Ep #12: Fixing the SAFE Act: Interview with Susan Wagner
July 17, 2023
Ep #13: Saving the McCullough Peaks Herd: Interview with Sandy Sisti
July 31, 2023by Carol J. Walker

The Bureau of Land Management has released the Environmental Assessment for the roundup and 10 yer plan for management of the McCullough Peaks Wild Horse Herd in Wyoming. The public has 30 days to comment on this plan.
I have been following, documenting, observing and photographing this herd since 2004. The last helicopter roundup was in 2009, and the last bait trapping removal was in 2013. They began a PZP (Porcine Zona Pellucida) course of birth control treatments on this herd in 2011 to keep the population in check. This herd has been held up by the BLM as the gold standard in use of birth control to keep a wild horse herd at a specific number for AML (Appropriate Management Level) for many many years, touting the partnership with a local group FOAL (Friends of a Legacy) who had been paying for the birth control darts, and declaring the success of the program and calling for it to be a model for the management of other herds. So the question is, why now decide to decimate the herd and remove anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 of an already small, aging herd?
You can read the Environmental Assessment Here:
The Appropriate Management Level of this herd is 70-140 horses. The current population of the herd is 178 horses. 59 of these horses are over 15 years old, and 22 of them are over 20 years old. Many of these over 20 may not survive another winter.
With the use of PZP the BLM cites a birth rate of 2% which they should be celebrating. They say that herds who are not receiving birth control have a 20% birth rate, so this should be viewed as a great accomplishment, not an excuse for removal. And 38 horses over AML should not be considered a dire emergency and trigger a roundup. The Herd Management Area consists of over 113,000 acres of public land.
Bait trapping is when the BLM puts “goodies” like hay or other tasty treats into an area with panels around it and a door that can be closed to shut the horses in, and also allows them to let horses out. It is less violent and dangerous when done well than a helicopter roundup where the horses are chased into a trap, but some contractors can injure the horses if it is not done well. The BLM leaves it open as to whether it will be done “in house” by BLM staff who actually know the horses, or by an outside contractor, and the more humane option would be to use BLM staff.
Below are some talking points you can use for your own comments which are most effective when put in your own words. Please do not rely upon a pre-filled out form – these will be counted a 1 by the BLM. You are welcome to use any ideas below.
I support the “No Action Alternative” which means no removal of horses and continued use of PZP to manage the population. These are my talking points for arguments against the “Proposed Action Alternative.”
- Genetic Viability: The Appropriate Management Level for this herd is 70-140, with the current population size at 178. Dr. Gus Cothren, the leading geneticist on wild horses says that in order to remain genetically viable, there must be 150 breeding aged adults in the herd. Removing 68 or more wild horses will severely impact the ability of the herd to remain genetically viable and the BLM’s solution of bringing in horses from other herds to solve this problem is absurd and cruel. They should leave enough horses in the herd to remain genetically viable.
- Use of GonaCon: The BLM goes into depth talking about the use of GonaCon on this herd even though they have a successful birth control program already in place since 2011 using PZP. The excuse is there are mares who do not respond to PZP and foal anyway – there are 3, all over the age of 14. This does not constitute a reason for alarm and change in protocol.The EA outlines three different conflicting plans for the use of GonaCon – one plan is just use it on the non-responding mares, the next is use it on mares over 13 who have foaled, the next is use it on any mares who have contributed genetically to the herd. GonaCon is a sterilant. After 2 doses the mares can become completely sterile. There are also issues with abscesses at the injection site. GonaCon should NEVER be used on wild mares.
- Range Degradation: There is no analysis at all in this document showing range deterioration cause by the wild horses being over AML. There is no data whatsoever on effects of wild horse use and then no data at all about the grazing of cattle on the range and the degradation to the land that this has caused and continues to cause. There needs to be documentation of rangeland health and the impact of wild horses AND livestock before this actually qualifies as a legitimate Environmental Assessment.
