Pregnant Wild Mares at a BLM Holding Facility
Action Alert – Please Take Action and Pass it On
Tell the President of Oregon State University to Stop Pregnant Wild Mare Experiments
Do you want to make a difference for our wild horses?
You can do that right now by calling or sending an email to the President of Oregon State University, telling him that we do not want wild mares to undergo cruel and barbaric sterilization experimentation by Oregon State University’s Veterinary School using funding from the Bureau of Land Management at BLM’s Short Term Holding Facility in Hines, Oregon.
If you have already sent comments to the BLM, they are NOT listening to us. In fact, yesterday I spoke with Lisa Grant who is the BLM lead on the Mare Sterilization Research EA, and she told me that the thousands of form letters sent by AWHPC are being counted as 1 comment. That’s right – 1 comment. The only comments that are counted are those that people sent directly, separately, in their own words, and there were 670 of those.
The BLM is still planning to go ahead with this cruel and completely unnecessary sterilization research which includes dangerous experimentation on pregnant mares despite the outcry of the American public. They plan to publish their Decision Record and Findings of No Significant Impact on April 15. This will be the plan that they will use going forward, and the BLM is going to use this sterilization research as a template for sterilizing our wild horses on the range. This needs to be stopped now.
Here is the documentation on the project:
Here is a portion of Don Moore, DVM’s comments. He is a respected Veterinarian who has extensive knowledge about wild horses and wild horse behavior. He has given permission to post his comments so that you use them in making your own comments. I encourage you to read his comments in their entirety here:
“The three surgical procedures for permanent sterilization of mares described in the mare sterilization research project, ovariectomy via colopotomy, tubal ligation and hysteroscopically-guided laser ablation of the oviduct papilla all require certain pre-operative and post-operative considerations for aseptic surgical protocol and pain management. Pre-operative bloodwork and a thorough examination are always performed on the relatively few domestic mares which are spayed. Other options other than surgery are always considered first due to the risk involved with any of these procedures. Aseptic surgical protocol and pain management is the standard of care for each and every surgery or the performing veterinarian would undoubtedly be sued by the owner and reprimanded by the state veterinary board.
Wild mares will not have their surgeries performed in a sterile surgical suite. Their surgery will be performed in a non-sterile chute or standing in stocks at the local BLM facility without benefit of routine standard of care. Unlike domestic mares who are easily handled, the very handling of these wild mares presents additional pre-operative stressors, which cannot be mitigated.
BLM does not possess the statutory authority to treat America’s wild free roaming mares as research test subjects to perform surgeries which are not the standard of care for domestic mares.

Leon Pielstick, DVM, inserting a chain ecraseur (and his arm) via colpotomy incision
Case in point, is a photograph of Dr. Leon Pielstick as he was beginning to perform a surgery attired in bibs used predominately for working cattle and performing the surgery with a non-sterile plastic sleeve that is used to pregnancy check cattle. This is not acceptable for a domestic mare, why wild mares? To learn this procedures has been performed on some of the Sheldon wild mares, undoubtedly in a similar manner, is gross negligence and inhumane on the part of the Department of Interior and the veterinarians who performed the surgery in less than aseptic conditions.
This type of trial and error butchery is a violation of the least feasible management clause of the Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act.”
“Mass experimental surgeries performed under these conditions outlined in the proposal, amounts to negligence and abuse. I believe experiments such as this proposal are unethical, inhumane and unwarranted. Any veterinarian(s) who would perform these experiments is in violation of the oath taken as a graduating veterinarian, “above all else, do no harm”. If a veterinarian in private practice performed these procedures in the manner described in this document they would most certainly be reported to and disciplined by the regulatory board of that state. Discipline would likely mean suspension of that veterinarian’s license to practice in that state.”
Please comment BEFORE the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board Meeting on April 13, 14.
Please make comments in your own words – you are welcome to use the information in this post and in Don Moore’s letter. Please be respectful in your comments to President Edward Ray of Oregon State University – we want to persuade him to do the right thing. And remember that these wild horses belong to us, the American public, not the BLM.
