Colorado’s Wild Horses Need to be Protected from the BLM
August 16, 2022Wild Horses at BLM’s Wheatland WY Facility Have No Chance to Be Seen or Adopted
September 29, 2022Please Comment to Stop BLM’s Wild Mare Sterilization Research

The BLM annouced that they were going to do this wonderful thing – put money toward researching new and improved ways to manage our wild horses. Unfortunately the reality is more like a horror show than a happily every after.
They are planning to do research into 3 ways to make birth control on mares last longer – actually the goal is to sterilize them. One method will change hormones, which will impact the wild behaviors of the mares, another will end up sterilizing them, and yet another method includes using IUDs. I have said this before, and I am saying it again: IUDs should NEVER be used on wild mares. Last winter when they were putting them into mares in WY during the Checkerboard roundup when I questioned if or when the IUDs would be removed I was told that they would just “fall out.” There is no mechanism or procedure to find if a mare is in trouble or suffering on the range, no plan to remove the IUDs.
The current humane, reversible birth control that the BLM has been using for over 40 years, PZP, works well if it is actually used. But the BLM has only been treating a very small portion of the wild horses it manages. These three studies could result in permanent sterilization, removal of wild behaviors due to suppression of hormones, and illness and possible death from the use of IUDs. The money for this project would be much better applied in implementing safe, proven, reversible birth control that already exists to keep populations in check without harm to their natural, wild behaviors. The BLM needs to restructure their model for managing wild horses from roundup and removal, placing the horses at terrible risk of dying of diseases in the overcrowded holding facilities to a new model of management on the range, in their homes, with their families, where they are currently found. But the BLM’s ultimate goal needs to be understood – they want to sterilize our wild horse herds so that after a matter of decades there will be no more wild horses on our public lands.
The Cloud Foundation has a form that you can use to submit comments here: https://secure.everyaction.com/6FNWMZrSkUWN_ciRrpz8qA2
But as always, the very best way to comment is to do it in your own words on the BLM eplanning website here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020329/510
Please comment by August 22, 2022.
If you are having trouble submitting your comments please contact:
Paul Griffin Email: BLM_HQ_WHBResearch@blm.gov Phone:(970) 631-4808
Sterilizing our horses is as bad as sending them to kill pens. It should never be done! Live and let live. Leave our wild horses alone!
Please make sure you send your comments to the BLM here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020329/510
They want to eradicate the mustang , sterilization is An excuse , the blm lying one more time
Please stop this barbaric act on one our most beautiful animals that roam our earth. These mustangs need our voice and help to bring awareness!! Thank you to all the people out there trying to help these wonderful horses!!
Your links don’t bring us to the BLM commenting, hence why you keep having to tell everyone the same thing.
You have got to be kidding!! Knowing how dangerous IUDs are you are STILL going to insert them into a wild mare that you WILL NOT keep under observation to make sure she’s safe. What is wrong with you people!! Killing them off as you are already doing on obviously is quick enough for you. How does it feel not to have a soul
Please make sure you submit your comment to the BLM here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020329/510
78yr old from Wyoming. Wife , Nadine worked for BLM, out of Winnemmuca office, in the horse program. She is apaulded by actions of the BLM AND THEIR HERD destruction programs which are intended to remove most of the bands from public lands. Genetics are being lost. The birth control is a cloaked total removal program
Our Mustangs ar not for your experments,they ar living creatures with hearts and feelings,they ar Beautiful and should run free on public Land they Do not need Humans to control the population leve them alone,take your cows and sheep to your property and let them destroy it,iam a tax payers my taxes do not go to slaughter mustangs,
I know they have to cull the herds at times but it needs to be a small percentage of a herd that are sterilized. Or you will run the risk of extinction. These horses are a precious heritage and they deserve to live and raise families.
None of our wild horses need to be culled or sterilized – there is humane, safe birth control that works.
Stop sterilizing these wild horses stop culling wild horses stop the round ups of wild horses this upsets me greatly
Please stop sterilizing every mare.
When so few mares are there it makes it brutal for the stallions fighting over them and then there are no more foals. I realize that you don’t want more foals but we need some. I beg that you leave the healthiest and strongest of them to stay on the range. Management is one thing but making them extinct is another. Please stop sterilizing APL of the mares.
No sterilization and no iuds. On range reverseable fertility control must be done. Remove the domestic livestock and replace the horses that have been removed from all of the land they are supposed to have by law. Stop the incentive program that is a backdoor to slaughter.