- Keeping the Older Horses on the Range: Supposedly none of the wild horses over 20 years old under the Proposed Action will be removed. However, “At the temporary holding facility, a veterinarian, when present, would provide recommendations to the BLM regarding care and treatment of recently captured wild horses. Any animals affected by a chronic or incurable disease, injury, lameness or serious physical defect (such as severe tooth loss or wear, club foot, and other severe congenital abnormalities) would be humanely euthanized using methods acceptable to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).” So if 30 wild horses have any of these conditions, they will not be left on the range but will be killed. This is not keeping them on the range and allowing them to live out their lives. And I challenge anyone to find an older horse whose teeth are not worn down.
- Ageing Population: There are currently 178 wild horses in the MCCullough Peaks Herd. 59 of them are over 15 years old and 22 of them are over 20 years old. It is possible that over 15 horses will pass away over this coming winter. With so many of the horses at the upper end of their lifespan and with only 2% yearly growth rate, it is likely that the herd, if left alone, will achieve AML naturally in a few years with no need for a roundup and removal.
- Time of Year: The proposed start of the Bait Trapping will be November 2023 – March 2024. This is winter. The BLM is supposed to check the bait trap every 10 hours and provide food and water to the horses trapped. However, in my experience, because of strong and harsh winter storms the traps may become inaccessible even with plowing for days or weeks at a time. The horses could die if not given food or water. Traps should be emptied and closed with the onset of winter weather for the health and safety of the horses.
- Use BLM Staff for Bait Trapping: An outside contractor should NOT be brought in to conduct th ebait trapping. BLM staff and volunteers know the horses best, and it is going to be safer and more humane to do the bait trapping “in house.”
- A 10 Year Plan Does Not Comply with NEPA: In this document the BLM proposes to make this a 10 year plan, so that they can continue to remove horses over 10 years without coming back to the public for comments on their plan. This is a violation of the National Environmental Policy Act, which is supposed to determine if their actions have significant environmental effects. The BLM needs to prepare Scoping and an Environmental Assessment each time it takes an action against the horses.
- Welfare of the Horses: This document does not take into account the welfare of the horses. Separating them from their families and their home and placing them in overflowing, understaffed holding facilities full of disease is not to the benefit of these horses. With over 61,000 wild horses currently in holding facilities, the probability that all will be adopted and given good homes is slim. These horses should be left where they belong, on the range.
- Needs to be Rewritten and Resubmitted: I am requesting that the 2023 Environmental Assessment for the McCullough Peaks Herd be rewritten and resubmitted. The document is confusing and contradictory and does not even spell out how many horses will be removed from the HMA. There is no clear explanation as to how exactly GonaCon will be used and on which or how many horses – there are three contradictory plans. There are no guidelines spelled out for how the bait trapping will be conducted, including during bad winter during bad weather. There was no analysis of the range conditions, and the contributions of the livestock and/or the horses to these conditions. There was no section with analysis of or response to the over 4000 public comments received during the Scoping process. There are other issues but these are the ones I see that urgently need to be addressed before the public can meaningfully comment on this plan.
Submit your comments here by August 12 at 4:30 pm MT:
Please use your own words. Don’t just sign onto a mass email form. The BLM counts those as one. It is difficult to submit your comments on a mobile phone – try to use a desktop or laptop computer. Please use the link above to submit your comments – don’t comment on my blog – that will not count. If you are having trouble with the form, or submitting your comments you can contact the Wild Horse and Burro Specialist Abel Guevara:
aguevara@blm.gov (307) 578-5903
Now the BLM is also allowing the public to submit comments through the mail. They must be postmarked by August 12, 2023:
You can submit written comments here:
Refer to: DOI-BLM-WY-R020-2023-0003-EA
BLM Cody Field Office
Attn: Abel Guevara, Wildlife Biologist
1002 Blackburn Street
Cody, Wyoming 82414
My Freedom for Wild Horses Podcast Episode 13, Saving the McCullough Peaks Herd: Interview with Sandy Sisti is here: https://www.wildhoofbeats.com/podcast/mccullough-peaks-herd-sandy-sisti
This is a very special interview with my friend Sandi Sisti who is out with these horses more than anyone else and knows them best. You can read her blog with suggestions for comments here: https://www.wildatheartimages.com/blog
The McCullough Peaks wild horses need your help. Please comment to help them.
