New Website –
March 26, 2011
Wild Horses: The Rescue and Release of 31 Older Adobe Town Horses
March 28, 2011Call to Action for Our Wild Horses – Urgent Action needed now!
This is from R. T. Fitch: Suggested action needed NOW for our wild horses
Congress will be voting soon – we need to get the word out, so please copy and paste this everywhere you can:
Please copy and paste this entire post to email and get it out to all your email lists, FB, Twitter, networking groups and blogs asap and ask them to do the same. (Buttons installed at the bottom of this post to make this process super easy)
Then, take the recommended actions listed below:
Congress is working, as we type, on the FY11 CR (Continuing Resolution) and the FY12 Budget. The FY11 CR is due for another vote on or before 4/9. Starting Mon, 3/28 and going through 4/8 we MUST pull out all the stops to call, fax and email our reps in DC to reject ANY increases to the WH&B program budgets which will, in turn, suspend roundups/removals temporarily so that reforms can be implemented.
Congress needs to be pressured from thousands of constituents before they’ll take the right action on behalf of our wild ones. So, here’s our chance to make a difference. Follow these easy steps:
1) Go to and type in your zip code to get the names of your two Senators and House rep.
2) Click on each rep name, then click on the Contact tab to get their DC phone and fax numbers and jot them down (save for future use).
3) Click on the rep’s website link, then the Contact link to get to the rep’s webmail/email page, select ‘Budget’, ‘Federal Budget’ or ‘Animals’ as the Topic, if applicable, cut and paste the Subject and message below into the webmail and send that off.
4) Cut and paste the Subject & message below into a document addressed to your 3 reps from you, with your address, the date, print it out and fax it to each of them.
5) Call your 3 reps’ offices in DC and recite to them the message below.
6) Do the above steps as many times as you can in the next 2 weeks.
Subject: DOI/BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program – Stop Funding & Stop Roundups/Removals though FY11 and FY12 Appropriations
I am an American taxpayer and citizen who wants our iconic wild horses and burros to be properly protected and preserved for generations to come on their legal Western homelands.
This is not happening with the current mismanagement of the program by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). They are using the sole strategy of cruel and deadly roundups, removals and warehousing of wild horses and burros at huge taxpayer expense when more cost-effective, on-the-range management strategies could be utilized.
The BLM is, literally, managing America’s Western heritage to extinction and must be stopped until the entire program is scientifically revisited and completely reformed.
As your constituent, I request you to categorically support appropriations language right now that:
– rejects the additional $12M funding for the program in the FY11 CR & FY12 Budget and maintains the FY10 level of $64M both years.
– suspends roundups/removals in all but verifiable emergency situations while the NAS conducts a scientific review of the Program.
– prohibits the use of any funds to euthanize healthy wild horses and burros directly or indirectly for slaughter.
– funds public/private partnerships and allow conversion of private livestock grazing allotments to wild horse and burro use.
– funds an independent, state-of-the-art census of wild horse and burros on the range and in holding to obtain an accurate population baseline.
– requires truly reformed, humane wild horse and burro handling protocols.
Thank you for your immediate attention. I would appreciate a response from you on whether or not you will support this request in the committee negotiation stage and/or when it comes up for vote on the floor in the near future.
Sincerely; John Caring Public
Come on Advocates, this is one message that needs to be spread around to anyone that you know or who you have met. If Wild Horse Annie did it with school children writing letters to Congress we can SURELY do it with the high tech tools that we have at hand. Make a difference, hit the buttons below and spread the word for the sake of the horses and burros.
For more information on Wild Horses send your friends to visit us, here, at: Straight from the Horses Heart
or these other fine websites
- A Voice for our Horses
- America’s Wild Horse Advocates
- American Herds
- Art and Horses
- Corolla Wild Horse Fund
- Elyse Gardner’s Humane Observer
- Forest Horse
- Habitat for Horses Advisory Council
- In Defense of Animals
- Living Images
- Madeleine Pickens Wild Horse Sanctuary
- Pam Nickoles Photography
- Equine Welfare Alliance
- Respect4Horses
- Saving America’s Horses
- Tamara Gooch Photography
- Terri Farley’s “Phantom Stallion” Series
- The American Wild Horse
- The Cloud Foundation
- Horseback Magazine Online
- True Cowboy Magazine
- Wild Horse Investigation Team
- Wild Horse Warriors