discussions, nor have they been approached for help in solutions. The Cloud Foundation is a regional organization with much respect, and they have consistently asked for different approaches to management based on sound scientific data.
This is just completely unfathomable. Why is it so hard to make you small minded people see, that we love our wild horses? They are just as much part of our western heritage as the cowboy. Even more so in my opinion. They are constantly get a bad deal when it comes to their freedom. The answer is not to remove and coop them up. The answer is to get rid of all the cattle on their ranges. The cattle are decimating the earth, not the horses. Our mustangs are a reminder of freedom as much as the bald eagles are. They should be protected just like the bald eagle is. It makes absolutely no sense to remove them and put in feed lots. We want to see them running free across the range with their families just being horses. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that? Why can’t they be free? During this time in our country’s history, how do you feel having you freedom and liberties taken away? You aren’t in jail, but we are restricted and confined to our homes. I for one know I hate it. Just think of how you feel about our freedom and liberties being taken away by the government. I don’t ever want to have this happen again. Think of the mustang’s fate. It’s basically the same principle. They deserve to be free. They have earned their right to be free. Just leave them alone.
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Hi ! I’m not northamerican, and I don’t live in the USA, can I make a comment too at wild horse amendment?
You can try – I am not sure if the online form will accept your address. But if you can pass this information along to people you know in the US that would be very helpful!
i could make my comment and help the only way I can to save wild horses and keep them wild
What’s wrong with people now a days? It’s all about the almighty dollar! These beautiful creatures are not hurting anyone. It’s all about the ranchers and getting off cheap to feed their cattle. Horses don’t destroy the land like cattle do. As a matter of fact, the horses are better for it. And how about the low lifes that make money off sending these free spirits to slaughter. The whole thing makes me sick and ashamed of the human race and what it’s become!
This land & these horses are the American taxpayers !!! You work for the American taxpayer!!!!! These actions you are taking need to be spread far & wide & you will awaken the “sleeping giant” of the American citizenry. The American taxpayer is not interested nor is it the responsibility of the taxpayer to subsidize cattle ranchers.
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I believe our wild horses represent us as majestic animals who are free to roam as much as we do as humans. They help us emotionally with positive vibes when they are near us and for some that own horses. This is outrageous to eliminate some of these beautiful horses. They help the ecosystem. To this is abuse of animals, how could anybody in their hearts do this, may our dear lord help these animals by prayers and put some sense of into the hearts of BLM.
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Dear BLM,
I comment to request that the BLM:
1) manage wild horses in the AMLS of 1,481-2,065 per herd using humane birth control, PZP, to manage the populations of each herd, if necessary.
2) consolidate land swaps from private land holders so that public land is continuous.
3) reduce livestock where grazing is a privilege and is at the discretion for the Department of Interior, costing far less to the tax payer than stock piling horses.
4) make upstanding decisions by treating wild horses as native North American Wildlife.
Colleen Colbert
Woodbridge, CT
You need to submit your comments to the BLM – they will not get them here.
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Hi Colleen, This is not where to submit your comments to the BLM.
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There needs to be better management, more flora and fauna balance, better reporting on the ecosystems that are impacted, and less grazing leases, less cows…more balance of the environment and everyone and everything wins!
Leave these wild horse herds alone and step back and manage the “whole” better instead of parts of the “whole”.
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I pray you will be prosecuted to the Max and punished for breaking the Law protecting all the wild horses and burros. You know you are wrong. Get a backbone and refuse these abhorrent orders by incompetent politicians that are only worried about reelection.
I thank you Carole for trying to keep these mustangs here. I have written BLM again, as I have written to them throughout 4 DECADES to protest the removal of the mustangs. They zeroed out our mustangs east of the BLM fence for the Stewart Creek HMAs years ago. They did it piece by piece, just like they’re doing now.
We have lived in this area for 40 years, year-round, on our property. The ranchers of RSGA are more than a hundred miles away and they do not own any property in the Stewart Creek area and they live more than 100 miles away. They only control the grazing rights for the public lands in the checkerboard area, which they sell or trade to other ranchers, who also do not live here.
So why is it a handful of powerful people control what happens to our public lands, not to mention to the private lands held by actual landowners? If you asked my neighbors that live out here if they mind the mustangs free ranging out here, 90% of them would be happy to see them and live with them.