Just leave them alone!!
They are on public lands
which are managed poorly by BLM!! All of the wild horses are being crucified!! For what reason ? $$ from beef ranchers & oil companies.
Public lands should be kept in public hands.
Please submit your comments to the BLM site here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
Your roundups are cruel and unnecessary. These horses are part of our heritage. There is no legitimate reason for these roundups.
You need to send your comments to the BLM – use this link: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
Sadly all of the links to BLM don’t allow comments!! Just another injustice to keep us and the wild horses silenced…truly disgusting! and there is zero no evidence that can justify removing wild horses from this region of Wyoming ! Greed and inhumanity are facilitating roundups. The absolute worst approved evidence of animal cruelty in America ! #stoptheroundupsnow
Leave them alone enough is enough they have a live to live free
These horses like all the beloved Wild Horses are an American Legacy that you BLM are engaged to protect. Get out of the pockets of the cattle and sheep ranchers and STOP decimating these herds of Iconic symbols of true freedom. The McCullough Peaks horses in particular are most treasured and have included some of the most famous Wild Horses line Picasso and offspring.
Leave them where they are!! It is their land too and they deserve to live just like any wildlife free. They are American heritage! The people long after we are gone have the right to enjoy them also. We humans are so quick to create endangered species and then regret and wish we had done more to save them. Do not let this happen to our wild horses!!!
Leave the herd in peace
There will be nothing wild left the rate things are going!
please leave the wild horses alone to live and be free! these round ups and captures need to stop! all for greed of money!! it’s disgusting.
they are creatures from our Creator, a blessing a worker of all man kind why destroy lifes beauty n the beast that got so many through life to where one needed to be. what if the shoe were on the other foot would we as a race need to be thinned out or put down.. THEY ARE WILD N FREE HOW THE GREAT CREATOR MADE IT FOR THEM TO BE. IN GOD I TRUST, the MUSTANGS MUST LIVE, like times before any of us live life free. they can not speak for themselves n dont deserve to be of a less value, they hurt no one n have a way of life to live off of the land, a silent beautiful creature.
I always thought these amazing horses as very symbolic of what the USA stands for, freedom and independence and it’s heartbreaking to see how dreadfully they are treated. I live in the Uk and I feel frustrated that I can’t do more to help, I would imagine that people all over the world feel the same. I find the footage of the round ups heartbreaking to watch, these horses have families they form bonds and they are just been torn apart. They’re not really rounded up at all saying rounded up gives the impression of something not harmful, no these iconic horses are hunted, hunted to the point of exhaustion as they fight to stay free, and many suffer terrible injuries, it doesn’t matter if they’re foals or older stallions, they all get terrorised. And the terrible treatment doesn’t end there, these horses that mourn their families and their freedom are often further mistreated in the holding facilities. And the adoption policy is a joke with them often ending up in the wrong hands. And we all know the reason why this happens, it’s because of money and greed, intrinsically America is broken.
This is so true. If there isn’t enough land, give them more. Stop subsidizing cattle men. Beef is unhealthy to eat anyway. Use more birth control options and adoption centers for younger horses.
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
Leave these wild horses alone. Do not trap them they are part of America’s heritage and should be left alone
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
Leave these wild horses alone. Do not trap them they are part of America’s heritage and should be left alone
An outside contractor should NOT be brought in to conduct th ebait trapping. BLM staff and volunteers know the horses best, and it is going to be safer and more humane to do the bait trapping “in house.”
Please submit your comments to the BLM site here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
I support the “No Action Alternative” which means no removal of horses and continued use of PZP to manage the population. These are my talking points for arguments against the “Proposed Action Alternative.”