You may call his office at: 541-737-4133
Fax: 541-737-3033
and email here: http://leadership.oregonstate.edu/user/66/contact
Here is his page:
If you have the time to reach out to more people at Oregon State University, here is a list:
Dean of the Veterinary College: susan.tornquist@oregonstate.edu
The Board of Trustees: trustees@oregonstate.edu
V.P. Relations and Marketing: steve.clark@oregonstate.edu
V.P. Research: link to email form at:http://leadership.oregonstate.edu/people/cynthia-sagers
Alumni Association: Alumuni Association Board Members: http://www.osualum.com/s/359/index.aspx?sid=359&gid=1001&pgid=298
Thank you for caring about our wild horses. They are sentient, feeling beings, and they deserve to be treated with care and respect.
Press Release Here: https://www.wildhoofbeats.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/WildHorseFreedomRelease412016.pdf
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Why are you doing this on voiceless wild mustangs,if you are going to experiment why not on human pedifils,rapist men and women who are in orison for life,pretty radical but so is what you are doing.Stop this now,end the cruelty and the elimination of our wild horses that are the peoples!
Experimenting on these wild horses is not only inhumane it is also unethical and barbaric. Wild Horses are grossly under populated and any form of sterilization is only a way to drive them to extinction. The American people have had enough of this. We pay our taxes, but not for unethical behavior. Shame.
Many Americans, including me, consider these horses a national treasure and part of our heritage. You are an outlaw organization whom we did not vote for. you are making most of us very very angry with your cruel tactics and land grabs. I hope our next president puts you the EPA and IRS out of business.
Experimenting are you kidding me experimenting what who the hell do these people think they are anyway this is animal abuse this is animal abuse people need to be in jail for this is not OK this is not OK what that hell is going on why aren’t these people held accountable I am sick of this I am sick of it I’m sick of the abuse
As Carol says above – the comments need to be sent to Oregon State University to Edward Ray, President: http://leadership.oregonstate.edu/people/edward-ray. Simply commenting here on this site is preaching to the choir. Just clicking & signing a form letter (see above) only means all these form letters are treated as ONE! Just sending an email and telling the President of this University that there are thousands of people who do care about these mares & what’s happening to them IN YOUR OWN WORDS might cause this school to re-think this. As it stands now, the BLM is claiming they only got 670 actual personal comments!
Thank you Maggie. Thank you everyone who has written President Ray and anyone else – we need to keep the pressure up!
maggie thats what i say daily comments go to those who know not the abusers
Why can’t we put licks with birth control out? Simple less invasive. Do you just want to practice!. I’m worried about wild fires this year and the horses help keep areas clean. Please reply with reasons that you feel your answers to the problem are useful and cost effective.
Please stop the sterilization experiments!!
There is NO excuse for this “legalized”, barbaric, taxpayer-funded, painful torture being carried out against these animals!!! The BLM is continuing their hate-fest against America’s Mustangs & Burros and it’s SICK !!!!
This is very wrong. These are animals that have not been handled much. This is very cruel painful way to kill them. Will not have the proper follow up. Doing this to any animal is not right. Just to make a bunch of cattle ranchers & other special interest corporations happy. If the wildlife is left alone will take care of itself. The animals on public land is to be protected. Please, do not let a few greedy people influence you. Any veterinarian that does this is lower than dirt.
Oh – how inhumane – I really want this to stop.
Stop this barbaric act on these wild mustangs and on all horses in the wild.
Edward Ray, President: http://leadership.oregonstate.edu/people/edward-ray
It just makes me sick, Why do those concerned have to continue with this constant petition signing against inhumane treatment of animals. Will there come a day when those involved will stop and make it law. BLM, Oregon, it will take care of itself, Leave it Alone!!!
This is sickening, can’t they find something to do that doesn’t involve abusing animals!
This cruelty must stop!!!
Let the horses survive in the wild as nature required. Predators, and life will control, NOT NONE FEELINGLESS HUMAN BEINGS WHO DON’T GIVE A DAMN!
Thank you Nancy!
Is there any chance Dr. Moore will be going to the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board Meeting on April 13, 14?
I would love to witness his remarks directed to the Board in person, calling them into account.
These are wild and natural creatures and should be left that way. What harm are they doing? BLM probably just wants the grazing land for which they can charge exorbitant fees. The BLM is out of control. They do not and can not own the wild lands and creatures in this country. Maybe we should mandate that we do to the BLM anything that they do to anyone and anything else. America should never experiment with life – their own or any of God’s creatures – for any reason.
