Action Alert! Please Help Sand Wash Basin Wild Horses by Commenting on Roundup Plan and Demanding Water for the Horses
July 2, 2018Annual Tour of Wild Horses at BLM’s Axtell Private Feedlot with No Shade
July 16, 2018Action Alert! Please Comment Today on BLM’s Plans to Decimate the Onaqui Wild Horse Herd

Used with permission
Please Comment by July 12 on the BLM’s plans to remove 90% of the Onaqui Herd in Utah This Fall
By Carol Walker, Director of Field Documentation, Wild Horse Freedom Federation
The Bureau of Land Management has issued a plan to remove 90% of the wild horses currently in and outside the 205,394 Acre Onaqui Herd Management Area. There are estimated to be 450 adult wild horses plus foals currently living in the area, and this removal would take 379 of them, bringing the herd size down to low Appropriate Management Area for this herd, which is 121 wild horses.
This number is below the number of wild horses necessary to have in a herd in order to maintain genetic viability. The leading geneticist on wild horses, Dr. Gus Cothren says that there must be 150-200 breeding aged adults in order to maintain genetic viability. Removal down to this number is a recipe for disaster for this well known and much beloved herd.
Wild horses should be managed on the range, on our public lands where they belong, not rounded up with helicopters, ripped from their families and the only home they have ever known and warehoused in feedlots and potentially killed or sent to slaughter. This herd does not deserve this fate.
There had already been volunteers working on administering fertility control to maintain the numbers of this herd. Yet the BLM proceeds to plan to roundup and remove all these horses anyway. The BLM should work with volunteers and use fertility control to maintain the numbers of wild horses on the range.
If the BLM does remove any wild horses from this herd, they must not skew the sex ratio to 60% stallions v. 40% mares. The BLM wrongly assumes that more stallions and less mares means a lower birth rate. What its really means is more instability in the family structure, more fighting, less safety for the horses. Wild horse naturally maintain a 50% stallions 50% mares balance. This must be maintained for the health and safety of the herd.
The BLM should reduce livestock grazing in this area and manage wild horses as the principle species here, as they are mandated to do. The Appropriate Management Level should be increased to 450 and the land that was taken away from this Herd Management Area should be restored to active HMA status so that once again the Onaqui Herd Management Area is 507,681 acres. Land continues to be taken away from our wild horses, and this must be stopped.
Some other factors that must be considered is that wild horse viewing and photographing is an important activity for this herd, and a massive removal will severely impact these recreational uses by the public. This area should not be managed primarily for livestock grazing, instead livestock grazing should be greatly reduced. The removal of these horses will greatly impact the county’s tourism income from people traveling to visit these wild horses. The costs to roundup and remove these wild horses plus the additional cost of warehousing them in holding facilities and feed lots is far greater than managing them on our public lands.
The last major concern that must be taken into account is what will ultimately happen to these horses that are rounded up and removed? Right now Congress is considering BLM’s own plans to destroy thousands of healthy wild horses, ship them overseas, and send them to slaughter. The 2019 Appropriations Bill in the House calls for that. Given that our wild horse’s fate is hanging in the balance, these wild horses would be much safer left in the wild, in their homes.

used with permission
What can you do to help? Make your comments today, by July 12 at the latest, in your own words.
Put these comments on the BLM site where they must be considered.
This treasured herd needs your help.
Please submit your comments by 4pm July 12, 2018. You can go to the BLM site and fill out their comment form:
If you have trouble with the BLM form, AWHC has provided another online form that may work better:
To find out more about Wild Horse Freedom Federation and our work to keep wild horses and burros wild and free on our public lands visit:
Our Horse Populations are way
Under AML counts .
There is absolutely no need
For removal of any kind
If you notice Wilfires are
Destroying Our Nation.
This is due
Directly to Equid Removal
Horses keep our
Ecosystems Safe
Especially during
Fire Season in the West
Overgrowth is due to
Equine loss and Cattle
Introduction on
Our Private lands
Keep Cattle off our
Public Lands they do not
Belong there Let Cattleman
Buy & use their own land
for Grazing
Please send your comments to the BLM using this link by July 12:
When I clicked on the link it says unable to be found.