Please submit your comments to the BLM site here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
Leave these beautiful animals alone! Please! They deserve a home and they are a part of our heritage!! We are destroying the most beautiful animals that Hod created!!
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
After reviewing the McCullough Peaks HMA Bait Trap Gather Environmental Assessment (EA), I support the “No Action Alternative” of continued population management with PZP with no horses removed from the range. Reasons for my decision are outlined below.
1) The Appropriate Management Level (AML) at McCullough Peaks is 70-140 horses, with the current population at 181 horses. The EA outlines gathering and removing excess wild horses through bait trapping to bring the herd numbers down to AML, however, the EA is unclear as to how many horses will be left on the range after the removal. If herd numbers are brought down to AML, the herd won’t be genetically viable. Dr. Gus Cothran, Professor Emeritus at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine, states that at a minimum, herd size must be maintained at 150 horses to ensure genetic viability. This fact is acknowledged in the BLM’s own Wild Horse and Burro Handbook.
2) With regard to the use of additional population growth suppression treatments, this EA outlines three conflicting plans for use of GonaCon in conjunction with PZP on mares at McCullough Peaks as follows: GonaCon use on mares older than 13 years that have contributed to the genetic diversity of the herd; GonaCon used on mares that have contributed to the genetic diversity of the herd (no age stipulation), and Gonacon used on PZP non-responder
If the BLM uses GonaCon on all mares that have contributed to the herd’s genetic diversity, they will be moving the herd one step closer to obsolescence. Given concerns about the potential for permanent sterilization and injection site abscesses, GonaCon should never be considered as a fertility treatment for any mares at McCullough Peaks. PZP has been used successfully since 2011 and should continue to be used for population management.
3) The EA states that the BLM must manage the rangelands to prevent the range from deterioration associated with an overpopulation of wild horses. The BLM has provided no data indicating the rangeland is deteriorating and without these data, there is no rationale for the proposed gather. In addition, there is no analysis provided for the impact of livestock grazing on the rangeland. An evaluation of the impact of livestock grazing is required to determine rangeland health before any wild horses are permanently removed from McCullough Peaks.
4) The EA states that the older population of horses (20 years of age and above) living within the McCullough Peaks HMA will not be removed. The EA also states that any animals affected by a chronic disease, injury, lameness or serious physical defect, such as severe tooth loss or wear would be humanely euthanized. Horses are categorized as “seniors” beginning at 15 years of age, and at that time they begin to experience tooth loss/wear and would be more likely to present with lameness or injury. If horses in this age range are trapped, we can infer that those with age-related issues will be euthanized. Older horses make up 1/3 of the population and, it is feared that a high percentage of these horses will be killed, thus negating the BLM’s proposed action that older horses remain on the range. Issues that are indicators of a horse’s senior status, should not be considered as criteria for euthanasia for any of the McCullough Peaks herd.
5) Of the 181 horses at McCullough Peaks, 59 are greater than 15 years of age with 22 of them over the age of 20. Of the 22 horses over 20 years of age, 5 of them are more than 24 years old. The horses over 24 years of age are in ill health and will probably not survive another winter.
Eleven horses were lost during the winter of 2022/2023, with 9 of these horses over 15 years of age. In assessing the condition of the remaining older horses, it is possible that the McCullough Peaks herd could lose 15-20 older horses this winter. When the current rate of attrition is coupled with the 2% average yearly growth rate, the population of adult horses at McCullough Peaks may well fall within AML over the next few years, thus negating the need for a bait trap removal.
6) The proposed bait trapping would start during fall 2023 and could continue through February/March 2024. As per the EA, the BLM will check bait traps at a minimum of once every 10 hours, with horses in traps provided a continuous supply of fresh water and hay. As necessary, roads to the traps will be plowed to allow access. Because of the extreme winter weather at McCullough Peaks HMA, roads can be inaccessible for days or weeks at a time. Plowing is often not possible. If horses are stuck in traps during a winter storm without food, water or shelter, they could perish. Because of this, all bait trapping operations should cease, with traps closed, during the onset of winter weather.
