Please Comment Today Against the Destruction of 40% of Wyoming’s Wild Horse Herds
April 20, 2020BLM Releases a Management Plan That Would Result in the Destruction of America’s Wild Horse and Burro Herds
May 15, 2020Please Comment Now to Stop BLM’s Plans to Wipe Out 40% of Wyoming’s Wild Horses

Comments Are Due by April 30. Please Submit Your Comments Today.
by Debbie Coffey
Please Comment Today to Stop BLM’s Plans to Wipe Out 40% of Wyoming’s Wild Horses so Privately Owned Livestock Can Run Roughshod Over Public Lands
The BLM wants to remove 4,000 wild horses from four Herd Management Areas in Wyoming, which would mean removing 40% of all of the wild horses in Wyoming.
Please comment on a new Wyoming Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Resource Management Plan Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for proposed changes to the management of four wild horse Herd Management Areas (HMAs) in Wyoming: Adobe Town, Salt Wells Creek, Great Divide Basin and White Mountain.
Please urge the BLM to select Alternative A, which would manage wild horses in their respective 4 herds at the current Appropriate Management Levels (AMLs) for each herd with a total AML 1481-2065. As you can see on the graphs below, wild horses are already currently far outnumbered by privately owned livestock on public lands on these Herd Management Areas.
The BLM certainly seems to be violating the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA) by favoring some “uses” (livestock grazing) over other “uses” (wild horses). FLPMA stipulates that the BLM take into account the “coordinated management of the various resources without permanent impairment of the productivity of the land and the quality of the environment with consideration being given to the relative values of the resources and not necessarily to the combination of uses that will give the greatest economic return or the greatest unit output.”
If the BLM even took this into account, they ignored it.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) issued “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” a report that is an in-depth assessment of the various significant impacts of the world’s livestock sector on the environment.
The Center for Biological Diversity has noted that “Cattle destroy native vegetation, damage soils and stream banks, and contaminate waterways with fecal waste. After decades of livestock grazing, once-lush streams and riparian forests have been reduced to flat, dry wastelands; once-rich topsoil has been turned to dust, causing soil erosion, stream sedimentation and wholesale elimination of some aquatic habitats; overgrazing of native fire-carrying grasses has starved some western forests of fire, making them overly dense and prone to unnaturally severe fires.”
The BLM’s “Preferred Alternative” would be to remove 4000 wild horses from the four Herd Management Areas, and to reduce the AML for Adobe Town HMA to only 259 – 536 wild horses (while allowing over 13,000 privately owned sheep to graze many months of the year), and then to use barbaric and archaic procedures for the spaying of wild mares, gelding of stallions, skewing of sex ratios, helicopter roundups and other cruel methods on the remaining wild horses.
Apparently, the BLM is good with the high numbers of privately owned livestock grazing on these public lands, and plans to continue to let cattle and sheep run rampant.
The BLM counts a cow/calf pair (2 animals) as only 1 animal, so when looking at the graphs below, be aware that the numbers of cattle on public lands are actually double the numbers indicated on the brown lines on the graphs below.

Source for numbers of livestock: BLM Rangeland Administration System
Source of high AML numbers of wild horses: Salt Wells Creek HMA
Source of grazing allotments on Salt Wells HMA: BLM Rock Springs RMP Revision

Source for numbers of livestock: BLM Rangeland Administration System
Source of high AML numbers of wild horses: Adobe Town HMA
Source of grazing allotments on Adobe Town HMA: BLM Rock Springs RMP Revision

Source for numbers of livestock: BLM Rangeland Administration System
Source of high AML numbers of wild horses: Divide Basin HMA
Source of Grazing Allotments on Divide Basin HMA: BLM Rock Springs RMP Revision

Source for numbers of livestock: BLM Rangeland Administration System
Source of high AML numbers of wild horses: White Mountain HMA
Source of Grazing Allotments on White Mountain HMA: BLM Rock Springs RMP Revision
The numbers of livestock and the percentage of the allotment on public lands are from the Authorization Use By Allotment Reports on the BLM Rangeland Administration System. The numbers of animals were reduced based on the percentage of each grazing allotment on public lands. The numbers of animals were again reduced by the percentage of each grazing allotment on the wild horse Herd Management Area (HMA). The percentage of allotments on each HMA was from BLM Rock Springs RMP Revision. Numbers of animals were rounded down. For grazing periods that were 10 days or 20 days, the numbers of animals were reduced to reflect the shorter grazing period. Grazing periods of 5 days or less were not included in the numbers in the graphs above.