Hi Melinda,
This is an older post, the comment period to the BLM is long over with. Please look at the new blog post for current information:
Your link did not work
Hi Margaret,
This is an older post, the comment period to the BLM is long over with. Please look at the new blog post for current information:
First of all your using my tax dollar to kill these horses or ship them to countries to be slaughtered for food and you tell us all we care for these horses you also went on private property and shot 6 to 10 horses and just left them in so much pain and your excuse was were here to euthanize these horses hello euthanize is one thing but to just shoot them in cold blood the mustang were here first not the cattle and the way i see it cattle in your eyes are more important than trying to save these horses id like to see you come around a mustang that i kept from yall getting your hands on her i give my life for her so all of yall at the blm yall can kiss my white southern ass yall need to be replace and it can happen what your back happy trails
Why do they continue to break up our historical wild horse herds? Once they are gone the DNA of that historical herd is gone forever.
Please save America’s wild horse population from slaughter. The people want these animals protected from cruel BLM roundup.
Cattle don’t belong on public lands.
This is a discusting abuse of power by the BLM. I say they leave ALL the horses alone. They aren’t bothering anyone. Why do they constantly want to torture and abuse these beautiful free animals? They need to abolish the BLM. They are a useless waste of taxpayer money used to torture and kill!!
Wild horses are beautiful.
Why would they kill them.
That’s down right Mean!!!
Animals have a hard time living in this world as it is.
They can catch and sell the horses.
Its totally abusive to kill them.
What about mustang from Utah that are connected to the pony express ponies of the 1800 s.if the Utah mustang have 2 bony knobs above their eyes then they’re related to the 1800 s Mormon ponies that had great endurance.the only breeds left who have the horns above their eyes is the moyle that is a direct descendant of the pony express ponies and the ancient chinese Dating breed.please read international encyclopedia of horses breeds by Bonnie L Hendricks.this book is available sold on Amazon com.if the Utah mustang are wiped out then so will this unique bloodline.there are pictures in that book I mentioned.
I for one feel they have no right to kill our Creator’s beautiful animals. Why must they kill everything they do not understand?
PLEASE STOP!!! You have no good reason to destroy them, except your greed. They are there for a reason. They keep our eco systems healthy. Why do you want to destroy the very things that are keeping our land in balance? I don’t understand why you think that you can even make this decision….nobody appointed you to be God. They do no harm.
Leave them alone! Who gave you the right to kill wild horses anyway. They are not hurting anyone or anything. This should be brought to a vote by the people of the USA. Not you.
Sounds like a government agency. Instead of trying to solve the problem they just want to get rid of anything to do with it ,like destroying animals. Why they didn’t give those mares the birth control drug is just neglect.
What is it this time? Farmers wanting the gov. land to lease out to farmers? Someday the gov. is going to find itself in a bad situation d/t people getting tired of their stupid decisions and taking our money constantly in taxes or raising prices. We have no bright politicians. We pay for their benefits and then they take away from us.
Politicians are making careers out of people voting. They should all only serve 2 years and no big benefits.
They are living souls who were born free on sacred land on mother Earth! Please let them be living family souls. Killing them is wrong!
I agree let these animals be. they belong here and are part of this land. You animal killers need to wise the hell up.
Save our wild mustangs
PLEASE STOP. let them stay on the land that is theirs.
Photography by, Guillermo Avila Paz
“ Please accept the following comments on the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed roundup and removal of wild horses who reside inside and outside the Onaqui Herd Management Area (HMA).
I oppose the BLM’s plan to roundup and permanently remove 390 horses – approximately 75 percent of the herd, and continue to remove horses over the next 10 years to reach the low Appropriate Management Level (AML) of just 121 horses.
I support the BLM’s use of fertility control in this HMA and agree with lowering the age of the mares for initial treatment from 2, 3, and 4 years old to 1, 2, and 3 years old, and use of bait trapping for mares who are difficult to vaccinate via remote darting.
However, the BLM has failed to adequately use PZP in this HMA, even though the majority of horses are accessible for remote darting. The BLM must expand the PZP program in the Onaqui HMA to vaccinate enough mares to significantly reduce population growth rates and humanely reduce population numbers, as necessary, over time.