Please make sure you send your comments to the BLM here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020329/510
No sterilization and no iuds. On range reversible fertility control must be done. Remove the domestic livestock and replace the horses that have been removed from all of the land they are supposed to have by law. Stop the incentive program that is a backdoor to slaughter.
Just DON’T do it! If the BLM has so much funding they need to invent more ways to eliminate horses from OUR Public Lands, why don’t they focus on improving range lands degraded by bovine grazing?
Please make sure you send your comments to the BLM here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020329/510
Stop the roundups and stop the cull and stop sterilization of our native American Wild Horses and Burros. All Animal Lives Matter! We will Vote Humane! Stop the Roundups! Light will overcome the Darkness!
With the 6th mass extinction now occurring, sterilizing wildlife will only speed up that process! All wildlife depend on each other to create and stabilize ecosystems…only human activity, mostly by large corporations, destroy ecosystems that are the source of all life, including human life ! Stop this sterilizing insanity, wild horses evolved here and contribute to stabilizing the ecosystem where they thrive; not so for invasive species brought here like cattle and sheep!
With the 6th mass extinction now occurring, sterilizing wildlife will only speed up that process! All wildlife depend on each other to create and stabilize ecosystems…only human activity, mostly by large corporations, destroy ecosystems that are the source of all life, including human life ! Stop this sterilizing insanity, wild horses evolved here and contribute to stabilizing the ecosystem where they thrive; not so for invasive species brought here like cattle and sheep!
Stop the inhumane & experimental procedures being done to these beautiful American treasures!
Please make sure you send your comments to the BLM here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020329/510
Please let the horses live wild as they always have. They are a disappearing icon of the American spirit. They are precious and part of our history. Playing with natural evolution is dangerous and irresponsible. The wild horses aren’t hurting anyone or the land. Place the money into programs that truly protect the land from opportunist who are absolutely abusing land.
BLM, please stop wasting taxpayers’ money on “studies” that are not needed. Spend the money on PZP birth control if a herd needs population management for some unfathomable reason. Its proven to be the best way for the health of the mares. While you’re at it, send the horses trapped in kill/holding pens back to their natural habitat ! They’ll be happy wild and free again and you (we) will save the millions of dollars is costs to keep them locked up. It’s a win/win, except for the cattle ranchers who feel the BLM lands belong to them – an obviously incorrect notion.
Please make sure you send your comments to the BLM here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020329/510
They are wild animals, we are not supposed to interfere. Stop killing our horses
Please make sure you send your comments to the BLM here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020329/510
Permanent sterilization is both inhumane and pushes the extinction of our iconic wild equines. There are proven effective and safe methods of controling population growth. PZP works and is a humane choice where needed.
Please reconsider your priorities and do the right thing by our supposedly protected wild horses. They have managed to surrvive for generations. With continued human encroachment they are challenged as never before. It is your job to help, not eliminate their chances of survival. I implore you to do the right thing … the humane thing for these equines and a world that values and admires them.
Please make sure you send your comments to the BLM here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020329/510
Please do not destroy these horses and their chances for survival. This can’t be monitored once they are in the wild and damage caused will be a painful thing for a mare to experience.
Please make sure you send your comments to the BLM here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020329/510
These methods of birth control and sterilization are as cruel and harmful as the roundups. Leave them one. OR get in touch with the Maryland State and National Parks Services and learn how to control the population in a safe and effective way, as the do with the Assateague wild ponies.
Please make sure you send your comments to the BLM here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020329/510
Let Wild horses Be free ! Leave them alone Stop!!
Please make sure you submit your comment to the BLM here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020329/510
Please stop the sterilization of our wild mares.
I beg you . This is cruelty and unnecessary.