As it is, the BLM can’t find enough good homes for the wild horses that it has already removed public lands and holds in captivity, so many of these Wyoming wild horses will most likely eventually end up in the slaughter pipeline.
Please request that the BLM select Alternative A. Use your own words. You might suggest that the BLM prepare an EIS to reduce livestock grazing on Wyoming HMAs. If you sign onto a comment form instead of commenting yourself, 2000 comments just get read as only 1 comment. It only takes a few minutes to get onto the BLM site and submit comments online. Your comments will make a difference. Thank you for caring about our wild horses.
Here is the link to submit your comments by April 30th, 2020:
Click on the link above, and look down to the first line that says “Wild Horse Amendment” – on the right there is a button that says “Comment on Document.” Press this and you will go to the online comment form. You do not need to fill in the “Chapter Reference” or “Section Reference” fields. If you have trouble submitting your comments, contact the Rock Springs Field Office Manager, Kimberlee Foster: 307-352-0201.
Please stop BLM from these horrific roundups of these beautiful innocent wild horses! They don’t deserve this….they belong free….they are icons of the west?
Yhe horses belongto the land and area. Please leave them in their home .the research has proven that cattle are damaging the ecosystem. Not the horses. They have been here for many years before we have settled into the area of the west and north .if you have to use blm land for your cattle .its yime to take the cattle to market to reduce them down to only use your owned land
PlIn and simple. Not totaly against cattle .but these animals
The horses have been her for centuries. Quit being so piggish please .respecct nature. And please quit only thinking of your profits. Greed is overwelming .these horse need to have their home just like we do
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Click on the link above, and look down to the first line that says “Wild Horse Amendment” – on the right there is a button that says “Comment on Document.” Press this.
Please go to the eplanning link that Ms Coffey gave in her article and give your comments there. Every comment is important and YOUR comment needs to be heard by BLM.
These are not “state lands” and not “federal lands” and not even “government lands”. They are public lands. The American people own the public lands in the West and they are to be administered on our behalf by the national government under laws and regulations. This land and resources belong to all citizens of the United States.
Unfortunately, the BLM has an awfully prejudice interpretation of the terms of their responsibility and have done everything in their power to reduce the numbers of horses in the wild and find as many ways as possible to contravene not only the spirit of the law, but the letter of the law as well. The BLM has become the biggest co-conspirator in this effort to defraud the American public.
In 1971, Congress decided these noble creatures needed protection by passing The Wild and Free-Roaming Horses & Burro Act. What has changed? Cattle rancher’s insatiable appetite to have their cattle graze on public land, rather than maintaining their herds on their own pastures. These horses still deserve our protections as America would not exist as it does today without their contributions to settling and farming the West.
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Click on the link above, and look down to the first line that says “Wild Horse Amendment” – on the right there is a button that says “Comment on Document.” Press this and you will go to the online comment form.
You, the BLM, has Sold your Soul to the Devil!!!!! These Wild horses were there BEFORE the big cattle and sheep ranchers !!
There is PROOF that sheep and cattle RUIN what grasses are in the areas !!! Those ranched animals cut too closely AND RUIN the ground with their split hooves. Notice those same Animals have “cloven hooves” just as the Devil is depicted!!! Hence the soul selling comment.
The BLM so called management is nothing more than genocide to the horse bands!!