The EA is inadequate because it failed to consider a number of critical impacts and alternatives. In order to comply with NEPA, the final EA must include the following alternatives as revisions to the Proposed Action:
· Manage the population with fertility control, not removals in accordance with the recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in its 2013 report. Immediately vaccinate a sufficient number of mares yearly to attain zero population growth in the shortest amount of time;
· Maintain the current wild horse population without removals by implementing reductions in livestock grazing pursuant to 43 C.F.R. 4710.5(a). The BLM has a statutory mandate to protect wild horses, while livestock grazing is permitted only at the discretion of the Interior Department. Livestock grazing is not required to fulfill the agency’s “multiple use” mandate. It is far more cost effective to curtail taxpayer‐subsidized commercial livestock grazing in this area than it is to permanently remove wild horses from the range.
· Increase the AML in this HMA to, at minimum, accommodate the current population level, making forage adjustments, if necessary, pursuant to CFR 43 C.F.R. 4710.5(a) to ensure that wild horses are given equitable usage of our public lands;
· Restore Herd Area territory to active management status, thereby increasing the size of the Onaqui HMA to the 507,681 acres originally designated by Congress;
· Designate the Onaqui HMA as a National Wild Horse Range due to its proximity to Salt Lake City, the accessibility of the Onaqui herds for photographing and wild horse viewing, the popularity of this herd with visitors and tourists and the economic benefits of the Onaqui horses to the local area;
· Limit removals to no more than 50 per a year and manage the population at the high AML. The AML range was established to allow the population to grow in the years between roundups; if the population is being managed properly with PZP fertility control, then an AML range is unnecessary.
· Welfare impacts to the Onaqui horses given the BLM’s request to Congress to lift killing/slaughter bans;
· Social and economic impacts of the proposed removal of 75 percent of this wild horse herd on the recreational users of these public lands who visit this area specifically to view and photograph the Onaqui horses.
These public lands belong to ALL Americans, and all Americans should have a say in their management. Please give serious consideration to these comments.”
Please help protect our public lands and the habitat of these beautiful animals, by removing all the ranchers and their livestock from ou public lands.
Thank you.
Guillermo Avila Paz
531 E. Driggs Ave.
Salt Lake City Utah 84104
Sent from my iPhone
Please send your comments to the BLM using this link by July 12:
Wild horses are part of our history quit trying to get rid of them. Leave them alone.
Yes !
The Horses are part of our Natural World …the Earth is already off Balance…….please leave them Wild and Free……..why would you destroy their way of life ??…….
The Horses are part of our Natural World …the Earth is already off Balance…….please leave them Wild and Free……..why would you destroy their way of life ??…….Why ???
Please send your comments to the BLM using this link by July 12:
Please leave the wild horses alone,how r they hurting you,let them be where they can roam free,educate people about the wild horses,this is their home before us.
Please send your comments to the BLM using this link by July 12:
Leave the horses alone
Let them live where they are let them enjoy life just like we do stop the killing in the name of Jesus!
Why the continued assault on our National treasures and PROTECTED living icons? The Public lands belong to the Public and they want their wild horses on it! They were granted “ protected” status in 1971 and they deserve that protection living wild and free on our Public lands. Please leave them where they are. There are so many other options other than rounding them up and keeping them in confinement. The American People have spoken again and again in keeping our wild horses free and roaming on our lands so please respect the Public’s sentiments and our horses’ right to live free!
Sally Moore, concerned citizen and patriot
Please send your comments to the BLM using this link by July 12:
Leave America’s wild horse & burro herds alone! These are part of our heritage and deserve humane protection and care!!!
Please send your comments to the BLM using this link by July 12:
I just cannot understand why they think they have to do this. The horses have been part of the West for centuries, the ranchers have not. The ranchers should not be able to take over public land for their cattle. Just because the land is there,doesn’t mean it is free for the taking for cattle.
Please consider the drastic results of eliminating 90% of a viable population. I do understand what overpopulation can do to the ecology of the area but from all the statistics, there is no over population. So why would such elimination be necessary but to politically appease a few. The population of domestic cows and sheep well exceed the population of these wild horses. Just as the gorilla’s in Africa are becoming a cash crop in tourism, so too, can our wild mustangs. African politicians and the people had to be educated on the importance of the majestic gorilla. We need to educate our country and people as to the benefits of these horses and how they maintain a balance in our ecology. BLM, won’t you help us to study and educate rather than create an imbalance in the natural adaptation of the wild mustang?