7) It is imperative that only trained BLM personnel, familiar with the McCullough Peaks herd, conduct bait trapping operations, without the involvement of contractors.
Yes those are Sandy Sisti’s talking points – you need to submit the comments to the BLM site.
Hello!i live in Finland.
I follow this beauty’s wild horse’s band many years.What i heard ,The horse’s freedom stop.No, they are live free and wild,no roundups 💔 keep going hard Works,they live free and wild togerher.
My Voice IS hard.Stop roundups no More died horses.
Protect our wild horses! They deserve the protections of an endangered species.
Please submit your comments to the BLM site here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
I have watched these horses for a long time, it is something so unique in the world that you should be immensely proud of, that still exists in the US. Traumatising 150+ horses for the sake of reducing a population 2-3 years earlier than would naturally happen, makes no sense. Horses are companion animals and will experience trauma for a long time. The ones caught are likely not going to end up in good places either, and would be miserable after having lived a beautiful life in the wild. There is no gain here
The Pzp is working and there are aging horses that will probably will not live to much longer. Please let these supposedly federally protected horses stay on the range and live their lives where they should be. As a taxpayer citizen of the United States of America, I don’t want my money wasted on horrific, brutal murdering helicopter round ups when it’s not necessary. Please leave these horses alone and let them live out their lives with their families, and not die being chased by a helicopter or die in captivity. Let them roam free to the end of their days. As a taxpayer, I have the right to go to the public lands. I want to be able to observe wild horses roaming, not a bunch of cattle.
Please submit your comments to the BLM site here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
Nicely said, Paul. Let the horses live out a natural life. BLM wastes money on things like a “shade study” in Reno. I’d love to see that scrutinized for waste of money and simultaneously endangering the lives and well being of the horses they were holding. Shade? For God’s sake the heat can get past 100-degrees in that area in Reno. Put up some trees even temporarily while they insisted on taking forever to determine which materials to use for permanent structures. Policy and protocol that in this case seemed less about the horses and more about the people shuffling paper. No – they did not do something that logical as providing trees. One mare died giving birth and her foal didn’t make it either. Not adequate water either for the number of horses. How pathetic so much of it is in the big picture.
Please submit your comments to the BLM site here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
God please help these horses, they need you. This is heartbreaking, so unfair.
STOP!STOP!STOP what you are doing! Leave the horses alone and just quit giving in to the lobbyists ! Theses horses are a national treasure and should be treated as such!
Please submit your comments to the BLM site here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
I am by no means an expert on equine population management. My daughter has owned two horses over several decades. It seems to me trying to tackle the management of wild horses on a large scale presents logistical obstacles. Why aren’t colleges and universities being tapped to use a resources? If every state university or college were to adopt two horses to contribute to academic curriculums, surely a difference could be made. It is well known that horses provide therapy for veterans with PTS. Has anyone thought of approaching the US Military at West Point to develop a plan to preserve and maintain the wild horse population? Horses are a deeply ingrained part of US history. If the American Eagle can be protected, so can our treasured wild horses. Why are’nt horses being used to control the overgrowth of natural lands to minimize the occurrence of wild fires that burn out of control every year? There are so many resources at our disposal that are being overlooked. Euthanasia is not a solution.
The horses need to be left where they are. Population control is working on this herd.
Please leave these poor beautiful horses alone they deserve to be free and you have no rite to remove them from their home they bother no one the ranchers need to stop being greedy and the BLM needs to be abolished
Please submit your comments to the BLM site here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
Please keep herd intact we should be protecting them and stewards for the animals.
Please submit your comments to the BLM site here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
Wild horses are living legends and public lands do not belong to ranchers They belong to wild life and this includes wild horses . Cruel round ups will not be tolerated nor will wicked transport to slaughter in Mexico and Canada either . Protect wild horses or lose your jobs BLM is doing a very poor and exceptionally cruel job round up wild horses Leave them be . Let nature do her job . Cattle and sheep destroy the land,damage riparian areas and bring in non native plant species horses do not!