This land is PUBLIC AMERICAN land that is leased to big ranchers. SO, WHERE’S THE MONEY FOR THE PUBLIC !!!!?????? WHO’S POCKET IS BEING LINED??
JUST let the horse BE HORSES!!!!!
Please leave these magnificent horses (and burros) on the land. They are America’s heritage. They are our horses…our public land.
BLM, welfare ranchers, sheep herders…does the evident corruption you sponsor not embarrass you? Are you proud of yourself? Are your pockets full yet? Their blood is on your hands…this is your watch and you will answer for it! Leave them be.
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In 1971 these horses and burros were out under protection if the wild horse and burro act. Signed by a sitting president. These horses deserve to continue to live in the wild and be free as they were intended. Cattle ranchers can graze cattle on their own land. Cattle ranchers should be held accountable when they shoot wild horses also. The mustang should have been our national symbol. Do not decimate these herds.
Stop prioritizing livestock in a world that should by this point be reducing meat consumption and let the land, and those who rightfully inhabit it, alone to flourish as they should.
Stop the cruelty.
Find a way to share the land or put less calories out there we don’t need to eat meat anyway that’s another cruel act
As a tax paying citizen and one that does NOT consume beef, why must my tax dollars pay for an industry that destroy horses and their natural habitat … for cattle? I am sickened by the profiteering cattle industry that takes from the indigenous fauna. Stop this insanity of destroying our country’s heritage of wild horses.
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Please leave this horses alone. They are on protected public land. These horses are why people come from around the world to see. We choose to spend our vacation money in your state. Do you want our tourist dollars to STOP? The ranchers need to fence in their land and put the damaging cows in their fence!
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NO! Let them live and be free. I’m sure there is other space available to ranchers.
Stop killing our Wild Horses BLM.Let them be free!
Please do not remove these beautiful horses for cattle!
Please leave them alone.
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BLM can’t find enough good homes for the wild horses that it has already removed public lands and holds in captivity, so many of these Wyoming wild horses will most likely eventually end up in the slaughter pipeline.
These r public lands and the wild life including the horses and burro have every right to b on these lands so get BLM to start advocating for them and not against them
This needs to STOP!!! These horses are American icons. There is enough land for them to be left alone. They aren’t hurting anything. Keep them WILD & FREE just like they are. The BLM needs to be STOPPED.
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Government just wants The Land.
Leave Our Wildhorses and Burros Alone.
The People have not Vote to Approve this Attack.
Wild horses and burros have every right – this is their land and the BLM needs to STOP KILLING and taking away pub;ic lands for private use.
Please stop the destruction of these wild precious animals! There’s no need for this!
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The horses belong to our history u have no rights to take them way from us their beauty can not be replaced
Please reconsider, BLM, getting rid of these majestic symbols of not only the West but of America too! The herds of wild horses are still lower in numbers compared to the cattle industry.
Please, BLM, reconsider getting rid of the majestic and beautiful wild horses that are not only a symbol of the West but of America too. Their numbers are far lower than the cattle industry.
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Selective Breeding.
These horses BELONG here….they are a part the beginning of the world we know…they were here long before there was such a thing as BLM.
Please….Please….do not slaughter…roundup…destroy …the amazing and beautiful animals…our WILD HORSES.
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What BLM Rock Springs Wyoming is trying to perpetrate counts among the most extreme and egregious forms of lawlessness and reckless disregard of all that is right and noble in America: the wonderful naturally living horses and their appropriate habitats — which they enliven, animate and restore, make healthy and exuberant. But leave it to good old BLM and the Trump administration to favor those who are the real criminals, the devil-may-care plunderers of nature, on their blind and reckless suicidal course. As the great French philosopher said: Ecrasez l’enfame! or Let’s crush this infamy! if I have my translation right. Also see my protest letter latest posting on my website
No! Do not remove any of our wild horses or burrows from their land.
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Leave the wild horses alone!! Get the invasive species of cattle and money hungry ranchers off the public lands!! Let nature heal.
