November 24, 2020Published by Carol Walker at November 24, 2020Categories BlogA Tribute to Picasso, Iconic Wild Stallion of Sand Wash BasinPicasso is one of my very favorite wild horses, and has been since I first met him on a fall day at the last helicopter roundup […]
November 19, 2020Published by Carol Walker at November 19, 2020Categories BlogThe Red Desert Complex Roundup, Largest in History is Finally Over – but What About the Horses?The Red Desert Complex roundup is finally over. This was a continuation of a roundup that began in 2018 with the goal of removing 2679 wild […]
November 6, 2020Published by Carol Walker at November 6, 2020Categories BlogThe Devastating Wild Horse Roundup Continues in the Red Desert Complex of WyomingAcross the road, behind our observation point, we cannot see the trap or the run up to the trap from here at the Red Desert Complex […]
November 4, 2020Published by Carol Walker at November 4, 2020Categories BlogThe Bureau of Land Management Does Not Allow the Public to See Wild Horses Being Driven into Traps with HelicoptersI am at the observation point for the helicopter roundup at Crooks Mountain Herd Management Area in the Red Desert Complex. It is 37 degrees. I […]
November 2, 2020Published by Carol Walker at November 2, 2020Categories BlogOnly a Tiny Amount of Wild Horses Will Remain in Antelope Hills Herd Management Area in WyomingI am at the viewing site for the Red Desert roundup – it will be the last day for this area in Antelope Hills. It is […]
October 17, 2020Published by Carol Walker at October 17, 2020Categories BlogThe Devastation of the Red Desert Complex Wild Horse Roundup ContinuesOn day 5 we had a day off due to wind – I of course spent it with the horses, and saw a rainboy behind a […]
October 14, 2020Published by Carol Walker at October 14, 2020Categories BlogThe Red Desert Complex Wild Horse Roundup Continues Despite the WindsIt is another morning a mile from the trap site waiting for the helicopter to chase the wild horses in Stewart Creek Wyoming. Yesterday 84 horses […]
October 13, 2020Published by Carol Walker at October 13, 2020Categories BlogThe Red Desert Complex Wild Horse Roundup – Freedom’s EndOn Day 2 of the roundup, the wind was so severe that the helicopters could not fly. So I headed out to see the horses one […]
August 3, 2020Published by Carol Walker at August 3, 2020Categories BlogDespite the Pandemic, the Bureau of Land Management Will Continue Wiping out the Wild Horses in the Red Desert Complex of WyomingIn August of 2018 the Bureau of Land Management began a roundup in the Red Desert Complex of Wyoming. The Herd Management Areas in the Complex […]