Leave these wild horses alone. STOP the experiments it is CRUELTY
These horses are not just things you can use for anything you want to. These are LIVING, BREATHING, and WILD horses do NOT deserve to be treated like theyre just things people can take for granted. Do they deserve to be treated like that? Do they deserve to be sterilized in this way? Do these people have any rights to do this? NO. These horses are living things and DESERVE to live free like they are supposed to. The people who are trying to do this have NO RIGHT to do this to OUR mustangs. These horses have the rights to live the way that they should, naturally and freely. These are America’s mustangs and OUR mustangs. We have to protect them as best we can. Do we want them treated like this? No we do not! We need to keep these horses alive for as long as we can and we try as hard as we can to keep these horses from disappearing from their homes! The BLM shuoldn’t have any say in this if they aren’t trying as hard as we are to keep people from killing these horses. We need to stop this before it can start, and save America’s and OUR mustangs before anyone tries to do anything to them! I’m Caroline, 13 years old, and I think that these people do not have any right to do anything to our mustangs. (I have made pics of mustangs on DeviantArt on akicherryuchiha’s accout under a folder that says Caroline’s Drawings. I leave comments on my drawings and hope that this also helps get the word our about the mustangs)
[…] Source: wildhoofbeats.com […]
I have just sent Mr. Edward Ray an email. I really hope that they don’t go through with this. After all, these horses belong to us, they belong to America, and the belong where they live. They do not belong to the BLM, we need to support this as best as we can to keep them from hurting our wild mustangs!
Please stop this cruel sterilisation program with these wild mares. Can you tell me why this is necessary?
It is NOT necessary. It is part of a plan to completely eliminate wild horses from our public lands.
stop this barbaric act. You are just kissing ass to the BLM. They are corrupt. You are better than this, OREGON!!!!!
why not just geld the stallions instead
Because there is no need to do any of it – there is no overpopulation problem, no need to use drastic measures.
This needs to stop!
This is barbaric and needs to stop! Such horrible treatment and in unclean facilities.. not really caring what happens to the horse when they are done… Can humans ever stop destroying everything beautiful God has created?? Leave these beautiful animals alone and let them live in what land they have left to have their young and keep their families together. … Is this like a petition? Are these comments doing any good? Is there a petition we can sign to stop this?
What is WRONG with you people? Do you have to destroy everything in nature, all that is precious and good, so that the university can get a few dollars!!!!! How about teaching students conservation and ways to grow and protect instead of destroying!!!!!! Doesn’t positive education merit monetary hai to the university!!!! Stop this senseless, cruelty NOW!!!!!!
I strongly urge you to reconsider this plan as it is just plain cruel. These animals deserve to live wild and free, not becomes victims of our government’s callousness. Please do not support the BLMs plan for sterilizing wild mares. It is barbaric and for any veterinarian to condone this is to show a total lack of ethics, let alone compassion for living beings. What in the world do you think this will teach students? I tell you this, it will not teach them to respect and treasure life but rather to treat living beings cruelly with no thought to their pain and suffering. Please do not do this.
Stop these unessary , cruel, expensive, procedures, leave these horses alone, it is all about greed, getting them moved so cattle can go in or oil wells or some other such thing. Leave the wolves alone and let nature go back to normal.
Why are you doing this to mares who are already pregnant. It is not right. I do agree that there should be a way to handle the population. But what you are doing is wrong and not the right way to handle this. Stop
These horses don’t deserve to be treated this way! Stop your experimental abuse on these horses! They should be on public land running freely and not having someone’s hand dangerously shoved in to them! What’s with heartless people these days? All of you people want to do is kill beautiful wild animals. Dangerous experiments on beautiful wild animals. Natures beauty! And greedy people want to destroy whats beautiful in this world. I guess you’ve lost any kind of caring or compassion that you had! If you had any at all! Save and protect our wildlife. Go experiment on a terrorist see if you can find out what their problem is! Make yourself useful!
This is a barbaric act and any vet performing it should be lose his license to practice as a vet. This is just like the bad BLM and their acts against our wild horses, donkeys, and burros. Nature will take care of how many animals can run on our ranges, and the ranges are Ours and we, the majority of U.S. citizens, want them to remain on the ranges with their families. The BLM and all the ones trying to eradicate our wild horses,etc. seem to be in the pocket of the cattle industry. Karma will come back to bite those that do any of this to these animals. The BLM, auction houses, killer buyers, etc will get their Karma and they will not enjoy it. And these vets and all the other parties to this disgraceful act will get theirs as well. Hope you all enjoy what will be coming to you and it can’t come to soon to you.