Cows have short stumpy legs, enormous guts and broad beams. They don’t like to walk very far. They’re bred to produce meat. You will not find them more than a few miles from a water source, where ever they’re grazing. But the ranchers rarely provide those water sources, let alone developing additional water resources. So the cattle tend to overgraze and destroy fragile rangeland around those water sources.
Mustangs on the other hand are born to run and range. Covering a 20 mile radius from a water source is nothing for them. Unlike cattle, they also don’t crap in their water source.
Then let’s get to the different methods of mastication that horses and cattle have. Horses have a full set of teeth, upper and lower, with both incisors and molars. Cattle only have incisors on the bottom and a few molars for chewing. Horses bite their grass, shearing the grass with their incisors. If on open range rather than confined, they tend to leave several inches of the plant. Cattle on the other hand only have their lower incisors and upper gums, so they tend to bite and pull.
Why is this important? Well, because back East, they have rhizomataceous grass, which spreads by roots. Thus, pulling it slightly out of the ground encourages additional rooting and spreading. Think Johnson grass as a prime example. But our rangeland is in the West, where we have primarily bunchgrass, which spreads from a crown. If the crown is pulled up, it exposes the roots and kills the plants. So in the West, the mustangs are actually good stewards of the range, but the cattle will destroy the range because they pull the grass up. Both botanists and biologists know this.
Plus cattle have poor eyesight and frequently step on bird nests. We don’t have many trees out here in this Basin, so most birds nest directly on the ground or in the sagebrush, which most sagebrush out here is 1-2 ft. tall, unless you’re in the tall sage in the draws. We have a problem with sage grouse decline in this area, which has nothing to do with hunting or lack of resources, but they have declined as cattle grazing has increased. We no longer have mustangs in this area, so the decline isn’t due to the mustangs. We do have a healthy population of sage grouse on our property, but that’s because we have provided habitat, water, cover and protection from the cattle stepping on their eggs and hatchlings.
Everybody needs to keep after BLM and hold them to providing scientific evidence to back up their statements. I thank all of you for adding your voices. There is nothing more thrilling that watching these wild creatures galloping over the hills with their manes and tails flying in the wind!
I just sent my comments, using the form. Thank you so much for making this an easy process to understand and take action on!
You are welcome! Thank you so much for commenting.
BLM – stop harming our wild horses!
Rettung der Wildpferde in Amerika. Amerika ist doch das Land der Freiheit und Abenteuer mit seinen Wilpferden.
I like the idea of reconfiguring the checkerboard so all the cattle land is together and all the wild Horse land is together. Makes the most sense. I prefer Alternative A. Manage our wild horses on the land. They are survivors with amazing instincts. If you sterilize them they will lose their instincts and die off. If you thin them out too much inbreeding is a big risk. The Wyoming horses are great for tourism. You should be promoting them and honoring them, not destroying them. Every animal on earth has it purpose and when people insert their influence it throws off natures balance and our delicate ecosystems. Stop messing with perfection. Let the beauty of these amazing American icons flourish as they were meant to be!! Protect and RESPECT our wildlife!!
These horses belong to US—the American people. These horses give us great joy. Yes, there are business interests, but that should not matter. These horses must stay here. They are more important than ANY corporation that wants to use OUR LANDS, our birthright. We love our horses and we’re going to fight for them.
Please do not harm these wonderful horses. They belong to us all .
Dear Hearts: have submitted my comments. Thank you for all you do for these Beloved Wild Horse Kindred.
All Love,
Padme Atea (Lyn Gilbert)
Wiping out and sterilizing some of the last mustangs in the United States is not an answer to anything. Wild horses are historic markers. The west was won off the backs of horses. “Where ever a settler left his footprint, there was a hoof print beside it” -Katie McLoughlin (Flicka). It may be a movie quote, but it is true. People of the earth are already ruining the earth with pollution. Thousands of sea mammals are already dying because of man’s disregard to the earth. Do you really want to wipe out the wild horses who descend from those who walked side by side with the settlers who founded this country? No, you don’t, because then you are deleting our history.
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Wiping out and sterilizing some of the last mustangs in the United States is not an answer to anything. Wild horses are historic markers. The west was won off the backs of horses. “Where ever a settler left his footprint, there was a hoof print beside it” -unknown.
This corruptive madness must end ! The Protected iconic symbols of Freedom in our nation have been comprised. Byway of deliberate False narratives utilizing fallacious data to undermine and manipulate the system. Intention to benefit the Ranchers and Large Corporations . Whereas ‘they’ may lease the land via vouchers for private use of Public Land at a discounted rate.