Please make sure you submit your comment to the BLM here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020329/510
It is not appropriate that the very people who are ridding our free range lands of our horses and burros, decimating their herds, and show obvious desire to take over OUR PUBLIC RANGE LANDS for cattle, livestock, and industry, for them to have any say about fertility controls for our equine. THEY ARE NOT YOURS. REMEMBER THAT. You have parlayed your way into gaining control of them, but you are a huge detriment to our wild lands, and have proved yourselves to being a cattleman’s dream bureau, rather than that of it’s actual purpose to PROTECT OUR EQUINE. That is your given purpose. That is your cause, but you have, and still are decimating our beloved wild horse and burros to the extreme of making certain breeds have a highly questionable future. Therefore you have proven yourselves utterly inadequate to protect them at all. Indeed, they were much better off with the wild cats, bears, wolves, and coyotes, than they ever have been with YOU!!! You are NOT qualified to determine the horses “need”for horrid, unproven, un-monitored methods of birth control over these horses. If you have one shred of ethics within you, you would admit your utter lack of qualification of your positions, and turn the bureau over to people who actually CARE about our wild horses, burros, wildlife, AND EVEN OUR PREDATORS, WHO ARE A PART AND PARCEL OF OF OUR WILD LANDS, AND DESERVE–INDEED NEED– TO BE THERE TO KEEP A CONSTANT BALANCE OF GRAZERS AND PREDATORS. The absolute need for scientific based equine and wildlife “management” has been flagrantly ignored, and obvious, concocted causes, and excuses have been used, along with flagrant lies about the humane nature of the roundups, and much more, has been your abhorrent M.O. Our wild equine thrived on those very wild range lands, for centuries, without any help at all by mankind. You call what you do “management”, but you are managing to extinction. No animal deserves to be wiped out to make way for ANY industry. That you are doing this makes you morally reprehensible. Do you believe in God? Do you not know his message Jesus was sent to give us? Do you not know you will reap the reward of the criminal, and no amount, no mountain of money, can EVER buy your way into heaven. If you do not repent of your ways, and commence working for the betterment of our wildlife, rather than their extinctions, you will never see eternity. I am not your judge and jury, of course. You are fortunate it is Jesus.
Please make sure you submit your comment to the BLM here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2020329/510
I filled in the fields, but it is still not sending. Can someone help?
Hi Judy,
Here is the contact person at the BLM – this is his job to help you:
Paul Griffin
(970) 631-4808
By all means let’s eradicate an entire species of animals all I. The name of greed. Instead of doing as intended as hitch is to protect and maintain BLM just want to remove the impediment of a species thei have been entrusted to care for. The American west is synonymous with wild horses and other species and we as Americans continue to allow the flagrant mismanagement and frankly egregious destruction of wild lands and species that belong to our nation and Americans. This has to stop – it’s time to defund this agency for failure to perform and let alone the sheer mistrust in doing their duties.
Leave our Wild Horses & Burros alone.
Stop removing them from their lands to accommodate Welfare Ranchers.
Cattle dont belong on public lands.
The sheer cruelty of all BLM “solutions” should be the most damning evidence their proposals and actions are completely wrong.
Sterilizing our wild horses would end up destroying them. You would be taking them out of the available gene pool, and that is always a horrible idea. PZP works and still leaves them available to breed later. It would be inhumane and cruel to sterilize or even use an IUD on them.
It is inhumane, cruel and abusive to sterilize or use an IUD.
No sterilization and no iuds. IUDs should not be used when horses are not under observation….you can’t determine if there is a horse in danger of internal issues or in pain from the body rejecting it ! On range reversible fertility control can be done especially if you’d allow the private groups to manage the herds….replace the horses that have been removed from all of the land they are supposed to have by law. Stop the incentive program that is becoming backdoor to slaughter. These horses are supposed to be PROTECTED not killed off by infection from IUDs and trauma from roundups!
Do not sterilize our Wild Mustangs, Burros, or Mules!
Bottom line this is political and needs to be tied to congress. Ranchers want the land to raise cattle, I get that… however, they are impacting the wild horses. Thus isn’t a breeding issue and hasn’t been an issue for thousands of years. This is a manufacturered crisis for greed and utilizing public lands yet the public has no say. Well we do! The voice needs to be to your politicians. The whole drought issue BS. Drill a well and create watering holes during drougts $50k vs the $14,000 taxpayer cost per mustang!
You know this is the publics land and horses the taxpayers are paying for all of this we should have a say and making ranchers being the ones rounding them up conflict of interest why are sheep and cattle put out there in some locations days later ? Why doesn’t anyone listen ? All just buddies and rich so control it all obviously I cant wait till you all get voted out. All big beef and companies control all of this people need to stop buying from supermarket I don’t buy meat at any supermarket.
We should start sterilizing hu.ans way before we ever start sterilization on any kind of wild animal let alone mares. Did you know the mare run the heard… not the studs! Without any proper instincts to care for their band and young ones the herds will dwindle to nothing. Not to mention the obvious! Humanity needs to dwindle down some before we do it the the native beings to the land that has been theirs since time existed. Stop this monstrosity!
As a nurse RN of 45 years I know IUD’s need close medical attention things can go desperately bad and that is cruel, barbaric use of birth control used on horses. You have safe methods at your disposal and refuse to use it but desire to be bazaar murderors on beautiful animals for no reason. These round ups that destroy families and introduce disease are uncalled for. To pen up a beautiful creature and remove their freedom for no cause is undeniable crime ( whether it be man or beast).