Please submit your comments to the BLM site here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
Please leave the horses once lost they can never be replaced please listen!!!!
Please submit your comments to the BLM site here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
I’M new to this cite but find it appalling . the beauty and magnificence of these animals should be preserved and not destroyed. there. are far too many animals. that need. this “protection “
Leave those horses !!!!
Please please please leave these horses be. It’s heartbreaking watching horses being removed from their native lands. Please, leave them alone.
Comments submitted . . . Let’s hope enough people get through. Thank you, Carol for your unwavering support of these beauties!
Thank you!
We are all tired of the removal of our wild horses from federally protected lands. Enough is enough.You all have a gross interpretation of what wild and free ultimately means.It is a disgrace to see horses being auctioned at kill pens.Our sanctuary’s are full and doing all they are able to save even the least of them.I look at the BLM as a coup.Destroying what is inate and good.Disturbing the peace of our horse families and lands.Continue with your PZP. Their will be breakthroughs.Mares will conceive along the way.Presently their is such chaos in the breeding season.Foals being born out of season.No rhyme or reason to this, but the disruption of the bands/herds and their natural way of life,thanks to Birth control PZP/GONA CON. WHO IS PAYING THE BLM FOR CREATING SUCH CHAOS? US gov’t?
Have a conscience nature will take it course.One can see the ulterior motives of many. This is not what any of us want for posterity and mother earth.
Thank you for bringing this issue to your reader’s attention. I submitted my comments to the BLM using the link that you provided.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Leave the horses as they are, wild and free !
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
Stop Ranchers from Taking more Land, Don’t they Have Enough. So the Horses have too Suffer because of the Incompetence of Selfish People
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
Please leave the McCullough-Peaks heard alone. Let nature control itself within the band of horses. I am against the use of GonaCon on the mares.
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
Stop the BLM. They are doing a destructive job. They harm out public lands and enrage the public. It is obvious they are operating as a predatory illegal agency.
Please let these beautiful creatures be and let them live on the land that God created for them to roam freely ~ let them run wildly and peacefully for decades upon decades.
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
Are comments that are submitted without a name and/or contact information still counted? Thank you
Je désir qu’ils les laisse vivre leurs vie tranquille .C’est juste des chevaux ,ils ne font de tord à personnes .Les êtres humains sont méchants, ils veulent toujours tout détruire et tuer pour rien :'(
Leave these majestic animals alone. They were here long before we were. They are on public land. I demand you no longer use my tax dollars without permission especially an act this heinous.
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
I have tried and everytime I click on the link it brings me right back to this page.
Go here: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
Is there any good reason, really to have to dominate nature in the form of wild herds? Hasn’t our government committed enough crimes against the wildlife on our planet? Life that we were entrusted to protect.
It’s pretty pathetic to realize that AI and corporate logic ($) seems to have replaced human conscience, sacredness, and any heart or justice.
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
Please just continue to use PZP to control the numbers of these truly majestic creatures which are a gift from God❣️
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
I hope my comment was submitted to BLM. I found the instructions confusing, probably as they intended them to be.
Leave this herd alone. The LASTTHING the earth needs is more oil wells or cattle
These herds are what make America great! They should be treasured, not herded , destroyed, or sold for meat! They are one of our National Treasures in our country! You are destroying them like everything else in this country that is being destroyed! Let them alone and let them live their lives out naturally. Nature has a way of taking care of things on its own. It does not need help with it! Start loving and get away from the greed!
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
I have submitted my comments and pray that they reconsider the actions they propose.
Thank you!
Whatever did nature do before the BLM took it upon themselves to harm wildlife? I will follow through with contact to the BLM .
Thank you.
The public BLM lands belong to all of us. The Head of BLM should be making wise decisions on the wild life. They should also quit letting people lease land to cows and sheep. The horses have been here before the cows. It’s time we take our lands back and manage them ourselves since BLM is showing us that they can’t and wont do so. I bet we could do
a much better job of it
I am hoping the citizens of the US take back the free lands from ranchers. Horses should be there not cattle or sheep. BLM is doing lousy job. Period. Maybe there needs to be country wide protests from each state.