Please send your comments to the BLM using this link by July 12:
No more round ups no more slaughter houses … as a tax payer I ask that u pls leave these wild horses and burro free on these public lands .. ty
Please send your comments to the BLM using this link by July 12:
I am horrified at this plan to remove our beautiful mustangs from their natural habitat. It would be money saved and anguish and pain spared to set aside some land for a SANCTUARY for the wild horses. There is plenty of room for all. The cattle barons should not have all the rights to graze our public lands and the wild horses and burros have NO rights! Whenever man ignorantly steps in to control nature it doesn’t turn out well. These magnificent horses herds are few and far between. My daughter is a mustang photographer and is hard-pressed to find these herds, and when she does they are small herds and healthy herds. Please leave them alone!!!!!!They have a RIGHT to live out their lives wild and free, not in “concentration camps”, with babies separated from their mothers, and families broken up and put in holding pens awaiting slaughter or sold to be turned into dog food. I thought we were a civil society. Rounding up and terrorizing and even slaughtering our mustangs is brutal and inhumane.
Please do not round up and remove these beautiful wild horses: our national heritage. I am sick just thinking about the pain and suffering of these horse families. They are intelligent animals and very family oriented.
Dorothy Ainsworth
Please leave the wild horses where they are. What you are doing is be abusive and cruel. There is room for all. Stop!
BLM leave our wild Mustangs alone
Having wild horses is our accountability to take care of their needs of protection from taking them out of their own wild lands to their death which isn’t appropriate way of us to do that to them. Wild horses are our Heavenly Father’s horses so we really need to take care of them & keep our eyes on their needs of water & check to see anything else they might need our help for our Heavenly Father. Please? Don’t take them out of their own wild lands as their own home.
I left a long comment for BLM with all the talking points from genetic viability to helicopter chases cause unnecessary injury and death to these protected wild animals. I sure hope and pray that many many many many more people speak up and write to the BLM using intelligent language and all the talking points to oppose this assault on the Onaqui Herd
Thank you so much for commenting to the BLM.
These horses are part of your culture and therefore irreplaceable. Please save them
Today is the last day that you can send your comments in to save the Onaqui Wild Horse Herd in Utah – please use this link to send comments directly to the BLM:
Please don’t hurt the horses or the burrors..BLM doesn’t live with horses..the ones who think they have to have ALL the land don’t either..these horses need to keep their homeland ..I’m just a concerned citizen who cares…
Our wild horses are a gift to us from God. They belong free in their herd, left on their lands to live the lives they were granted by God. The Onaqui Wild Horse Herd is part of American culture and as such, should be treated with respect rather than pushed aside for greed of humans. Leave these horses be. There is no legitimate reason to do anything to them. It always boils down to greed. Don’t be greedy.
Is this part of a plan to rid the world of one of it’s natural, non malevolent species, it’s so sad & reckless to endanger the very creatures that helped settlers forge from a savage land, what is often described as the greatest country in the world, please show it is the country with the greatest compassion & understanding.
Let them live! It’s their Land!
Stop making our iconic Wild Horses pay the price for special interest group ranchers want to raise cattle let them by their own land this land where the wild horses are belong to the American people and we want to keep our wild horses on public land which they belongs in . The American want Wild Horses on their land. stop slaughtering these iconic beautiful Majestic Wild Horses they belong on our land not cattle
Please leave our wild icons alone, they’re healthy n dont need to b terrorized n separated from their families . Then to.put in holding n waste away or worst yet the possibility of slaughter. We owe them so much better
Stop BLM! Leave them alone !!!
[…] Action Alert! Please Comment Today on BLM’s Plans to Decimate the Onaqui Wild Horse Herd […]
This is so heartless and cruel!!! May karma night everyone who has a hand in this right in your ass!!!
There are other ways to resolve this. They just don’t want to spend the money!!
Who is benefitting from this? Ranchers? Someone needs to sue the BLM to stop them.
I will vote against any politician who appoints peope to the BLM who support horse roundups. Horses are iconic heros of our country. This is only to support ranchers. People eat too much meat. They need to buy their own grazing lands. Outrageous this is happening.
Let these animals live in the name of Jesus!! they have as much right to live as we do & they did nothing wrong man is doing the wrong thing …….so don’t kill them but let them live in the name of Jesus!!!!
Gandhi stated, “The GREATNESS of a nation and its MORAL PROGRESS can be judged by the WAY its animals are TREATED.” These animals do NOT belong to the BLM, they belong to the American people who are opposed to this treatment! Please do the right thing and leave them alone. They do not belong on dinner plates in foreign countries! These round-ups are being done for selfish reasons so that the cattle ranchers can graze their cattle on public lands. This is WRONG!