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Leave them alone!!!
They are suppose to be protected !
Cattleman’ should use their own lands to run their livestock. They still are a big part of the west and this great country of ours.
The buffalo were almost wiped out because of greed,
Stop the killing and the managed extinction through pesticides sterilization. This is wrong and anyone with a brain knows it
To the BLM;
Please stop the roundups of wild horses and burros in Wyoming. These wild Mustangs are iconic to Wyoming and the tourism that they attract brings in much revenue to Wyoming. Besides that the wild horses are therapy to many people suffering from mental illnesses that the horses themselves help overcome because of their majestic and sweet personalities.
If you have to protect the vegetation in that area, round up the cattle why don’t you. It is very prejudice of you to roundup wild horses that have been native to that area of the country when you allow cattle ranchers to bring thousands of cattle to graze and destroy natural vegetation and water holes beyond repair.
Please stop the roundups and let the wild horses live free on the hundreds of thousands of acres of public land. I am the public and I want the horses to remain. They don’t hurt or bother anyone; leave them alone for God’s sake!
May God have mercy on your souls for destroying wildlife.
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Round ups are a waste of time and a big waste of money. Especially tax dollars. I wonder how many people would decide to purposely allocate their tax dollars to this dumb idea. How about let nature takes it either beautiful or extremely cruel and sad course like it should. Its not like round ups are more humane- that is a lie told by those who love chasing and scaring animals to make themselves feel all powerful. Congrats on that.
Leave the horses where they belong on THEIR public lands, chase the sadistic BLM employees instead- LEAVE THEM ALONE.
These beautiful horses are the base of our American heritage from moving families from east to west, to serving for our military in numerous wars, to being a life force for the american Indian tribes for generations…The BLM needs to be put in their place as well as the rich and greedy ranchers that are paying them off! Let Americas…let me repeat! Let AMERICAS (OUR) wild horses remain free!!!!! The ranchers don’t own them, the BLM doesn’t own them, No one owns them!!!! But they are Americas !
Please leave these magnificent animals alone. There is enough land for everyone. Just stop ????????????????????????????????????????
We need to save theses horses
We need to save these horses
Leave the Wild life – wild . We humans have enough areas – leave the horses alone
My tax dollars pay you the BLM paychecks, yet why are mine and thousand others demands to stop removing wild horses never heeded. Why do the cattlemen as always for as long as I can remember get to use public lands to feed their cattle. It’s as if you cannot hear us…or are given enough power to continue on, which leads me to believe my voting preferences in government elections will have to change. You are wiping out herds with specific genetics that will disappear. I figure this falls on deaf ears, but I do believe my decision to stop eating meat was good.
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I can’t understand why everyone is on this animal killing spree lately, why can’t land be allocated to the preservation of these horses and turn it into a tourist attraction …. why can’t it be filmed for everyone to see and studied so that we can learn more from these beautiful animals ….. humans make me sick with their constant destruction of wild life
Please PROTECT wild horses do not eradicate them! And manage herds humanely!
Destruction of these animals (most likely for private sales and consumption) is destruction of our public lands and our Nation’s heritage. It is cruel, selfish and destructive; it must end and those responsible need to be held accountable.
Please leave these amazing animals be. Farmers need to respect that our public lands are PUBLIC. That means their cattle do not have more rights to graze there than these wild animals. Honestly I think the cattle need to be moved out of the public land space but that is another topic. Please leave these horses alone. Once you take them away you can’t replace them. We will be loosing an amazing part of our history and an amazing creature that did so much for us. They deserve better
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Please leave these amazing animals be. Farmers need to respect that our public lands are PUBLIC. That means their cattle do not have more rights to graze there than these wild animals. Honestly I think the cattle need to be moved out of the public land space but that is another topic. Please leave these horses alone. Once you take them away you can’t replace them. We will be loosing an amazing part of our history and an amazing creature that did so much for us. They deserve better
What in the world are you people thinking. Why would you seek to destroy these beautiful wild animals. Would it be for the greed of cattle folks? These creatures were there first they are not hurting anyone or anything. It all comes down to the simple greed and selfishness of BLM, cattle folk etc. Such a shame.