Please listen to all these Americans who love their wild horses (and all other animals). Your plans are cruel and unnecessary.
You need to send your comments to the BLM – use this link: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
Let them stay free especially with their families getting torn from your loved ones is devastating and each one will mourn that loss all their lives
You need to send your comments to the BLM – use this link: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
Please dear God don’t remove these beautiful horses 🙏. They belong running free. The left and the democrats want to destroy everything about this country of The United States of America 🇺🇸. Please don’t remove these beautiful animals 🙏. Please don’t do it.
You need to send your comments to the BLM – use this link: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
These amazing animals are part of our countries history. They are survivors. Leave them alone on their range. Move cattle to other areas. Stop these horrific roundups‼️
You need to send your comments to the BLM – use this link: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022012/570/8003816/comment
This round up is so wrong! How can a few wild horses overgraze such a HUGE amount of land? This is all about politics and greedy ranchers and you know it. Please don’t do this, do the right thing.
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
Wild horse must remain wild. For the love of all that is truly sacred. The spirit of the wild wisdom of horse is beyond important for the energy of Mother Earth and we as humans. They feel deeply and need to be with their families as you and I do. To remove them from their ancestral lands and wild nature is unacceptable. There is a ripple effect that will echo far and wide with one act. Each affects the all. Don’t take their wild spirits for you will be also removing a piece of yours. See through your hearts, and protect theirs. Keep them free in a land that is meant for us all to be free.
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
Vague or no sensible plan is a NO PLAN !!
Arrrggh !
I think BLM has all had
Lobotomy”s !!! Sick,
In this country, we did our all to preserve the bald eagle, though it did little to preserve our culture and livelihood. These gallant animals, the horse, was at every turn we made providing the strength to conquer our whims, goals, and wars. Surely, we can make a stronger effort to preserve the noble friends and lead them to a better way.
Dr. Ronald J. Pagano
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
Please leave the McCullough Peak Mustangs be. You’ve been successful in your birth control there and have praised your accomplishments. Why would you want to disturb these magnificent Mustangs lives by cutting the herd? There is no reason. They are an American icon and need to be left alone. You all know what happens to the Mustangs and you don’t care. You’re ruining the government lands by taking so many of them away and also dooming these iconic American Mustangs to threat of death by your roundups or through the slaughter pipeline. You claim the Mustangs are starving because the land is over grazed, but from what I see, it’s the livestock that are being put on the government lands that cause the land to be overgrazed. Stop this insanity now and actually help the Mustangs so generations to come will be able to enjoy the beauty and splendor of these magnificent animals.
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
please leave the Mcollough Peaks horses alone. They are a symbol of American freedom. The BLM doesn’t own this land; it’s the property of the American people. The ranchers are responsible for the over grazing of our land. Preserve the lives of these beautiful horses and burros. The dangerous ritual of stampeding and capture of these horses and burros needs to stop.
After talking to the wild horse specialist for this herd I see no reason to worry about their planned bait trapping program. Allowing the population to grow any further will jeopardize the herds population growth to the point a helicopter gather would be more functional. They are over aml substantially now and being pro active is good for the horses. I do not agree with their plan to leave so many older horse on the range because as you stated they likely won’t last the winter. Far more humane to remove them to allow younger ones with more genetic viability to be breeding. Surely arrangements can be made for a sanctuary environment to hold 10 – 20 older removals. Hay , room to run and shelter would most certainly be welcomed by these older girls. If not and as you stated have been following this herd since 2004 you could possibly document their life cycle this next winter so the public can see exactly what living your final years in a Wyoming winter looks like. Chances are the years of fertility treatments have left these mares living longer lives so keeping them in the wild was ach, now it’s time to give them a brake and allow the next generation to reproduce and fo back to natural selection . With treatments thorough enough to even maintain current population levels there will reach the point where natural selection is hindered and we are stuck with a man selective breeding program. Removals of older mustangs on an annual bases through bait trapping and providing them with a safe landing in the domestic world is humane and the least we can do for them. It would also allow for the herd to go back to a natural selection environment and not a fertility controlled and selective one.