This is absolutely ludicrous and unnecessary! These horses are NOT over populating the range. The BLM needs to be dismantled and proper management organized without the continuous hideous and cruel roundups and sterilizing of these already decimated herds. Take the private cattle off the range and stop bending over to the welfare ranchers. The continual harassment of our wild horses and burros is criminal and cruel and must end. This is in total violation of the 1971 Wild Horse and Burro Act. End this march toward annihilation immediately!
These are one of the most stunning herds I have seen! To eliminate them would be a disgrace to BLM!
I ask you why would you destiroy them? How does this benefit the BLM, stop rounding up the horses and holding them. That is what costs the tax payers so much money!
You have removed so many of the horses already that the ranges can sustain what’s left in the wild.
So you pick on this herd is it because of a rancher? They can coexist!
Leave them alone!
This is horrible these horses deserve to live out thier lives . What if we eliminate the oilers that be making theses obsurd rules .
Please leave the horses alone!
Leave this herd alone. These horses belong to all of us. They have a right to live in their natural setting and harm nobody. Horse slaughter is inhumane. We the people demand you listen to us.
There is plenty of room on this earth for wildlife and mankind! Greed will get you Nowhere, why must they suffer for our gain…. That’s not right, there are so many properties and land that we can’t even sell to inhabit and it’s a waste of money. At what point does this stop?? It won’t, today horses aren’t safe and tomorrow it’s whatever other life gets in our way! I support no part of the BML, the people have spoken!
Another case of the federal government s complete disregard for the wishes of the people who and the hell do they think they work for?
please save the mustangs & wild animals
I spent a week with the Onaqui Herd last year photographing them. They are in good shape, good weight. How does the BLM calculate the Appropriate Management level for this herd?
From the numbers above each horse has 450 acres. Yes, it’s desert and yes a lot of it is Cheatgrass. But horses each Cheatgrass.
I would really like t o know how the BLMS caluclate Appropriate Herd levels/
Jenny Johnson
They set the AML with the land use plans which are done about every 20 years. They are supposed to change the AMLs to reflect conditions on the range but it is really a very arbitrary number and often doe not even allow for the minimum number of wild horses, 150 adults, to ensure genetic viability.
Leave them alone they’ve been here way longer than you need deserve to live there life JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE GOD GAVE THEM TO US LET NATURE CLAIM THERE LIVES NOT YOU THE BLM
There has to be a lope whole somewhere, any native land available to heard them to, or private land, this is absolutely insane, these horses ???? are part of our history, and should remain unharmed, so sad.
Shame on you BLM! These are our wild horses and they deserve to run. What do want to do exterminate them the way the Indians were. There are lots of other options for these horses and you owe to the people to use those positive optiins instead of the cheap and easy way.
Leave The Horses Alone!!!!
Wow Utah. What a disappointment to say the least. Those horses are God’s creation and just another reason why so many people travel to Utah to take in such marvelous beauty. Shame on you… These are wild horses, beautiful creatures that make your state as beautiful as it is. Please stop this massacre.
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PLEASE STOP. let them stay on the land that is theirs!
The ones that represent you in your state.
Please leave these beautiful majestic animals alone. Where is the peace and love.
That is so inhumane and cruel to try and demolish a piece of american history. If its to create more room for people thats bullshit. With the way this country is going, we will not have a piece of scenery left, let alone parts of history. Whats next gonna destroy the badlands? Try and inhabit there too? It is absolutely inhumane to kill animals just because they have a high population. Should we start killing humans too because theres too many of us?
This is bullshit! Mass slaughter of indigenous species for land rights?! *BLM you couldn’t be more transparent about how this is an access and development issue* BLM states herd is decimating resources?! Where are the examples of these resources?! and evidence showing a herd of horses is the cause? BLM plans to bait trap and remove 90% of the herd, with no policy in place for quality of life or even survival outside their native land. This leaves only 115 horses, where 150-200 are necessary to keep the breed from dying out. These animals do not have a voice, it is our responsibility to save them. Click the link. All you have to write is NO.