The round up of Wyoming’s wild horses is a disgrace to our nation. These horses are part of our national heritage and need to be left alone and free. We the people prefer horses on our federal land rather than the cattle which have been used to fill an industries greedy pockets. This is the horses land and our public land and these round ups must stop now they, cruel and inhumane! Stop the greed and destruction and listen to the public and do what is right for once!
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Click on the link above, and look down to the first line that says “Wild Horse Amendment” – on the right there is a button that says “Comment on Document.” Press this and you will go to the online comment form.
Please don’t do this. It’s terrible.
My name is Connie and I am so against the cruel roundups and horrible removal of our wild horses from public lands. These horses are icons and should be treated well and not injured and scared to death by evil means of rounding them up. Please do not do that. Leave them alone. Those welfare ranchers should be removed who run cattle and sheep that ruin the land. The horses do not ruin the land. The American people love the wild horses and look for them when they travel through the west and it is such a shame to mistreat these beautiful horses. No more rounding them up, putting them in kill pens for sale to slaughter. We need the Safe Act passed now and our horses running free.
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Click on the link above, and look down to the first line that says “Wild Horse Amendment” – on the right there is a button that says “Comment on Document.” Press this and you will go to the online comment form.
Leave these beautiful horses alone! You guys are going to make these wild horses extinct. Around the US. They have a right to live as their ancestors were here before we came.
this is so horrible please let the horses be horses
The B LM is basically concerned with cattle grazing opportunities on public land. They have little interest in serving the American public or our Iconic wild horses. There are more advanced and more humane ways to manage the herds! As citizens we need to remind the BLM so really owns the land- we do!!
Does your state have a tourist industry? Do you think folks want to see cows? We come to see wild horses!!! Helicopter roundups are cruel and abusive! Word is spreading about the BLM and cattlemen and the rest of the country is watching…Save our wild horses! Let them be!
Stop. Please just stop. Americans want our Wild Horses to live wild & free on these lands; not sheep & cattle grazing & destroying them. Please preserve our Heritage and protect & honor the horses. It’s a large part of your mandate. Just do your job.
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Click on the link above, and look down to the first line that says “Wild Horse Amendment” – on the right there is a button that says “Comment on Document.” Press this.
Leave the Wild horses where they are- they aren’t the ones damaging the land- they were her first and deserve to stay- unfettered by greed-
Please! Do not take any more wild horses from the range. The wild horses have been there for more decades than we can count and have done just fine. It is all the cattle that are doing damage to the water holes and land. The BLM should not allow cattlemen to put their herds on our public land just to get more money from rich ranchers, so they can have even more cattle. They should have to buy their land to do what they want, just like the rest of us! I agree with population control, but geld the stallions and leave the mares alone and you can also use shots for the mares. It is better than putting them in corrals to live out the rest of their lives. We already have thousands and thousands of horses penned that aren’t going to get adopted, there are just too many. And we do not want to see them slaughtered. I think What I suggested is the better solution!! Thank You for considering the right thing to do! Sincerely, Donna Bandy P.S Use a little common sense, please!!!!!!
There is enough land and water in the State of Wyoming to allow these horses to run free.
BLM needs to stop rounding up the American peoples Wild Horses in these western states. Your numbers are messed up. They show way more wild horses than cattle which is wrong. Theirs’s more cattle than wild Horses. Please give correct information not BS false information.
Why does BLM not listen to the wishes of the American people! They only do what the ranchers want. It’s all about the almighty buck! Shame on you! Leave the wild horses alone
Leave them alone
When will it stop ? Leave the Mustangs fate in Gods hands… they are his creatures.
Stop this NOW – they have a right to be there – don’t touch them.