In general I do not believe these smaller HMA need to be the poster child for fertility treatments when they do not substantially add to the adoption program numbers. Currently they are gathering thousands from single HMA and those can most certainly handle treatments without genetic diversity issues. You can’t complain about some 40 removals and claim concerns about genetic diversity while the fertility treatments leave far fewer mares available for genetic diversity. Bait trapping can remove a few younger mustangs each year to maintain numbers without fertility control , it can also be used to test the ones captured for genetic diversity and a selective return could be done to ensure the most genetically diverse mustangs are returned to range. Bait trapping is a wonderful tool and should be supported.
There is no “emergency” necessitating 40 over AML to trigger a roundup, even by bait trapping. The stress and trauma and potential for those removed to end up at slaughter should never be outweighed by paper pushers saying 1 horse over AML is a disaster.
If you are worried about these older horses, the BLM corrals are the last place they should be. And the helicopter roundups are terribly terrifying for these horses. If you have the least bit of humanity, due ur due diligence.
Please stop this project!
PZP works, (exceptions are few) and not a reason to stop using and bait trap instead.
Please leave these beautiful iconic mustangs alone. I’ve cried too many tears over the devastating deaths and abuse they go through in the round ups. These horses are so much a part of my life and family. They deserve to live wild and free the way they were born on the public lands that my taxes pay for.
Thank you for providing the talking points! I submitted my comments on the BLM site as you indicated using the information as a guide. Again, Thank you!
Thank you!
The public lands are to preserve our National legacy I thought ! Wild horses have been a part of that legacy for years! There is no valid reason to disrupt what we as American people cherish on our public lands! Nature takes care of culling the herds naturally so that is NOT a reason! Horses cherish their relationships in families to disrupt that is third world tactics! We as people need to do everything we can to preserve nature for our future generations to observe and learn from! I am asking the BLM to leave these wild horses alone on our public lands thank you!!
First off I have to say this is history repeating itself. This is like we treated the Indians. And the German s treated the. Jews. First off we need to leave the old ones. The blm has already said they will kill any horse with worn teeth The old will have worn teeth The ok’d are the teacher of the Hurd You are breaking up a family. How would you feel if some one separated your family. The sterilize used is keeping Hurd in check Do not use any other kind of sterilization. This is such a smal bunch of horses. Why do you want the land. Some one paying you (blm). The blood line is barely able to keep going You take stallions you are breaking up blood line. You take mares or sterile too many We get no colts. Colts are down this year. I am old and have come from far to see them several times a year. They are my family. I grew up no far from them. Do not take our. Wild ones. They are a symbol of how we got to where we are
Let the beautiful wild horses continue to roam free with their families. This is all about $ and greed. We the tax payers should have a say in this issue not just BLM and the rich cattle ranchers who want all the public land for themselves and their cattle.
Please stop this roundup. These beautiful creatures just wanna be left alone. If you want to round something up round up the cattle and make the ranchers put their cattle on private land .
The wild horses have been here long before us and deserve dignity, respect, freedom, and access to their herd families. They grace us with their beauty and presence. Rounding up, breaking up their herd families which at times results in injuries and deaths is shamefully cruel and very traumatic to them. So is shipping them to slaughter houses to be sold for meat. Please stop the actions that harm these magnificent, noble, sentient beings and allow them to live their lives as nature intended. Please listen to citizens speaking out for the wild horses as they can’t speak for themselves. Thank you.
Please do not destroy these magnificent animals! They are a part of our heritage and deserve to live their lives as they always have. No one wants to speak of the wild horses that roam Wyoming in the past tense, do the right thing!
Leaves the beautiful babies alone! They are an American legacy. Let them live free and wild!!
Leave them alone!