Are you crazy…are you trying to make these beautiful smart animals extinct…i know alot about these horses…i used to own a few and trained them…they are amazing…have more sales like they used to in colorado from the prison…some prisoners were able to work them and then they would have a big sale…the people who bought them had to adhere to certain rules like stable size and material but thinning it this way is crazy…stupid…and irresposible…
This had more to do with the cattleman wanting the range for free or dam near cheap to graze the Land they are killing of the wild horses because of them. Cattleman need to buy their own land to graze their cattle on. When you buy rural Land you have to fence the Cattle out. I have a fence for my horses and a few are from BLM and the range cattle run through my fence all u get from them is you need to build a better fence. But that same fence kept wild mustangs in. The cattle are hungry they need to manage their herd stop being cheap asses and feed them instead of killing wild horses that have been here before them.
Please don’t kill these innocent beauties.
For goodness sake leave some heritage alone these wild horses here are world famous and a credit at the moment, to your nation
Please stop this now. God put them here and not for you to kill them. They are beautiful and that is their land. Leave them alone.
God please be there for your beautiful horses. Save them. Amen
Prayers being said for these majestic beings.
They are more spiritual than you’ll ever know.
They can survive without the influence and interactions of humans.
Stop interfering with wildlife and let nature take its course, humans shouldn’t have the right to dictate to another living being whether they live or die. For to long you have played God with nature and it needs to stop! Let them be! Your country is plenty large enough for these beautiful animals to live as they please, they don’t cause any harm to you. Live and let live!
This cruelty has to srop and only we can do this. We all need to write ro Senators and Congressmen and voice our anger against this. Cruelty.
Leave these horses alone. There is absolutely no reason for this. I’m all for supporting farmers and ranchers that provide us food, but ranchers are out of hand. Support your local farms. You’ll be cutting the gene pool way back. People got all up in arms about birth control. Indigenous or not, they’ve been a part of our culture far too long. Most of our ancestors aren’t indigenous either! I’m really tired of humanity thinking they can dictate nature. We’re like parasites.
Power to the people and the wild horses, exterminate BLM!
This is so wrong! How dare the BLM think they can destroy beautiful animals like this because of the lobbying by these ignorant ranchers and their cattle….I’m so tired of tax payer money going toward these barbaric acts ….JUST STOP IT ALREADY AND LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!! You ignorant people do not need to control their population as nature is very good at doing it!
This is beyond horrific. These magnificent creatures were here before many of us and are being de imaged out of greed. Unacceptable!
This i9s a sad indication of what our government has become. This is unacceptable, wrong on so many levels. I do NOT want my tax dollars uised to decimate inhabitants of this wearth who have more right to be here than we do, or to wipe out more species! I am totally disgusted by the BLM- it isn’;t management, it is murder. It is environmentally disasterous, and morally unacceptable. This is reprehensible! You should be ashamed BLM, except obviously the people making the decisions care only about greed and have no morals or conscience. shame on you!
Please do not destroy the habitat of the wild horses or kill them because they are important to where they live and need to be left alone to graze in peace. If you want to study them by checking out every band of females and foals with their dominant male and how they defend them from other stallions and predators, that is fine, but there will be no destroying anything around them, so please and I mean please leave them free and in the wild.
The BLM should reduce livestock grazing in this area and manage wild horses as the principle species here, as they are mandated to do. ..This number is below the number of wild horses necessary to have in a herd in order to maintain genetic viability. The leading geneticist on wild horses…By Law The Onaqui Herd in Utah are #FederallyProtected … This a public outrage That will Demand a full, open and immediate Congressional House Investigation into all undertakings related to BLM / USFS round ups, adoption and mustang slaughter activities, on all lands publicly owned and managed by the federal government.
Why are you doing this??…so vile and barbaric…there is no need for it…you people are disgusting and pathetic for your actions…sickening!!
I am ashamed at what humans are doing to this planet, the animals, and eachother. Stop this immediately!
These roundups must STOP, these horses have roamed this land for centuries, horses built the west, hauled the lumber food and necessities to build this nation. They help maintain the natural lands, absolutely no reason for the roundups to happen with the excuse of the cattle ranchers. let mother nature take care of its own, using helicopters to run these helpless animals to near death is inhumane. The roundups need to STOP.
I’ve been in the middle of this herd while on the Pony Express run in 2018. The horses were fat, strong and healthy. The numbers are compliant. There is ZERO reason to round them up outside of our Utah politicians owing the cattlemen that helped them obtain their positions in office. This is completely wrong and as a Utahn I will push it out as far and as often as possible so voters know. The only thing that matters to these politicians is money.