I plead that you use your logic, see thru the deception . Restore honor to America by leaving to wildlife and lands untouched by man.
With grateful appreciation
Thank you
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Please leave all wild horses free in the wild as God has them. Stop the round ups
Please leave us one of the gifts of th wild to treasure and enjoy now and for the next generation
Stop this now. Conservation of not only nature but history is key for a better future.
All eyes on you. Make the right decision.
please help and save our wild horses .. they deserve better than this please all lives are important
Absolutely leave the wild mustangs alone. What are you thinking getting rid of them.
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This must stop! How cruel and horrific and most of all Greedy! Dear God have mercy upon our wild horses!
Let them be free!
Let these Beautiful animals run free the way they are meant to. Please do not take away their land.
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I support Alternative A, no action!!! Leave these horses alone!
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I support Alternative A, no action!!! LEAVE THESE HORSES ALONE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try to be humane. You have a legal and ethical mandate to do so.
Please leave the wild horses alone. Let them be wild natural and free.
When people can’t be creative they are inevitably destructive. When they voluntarily live in chains, they inevitably try to destroy the freedoms of others. The natural world is falling victim to the schemes of those who don’t believe they are just as much a part of nature, as the wild beings, these horses, that live their lives unexploited by men. When their gone we won’t be able to bring them back, or bring back the parts of our souls, we are losing if we choose to live so heartlessly.
We need to let the horses run free!! BLM works for the people of this country and the majority want to keep our herds in the wild!
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We are better than this as decent human beings. There are options. Do not destroy these magnificent American treasures.
They need to leave the wild herds alone. It is part of our native land and history. A is the best. No action.
Why are you destroying our National treasure? The greed of this country will in the end destroy all humanity .
Please consider what you are trying to do you will not be able to un do!
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Why must Mankind DESTROY everything that is wild and free? Ohhhhh That’s right! Because you canna control what’s wild and you just won’t leave things alone as The Mother intended, you have to spoil, ruin and wipe out what you don’t control!
I sit here and smile at the knowing, Mother Nature will have the last and final say
stop. they belong here. the do not the ranchers do not. the people have spoken! they want the mustangs not your special interest cattle barons . public lands for the people and we WANT the mustangs to stay and the destroyers of the environment stooped
Please leave our beautiful free horses to be free. There nothing free here in the USA anymore . Please leave them to live a free life and enjoy it .
Please leave those beautiful wild horses alone. Destroying them is not the answer!!
Leave the Mustang wild and free! They are part of the American spirit. Why you destroy the nature and all animals living on there?
The land doesn’t belongs to you greed people, stop doing this prosecution to horses just to benefit ranchers who want replace wild horses for cattle.
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Leave the wild mustangs to be free!
They deserve to be here and were here before we were!
There is land elsewhere for ranchers! These majestic animals should be preserved and protected!
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Please leave the horses alone. They are not destroying the earth… is the humans that are doing that. Ranchers always want the free land and then they want to do away with all the wildlife. It is honestly SICK.
This wrong and you know it — the day at the ballot box will come and we won’t forget ! You need to protect these magnificent horses not destroy and drive them from their lands . You are reading the public’s response to your actions , these are public lands and we want them left to the wild horses not uses for private gain or government greed.
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I will never understand WHY humans need to have control over WILD horses. Leave the horses wild and free as they were meant to be and leave your hands off THEIR land…farm your cattle on YOUR OWN LAND!
No change …..
Please leave the wild horses be they have wright too.
Please leave the horses alone, protect them not slaughter them. We are lucky to have such beautiful animals on this planet
I submitted mine with your suggestions In my words and additional information as well.
Wonderful, thank you!
Please don’t do this try to think of another solution. WHY couldn’t you round them up a heard at a time and take the yearlings and action them off advertise for people to buy them for pets.But no meat buyers.or may be start castrating some if the stallions to keep their numbers down.Im sure if you tried you could come up with a better sulutiin then just getting rid of all of them.They round up these ponies every year swim them across a river and sell the Colts to people it’s become a thing so why couldn’t you do that.
Stop these horrific roundups by BLM of our precious wild horses……it’s cruel and inhumane! They deserve to be free as they always have been……it’s all they know! It’s all about greed between BLM and the cattlemen and it is wrong! They are icons of the west……stop this!