March 28, 2017Published by Carol Walker at March 28, 2017Categories Blog NewsPlease Comment to Protect Wyoming’s Wild Horses from the Devastating 2017 Checkerboard RoundupPlease Comment by April 4, 2017 on the Checkerboard 2017 Roundup The BLM was unable to roundup wild horses from Salt Wells Creek, Adobe Town and […]
March 6, 2017Published by Carol Walker at March 6, 2017Categories BlogWild Adobe Town Mares with Radio Collars Released in BLM and University of Wyoming StudyOn Saturday morning, on a very cold day, I joined up with the BLM, researcher from University of Wyoming and a BLM ranger as we caravaned […]
February 21, 2017Published by Carol Walker at February 21, 2017Categories Blog NewsBLM and University of Wyoming Continue Dangerous Radio Collar Study on Wild MaresOn Sunday I headed to Rock Springs, as I was told I would have an opportunity to view the release of the next group of wild […]
February 13, 2017Published by Carol Walker at February 13, 2017Categories BlogThe BLM Continues Lack of Transparency in Adobe Town Wild Mare Radio Collar StudyOn Sunday morning I waited at the parking lot next to the corrals at the Rock Springs BLM facility. It was 1 degree above zero, and […]
February 11, 2017Published by Carol Walker at February 11, 2017Categories Blog NewsStunning Lack of Tranparancy in BLM’s and University of Wyoming’s Adobe Town Wild Horse StudyThe BLM and the University of Wyoming are conducting a Radio Collar Study on wild mares in the Adobe Town Herd Management Area. I have done […]
February 6, 2017Published by Carol Walker at February 6, 2017Categories BlogThe Adobe Appys: How Did the Fillies Get Their Spots?Last week I drove to the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. My last trip to see the Adobe Appys was in September, and I was very […]
January 23, 2017Published by Carol Walker at January 23, 2017Categories Blog NewsWild Horses: Please Comment on BLM’s Plan to Reduce North Lander Complex in Wyoming Herds to Dangerously Low NumbersWild Horses in the North Lander Complex Herds in Danger of Extinction The Bureau of Land Management’s Lander, Wyoming Field Office has released a Scoping Document […]
November 22, 2016Published by Carol Walker at November 22, 2016Categories BlogThankful for Wild Horses – Visiting the Adobe Town AppaloosasIn late September, I made time to go visit Bronze Warrior and his family at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. When remembering what I was […]
October 28, 2016Published by Carol Walker at October 28, 2016Categories Meet MicaMica’s Reunion with the Cremello ColtsMica, my adopted Adobe Town mustang was at Beth Beymer’s place, Starfire Farm for a year of training on the ground and under saddle. Since he […]