June 21, 2014Published by Carol Walker at June 21, 2014Categories BlogWild Horses: The Proposed Destruction of the Sand Wash Basin HerdTwo weeks ago I visited the Sand Wash Basin Herd in Colorado. I have been photographing the wild horses there since the disastrous roundup in 2008 […]
March 4, 2014Published by Carol Walker at March 4, 2014Categories NewsWild Horses: Carol Walker Presenting about Wild Horses at Rocky Mountain Horse ExpoCarol Walker will be presenting on wild horses at the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo in Denver, Colorado Dates: March 7-9, 2014. The location is: The National […]
March 21, 2013Published by Carol Walker at March 21, 2013Categories Meet MicaWild Horses: Mica’s Second RideLast month, Rich came out to work with my horses, and I had put the four of them into my corral. As soon as he walked […]
September 9, 2012Published by Carol Walker at September 9, 2012Categories Meet MicaWild Horses: Mica Meets MontyLast week, Mica and the Cremello colts got to welcome a new member of their family to my place. I knew that Mica would be excited […]